
Filipinas who develop a bad attitude when they marry a foreigner

Last activity 23 January 2024 by vanvalenmikevan

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I'm really annoyed at how some Filipinas develop a bad attitude when they marry a foreigner. They become aloof, arrogant, whiny, complaining "female dogs," which they weren't before they got married.

My parents had such a tenant who complained on almost anything. She rented their vacation home in Tagaytay. After 3 months, she started complaining that there were ants in the house, when previous to her staying, my parents did not have such a problem. (Duh! If you don't clean up after you eat, you'll attract all sorts of insects and pests.) Then she wanted my senior citizen parents here in Manila to go all the way to Tagaytay asap because she said the windows won't slide open. When they got there, they tested the windows and they did slide properly. What the girl wanted was for the windows to open fast and "smoothly", like with just a flick of a finger. Unbelievable!

She complained about low water pressure at certain times of the day. My parents told her that this is why the house has a pressure tank in case you need high water pressure during times with low water pressure. She said she doesn't want to use it because she had to go downstairs to turn on a switch. And she is reluctant to take a shower when there's high water pressure because it's colder during that time. Gosh! There are 3 baths in the house all with working water heaters! And to think, this is a girl who used to live in a hut in the provinces. And then moved to Manila in shabby shared rooms / bed space. And probably used to take a "shower" using a bucket and pail of water!

I have had many Filipina customers who are also like her, who were used to a hard life, but now, thanks to their financier, now live in condos and complain about every little thing that makes life "hard" for them. They are so annoying.

Recently, I installed for such a customer, new sliding windows with a panel for insect screens. And also replaced torn screens of old windows installed by the developer. Days later, her assistant called us and told us that her boss was complaining and angry because the screens we installed were not sliding. But when we got there, they did slide. It was the lighter-duty (and cheaper) windows that the developer had installed that she was complaining about. But even those slid properly too, although not as smoothly as the ones we installed because those had heavier-duty framing, tracks and rollers. And she makes us go back to the site over and over again for nothing, just to go on and on that the developer's windows did not slide properly.

So now, she wants to have all the old windows replaced with new ones, except the ones in the maid's room, but that would mean more work to be done and more expenses too as the tiles of her window sill would need to be cut to make way for the bigger tracks of the new windows. And I think she's going to convince her foreigner husband to replace the old windows, so she can open her windows with less effort.

I'm not going to accept any more contracts from her. I just ignore her requests to go and check her complains. I was just doing a favor for one of my regular clients, whose client in turn was this annoying woman. My client was actually embarassed at this woman's behavior, of whom my client was also surprised considering that the annoying woman was used to a hard life a few years back before she married the foreigner.

I'm not saying that all Filipinas who marry foreigners are like these women I described. I believe that these women who develop a bad attitude are but a few. But they are out there.


She makes me sick just reading about her!
I wonder how long the husband of the tenant can tolerate her behavior.
It is almost a natural phenomenon. Here in the U.S. it is not unusual for a man to have a new Asian wife. She starts out wonderful, but before long she is corrupted by those women who have been "in country" for a while and it doesn't take long for the new bride to become Americanized...what a shame.
I'm a landlord here in the States. I have had some bad tenants, but none so whiny. Im surprised you did what you did for her.
It's about time you tell her to blow it out her rear end and go back to living in a hut!

FilAmericanMom wrote:

I'm really annoyed at how some Filipinas develop a bad attitude when they marry a foreigner. They become aloof, arrogant, whiny, complaining "female dogs," which they weren't before they got married.

My parents had such a tenant who complained on almost anything. She rented their vacation home in Tagaytay. After 3 months, she started complaining that there were ants in the house, when previous to her staying, my parents did not have such a problem. (Duh! If you don't clean up after you eat, you'll attract all sorts of insects and pests.) Then she wanted my senior citizen parents here in Manila to go all the way to Tagaytay asap because she said the windows won't slide open. When they got there, they tested the windows and they did slide properly. What the girl wanted was for the windows to open fast and "smoothly", like with just a flick of a finger. Unbelievable!

She complained about low water pressure at certain times of the day. My parents told her that this is why the house has a pressure tank in case you need high water pressure during times with low water pressure. She said she doesn't want to use it because she had to go downstairs to turn on a switch. And she is reluctant to take a shower when there's high water pressure because it's colder during that time. Gosh! There are 3 baths in the house all with working water heaters! And to think, this is a girl who used to live in a hut in the provinces. And then moved to Manila in shabby shared rooms / bed space. And probably used to take a "shower" using a bucket and pail of water!

I have had many Filipina customers who are also like her, who were used to a hard life, but now, thanks to their financier, now live in condos and complain about every little thing that makes life "hard" for them. They are so annoying.

Recently, I installed for such a customer, new sliding windows with a panel for insect screens. And also replaced torn screens of old windows installed by the developer. Days later, her assistant called us and told us that her boss was complaining and angry because the screens we installed were not sliding. But when we got there, they did slide. It was the lighter-duty (and cheaper) windows that the developer had installed that she was complaining about. But even those slid properly too, although not as smoothly as the ones we installed because those had heavier-duty framing, tracks and rollers. And she makes us go back to the site over and over again for nothing, just to go on and on that the developer's windows did not slide properly.

So now, she wants to have all the old windows replaced with new ones, except the ones in the maid's room, but that would mean more work to be done and more expenses too as the tiles of her window sill would need to be cut to make way for the bigger tracks of the new windows. And I think she's going to convince her foreigner husband to replace the old windows, so she can open her windows with less effort.

I'm not going to accept any more contracts from her. I just ignore her requests to go and check her complains. I was just doing a favor for one of my regular clients, whose client in turn was this annoying woman. My client was actually embarassed at this woman's behavior, of whom my client was also surprised considering that the annoying woman was used to a hard life a few years back before she married the foreigner.

I'm not saying that all Filipinas who marry foreigners are like these women I described. I believe that these women who develop a bad attitude are but a few. But they are out there.

Nothing like complaining about complainers.

Jimf wrote:

I wonder how long the husband of the tenant can tolerate her behavior.

The husband is out of the country for 2 to 3 months at a time and will come back here and stay for around 2 weeks to a month. When he's here, I think she plays "good girl" like when my parents first met her and her husband.


I see. Well, I think she will figure it out, hopefully soon.
Good luck with everything, I am sure it will work out just fine.


I know what you mean, they make me sick. They need a reality check. I find myself daily muttering choice words in my head at such women. They seem to really turn it on when your a foreigner as if its impressive! The thing is, most of these women will be dropped like a hat the minute the man gets sick of it, and tired of shelling out the cash. I hate to say it, but its true.


that was sickk...

morefuninthephilippines wrote:

I know what you mean, they make me sick. They need a reality check. I find myself daily muttering choice words in my head at such women. They seem to really turn it on when your a foreigner as if its impressive! The thing is, most of these women will be dropped like a hat the minute the man gets sick of it, and tired of shelling out the cash. I hate to say it, but its true.


""I hate to say it, but its true.""

And rarely, in this world, and even one more... Have truer words been spoken.

Peter Clark

Attitudes change when the Filipino marries a foreigner and we have met some that destroy our friendship. We meet an interesting expat whose wife or g/f just doesn't "fit". Its the case of not being able to handle the new found wealth and they believe that money will bring them everything they want......of course it doesn't. However, on the other foot, we have met some weird expats who's Filipino partners we feel sorry for!
They say "it takes all sorts" but that doesn't fix everything.
Some expats run their relationships and others allow their partners to do the job and reckon its the best way!

I would catalog the complaints by the moaning Filipino tenant and pass it to the expat asking if everything was okay now, sure it will embarrass the girl.


Most Filipinos are opportunists. Coming into money through marriage just brings out the worst in their character.

You can just look at how most Filipinos treat each other in public....i.e. they're not very friendly at least not compared to most people I knew back in the US(Texas).

Most people here in the Philippines are jealous of everybody and anybody who has more than they do.  They constantly 'suck up' to anybody they think might someday give them something.

I'm leaving this SE Asian Junkyard in a few weeks and I don't think I'll miss it.  I'll admit that my experiences and opinions have been somewhat influenced by my job experience here but still...the Philippines has been a big disappointment.  I think they'd be better of now if the Americans or the Japanese would have stayed.


Sad to hear someone saying Philippines is a junkyard... but it is, a bit...  The latest rumors from this junkyard are the donations for Typhoon Yolanda victims are being sold in some establishments in Makati City...


For a moment there I thought you were talking about my wife.




Yeah is sad.  And I'm not saying it's totally the fault of the average Filipino.  That's specifically why I mentioned the leaders.  You know, one of the characteristics of traditional Confucian society was that they recognized that leaders had an obligation to set an example.  It used to be that way in colonial America and the days of the "Old West" too.

But sadly the idea of setting an ethical example isn't too popular anywhere anymore and darn sure not here in the Philippines.  I will say I think the S.Koreans do a pretty good job of setting a good example for the younger generation.

My pastor tells and I were talking just this last Sunday and he said that most Filipino parents let their kids 'run all over them' and that he tells parents constantly that if they don't discipline their kids in elementary school, that those same kids will be telling the parents what to do by the time they're in high school.  I see this little shit-holes in the pc cafes all the time and if I was their dad dad I'd slap their sorry asses through the wall.

But the Philippines could be such a productive place and Filipinos would be so much better off, as a society, if influential people would get off their fat, comfortable asses and simply tell these kids that spending all day in pc cafes playing shoot'm ups isn't going to do a damn thing for their future or the country.

And also, the Philippines would be a lot better off and NOT the country with one of the highest rates of illegitimate births on planet earth if somebody would teach some emotional maturity to Filipina women.

Part of the problem is that the foreigners who come over here, in many case, all they want to do is 'take advantage' of the low Filipino labor rates, emotionally immature women and the fact that most Filipinos 'have their price'. 

But they DON'T ever try to actually teach Filipinos anything that goes against the Filipino innate childishness.

I saw an article once that referred to the S.Koreans as 'the Irish of Asia'...i.e. in the sense that S.Koreans are very expressive and volatile in their emotions....sorta childish in a way...and I'd agree with that.  But I think the Filipinos are the same way.

It's a cold, cruel world out there but part of the problem with Filipinos is that they just take it, and take it, and take it some more.  My pastor made the comment once that 'Filipinos are great warriors'.

When he said that I thought to myself, "What bullshit!"  First of all, they're not warriors.... most of the time they're just muggers.  And for that matter...even if they were 'great warriors', what usually happens to great warriors?  They die.... wasting their life for crooked politicians.

A true patriot has the courage to confront important national issues in a spirit of love but I see very little of that here in the Philippines.  Most of the people just 'take it' and 'try to get by' because of that stupid Filipino characteristic of not wanting to upset anybody.  And that's the reason why they get taken advantage of most of the time.

There's a lot of smart Filipinos in the Philippines but I just wish they'd show more leadership and take more responsibility on issues of morality, ethics and professionalism in their country.

I probably got off on a rant but...I can be rather verbose at times.

FilAmericanMom wrote:

I'm really annoyed at how some Filipinas develop a bad attitude when they marry a foreigner. They become aloof, arrogant, whiny, complaining "female dogs," which they weren't before they got married.

My parents had such a tenant who complained on almost anything. She rented their vacation home in Tagaytay. After 3 months, she started complaining that there were ants in the house, when previous to her staying, my parents did not have such a problem. (Duh! If you don't clean up after you eat, you'll attract all sorts of insects and pests.) Then she wanted my senior citizen parents here in Manila to go all the way to Tagaytay asap because she said the windows won't slide open. When they got there, they tested the windows and they did slide properly. What the girl wanted was for the windows to open fast and "smoothly", like with just a flick of a finger. Unbelievable!

She complained about low water pressure at certain times of the day. My parents told her that this is why the house has a pressure tank in case you need high water pressure during times with low water pressure. She said she doesn't want to use it because she had to go downstairs to turn on a switch. And she is reluctant to take a shower when there's high water pressure because it's colder during that time. Gosh! There are 3 baths in the house all with working water heaters! And to think, this is a girl who used to live in a hut in the provinces. And then moved to Manila in shabby shared rooms / bed space. And probably used to take a "shower" using a bucket and pail of water!

I have had many Filipina customers who are also like her, who were used to a hard life, but now, thanks to their financier, now live in condos and complain about every little thing that makes life "hard" for them. They are so annoying.

Recently, I installed for such a customer, new sliding windows with a panel for insect screens. And also replaced torn screens of old windows installed by the developer. Days later, her assistant called us and told us that her boss was complaining and angry because the screens we installed were not sliding. But when we got there, they did slide. It was the lighter-duty (and cheaper) windows that the developer had installed that she was complaining about. But even those slid properly too, although not as smoothly as the ones we installed because those had heavier-duty framing, tracks and rollers. And she makes us go back to the site over and over again for nothing, just to go on and on that the developer's windows did not slide properly.

So now, she wants to have all the old windows replaced with new ones, except the ones in the maid's room, but that would mean more work to be done and more expenses too as the tiles of her window sill would need to be cut to make way for the bigger tracks of the new windows. And I think she's going to convince her foreigner husband to replace the old windows, so she can open her windows with less effort.

I'm not going to accept any more contracts from her. I just ignore her requests to go and check her complains. I was just doing a favor for one of my regular clients, whose client in turn was this annoying woman. My client was actually embarassed at this woman's behavior, of whom my client was also surprised considering that the annoying woman was used to a hard life a few years back before she married the foreigner.

I'm not saying that all Filipinas who marry foreigners are like these women I described. I believe that these women who develop a bad attitude are but a few. But they are out there.

Nakatungtung lang sa ibabaw ng kalabaw akala mo na kung sinong maka asta.Akala mo di galing bundok.Nakakapanggigil yong ganyan.Nakakahiya sila!

wanderingsalsero wrote:

I'm leaving this SE Asian Junkyard in a few weeks and I don't think I'll miss it.  I'll admit that my experiences and opinions have been somewhat influenced by my job experience here but still...the Philippines has been a big disappointment.  I think they'd be better of now if the Americans or the Japanese would have stayed.

You think the Philippines would be better off under Japanese or American rule?  Don't let the door hit your butt on the way out.

mugtech wrote:
wanderingsalsero wrote:

I'm leaving this SE Asian Junkyard in a few weeks and I don't think I'll miss it.  I'll admit that my experiences and opinions have been somewhat influenced by my job experience here but still...the Philippines has been a big disappointment.  I think they'd be better of now if the Americans or the Japanese would have stayed.

You think the Philippines would be better off under Japanese or American rule?  Don't let the door hit your butt on the way out.

Manuel L. Quezon, former Philippine president, said this: "I would rather have a country run like hell by Filipinos than a country run like heaven by the Americans, because however bad a Filipino government might be, we can always change it."

That was said less than a hundred years ago... Guess he was right, except the "can change government" part... It's taking a looooooong time to make this happen... Everything went downhill during the Marcos era, nothing was the same ever again...


That's a perfectly reasonable statement, considering what revelations by Edward Snowdan and others have revealed about the inner workings of the US government recently.

George Washington and the original founding fathers would never being getting involved in any kind of foreign least not the way the US government has been doing it since WW2. 

It's become the 'new colonialism'.... taking down governments that don't tow the globalist line.  The average Filipino is so ignorant of how these things work, and so eager to accept handouts, that they have no idea what's coming down the road for them in the very near future.  And the leaders who have the intelligence to see it, or suspect, it...they don't give a rat's ass.

I see a lot of people, some in plain-clothes and some in US military uniforms, at the Dusit Thani where I go to church every Sunday.  And I think...' sleep with the Devil and you can definitely expect a little bastard'.


How true about Filipinas marrying foreigners.
I am married to a Filipina now for almost 30 years.
What I have is amazing here in the states. I have
Seen so many Filipinas come here married to a
Foreigner ( or for that matter married to another Filipino)
and become stuck up or they think they are now entitled
To everything with there egotistical superior attitude. I really
Want to tell them how you forgot when you were just
Shitting in a whole in the ground or on a toilet with no toilet
seat. (I'll never figure that one out).
It's really disgraceful to see how they are once they are


I was in Vietnam 68-72 and had a lot of friends who married Vietnamese girls and we all noticed the same thing...usually. Of course there were exceptions but very often they got back to the US and they started getting fat, and bitchy....and just lost all that sweetness that make their guys like them in the first place.  Me...I'd never consider taking a foreign girl back to the US.  But of course it's become such a police-state that I don't plan on ever going back myself.

Peter Clark

Wanderingsalsero, what was your job experience that gave you the bad feelings about Filipinos?

There is certainly a strong class  distinction amongst the Philippine people and when we have a partner from the lower echelon we find it difficult to socialize with the well healed Filipinos who we are asking to make friends with their maids!

We tend to categorize all Filipinos the same as the type we meet and consequently they all get "Tarred with the same brush"

It is irritating sometimes when we cannot have a meaningful conversation with our partners or discuss the world situations after viewing the international TV news. We cannot have it all ways I suppose.


Hi ladykris1982,

Please post in English only on the Anglophone section of the Philippines forum.



Expat-blog team.



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wanderingsalsero wrote:

I was in Vietnam 68-72 and had a lot of friends who married Vietnamese girls and we all noticed the same thing...usually. Of course there were exceptions but very often they got back to the US and they started getting fat, and bitchy....and just lost all that sweetness that make their guys like them in the first place.  Me...I'd never consider taking a foreign girl back to the US.  But of course it's become such a police-state that I don't plan on ever going back myself.

Please enlighten us as to the non USA non police-state you are fleeing to so that we can all take advantage of your worldly wisdom.

arty5987 wrote:

It's really disgraceful to see how they are once they are

What does that mean "Americanized"? I guess it has a different meaning to different people. 

I lived in America for a few years, and I became americanized. You see, after I graduated from college here in the Philippines, my parents passed on to my name the family business. We all managed the business and shared the profits, but I had always felt that I was under their shadow. At one time I told a friend that I had qualms about whether I could do it on my own. And she said not to worry because I would receive an inheritance anyways. Her words, instead of giving me comfort, made me feel even more unsettled.

So I moved to the US because I wanted to experience what it's like without constant "benefactors" i.e. my parents. And I heard that in America kids are more independent, that they leave the nest even during their teenage years and be self supporting. The move was probably one of the best decisions I've made in my life. It made me feel more in control of my life. Later I got married and had a child.  And I learned a lot of life lessons while there, including living a simple life.

When I came back to the Philippines with my husband and son, I was more self assured. At one time, a relative asked me, in front of my parents, if I think it's unfair, or even feel cheated, that my parents decided to buy a property and put it under my brother's name to avoid his paying inheritance taxes. And I replied, at an instant, that my brother deserves more inheritance than I do because his wife has a disorder who needs constant treatment. And so does my sister, because she needs it for her child who has cerebral palsy.  And besides, I don't have the right to question how to distribute something that I didn't work for or earn myself.

My relative and my parents were surprised at what I said and how I said it. It was so spontaneous. (And I'm not taking back what I said.) After living in America, I lost the sense of entitlement. I guess I became "Americanized."


Hi FilAmMom..

I think that's nice that you had that experience and feel that way.  Travel is always educational. 

My world history teacher, a Chinese guy who had been in Chiang Kai Cheks (sp?) movenment when "Mao" pushed them off mainland China and over to Taiwan after WW2, told us that the reason undergraduate degrees are 4 years is because back in the days of medieval kingdoms, 'lords' used to educate their sons by having them travel for 4 years.

Even I haven't had the best of experiences, to my preferences I mean, here in the Philippines, I still look at it as 'adventure' even though I'm moving on to Dubai next month.


filcan wrote:

For a moment there I thought you were talking about my wife.




If your wife left for New York about mid November to meet up with you around December, and is staying in New York till a little after mid January of next year, and she just recently sent my parents a text message asking if they could open a dollar account for her to transfer money to pay for rent because she forgot to fund her account here in the Philippines, then she's the one I'm talking about.

morefuninthephilippines wrote:

The thing is, most of these women will be dropped like a hat the minute the man gets sick of it, and tired of shelling out the cash. I hate to say it, but its true.

I was having a casual interview with a help. She told me she used to work for a woman who had a Japanese bf. The employer and the bf met in Japan. She moved back to the Philippines. The Japanese guy continued giving her financial support including payments for a new car.

She presented herself as a single mom, that her son's father left them. The bf was fond of the little boy that he also gave him extra money as allowance and stuff like laptops and gadgets. He eventually built a house here in the Philippines, and visits her every now and then.

The woman used some of the money sent to her to build a house, which she said was for her mom. She would ask extra for things like beauty treatments and product lines by this popular Filipino plastic surgeon. She also had a nose job. She spends a lot on shopping. And she would even get mad at the bf if he doesn't send extra.

The Japanese bf found out that the house she was building was not for her mom but was actually for the father of her son, with whom she had been living secretly in that half-finished house.

He's stopped all support, including for her son who now has a smoking and drinking habit. She even had the gall to scold the bf for stopping support.

The new car with just a few more payments before being fully paid up, she already sold, and bought instead a used car. She still buys expensive beauty treatments even though she has very little money now. Reality still has not completely sunk in for her and her family, according to my house help. She still hands out money to siblings and her mom, who actually complain that they are receiving less now.


Having been married to the same Filipina 25 years and spend considerable time in the PI, I am really sad to read almost all the above posts. So sorry, the Philippines did not live up to YOUR expectations of behavior and it is probably good if you go elsewhere. I have experienced almost none of the above  issues. Perhaps I was lucky, but I think it has been more my attitude. Adjust to their culture, don't get upset they don't adjust to yours (after all, who came to where?) yes, some Filipinas get snotty after married, well some Kano women do too! Some tenants suck, irregardless of ethnicity.

Ponani wrote:

Having been married to the same Filipina 25 years and spend considerable time in the PI, I am really sad to read almost all the above posts. So sorry, the Philippines did not live up to YOUR expectations of behavior and it is probably good if you go elsewhere. I have experienced almost none of the above  issues. Perhaps I was lucky, but I think it has been more my attitude. Adjust to their culture, don't get upset they don't adjust to yours (after all, who came to where?) yes, some Filipinas get snotty after married, well some Kano women do too! Some tenants suck, irregardless of ethnicity.

Of course Hawaii is the happiest state

Ponani wrote:

Having been married to the same Filipina 25 years and spend considerable time in the PI, I am really sad to read almost all the above posts. So sorry, the Philippines did not live up to YOUR expectations of behavior and it is probably good if you go elsewhere. I have experienced almost none of the above  issues. Perhaps I was lucky, but I think it has been more my attitude. Adjust to their culture, don't get upset they don't adjust to yours (after all, who came to where?) yes, some Filipinas get snotty after married, well some Kano women do too! Some tenants suck, irregardless of ethnicity.


There goes the neighborhood....wink.png

FilAmericanMom wrote:

I'm really annoyed at how some Filipinas develop a bad attitude when they marry a foreigner. They become aloof, arrogant, whiny, complaining "female dogs," which they weren't before they got married.

My parents had such a tenant who complained on almost anything. She rented their vacation home in Tagaytay. After 3 months, she started complaining that there were ants in the house, when previous to her staying, my parents did not have such a problem. (Duh! If you don't clean up after you eat, you'll attract all sorts of insects and pests.) Then she wanted my senior citizen parents here in Manila to go all the way to Tagaytay asap because she said the windows won't slide open. When they got there, they tested the windows and they did slide properly. What the girl wanted was for the windows to open fast and "smoothly", like with just a flick of a finger. Unbelievable!

She complained about low water pressure at certain times of the day. My parents told her that this is why the house has a pressure tank in case you need high water pressure during times with low water pressure. She said she doesn't want to use it because she had to go downstairs to turn on a switch. And she is reluctant to take a shower when there's high water pressure because it's colder during that time. Gosh! There are 3 baths in the house all with working water heaters! And to think, this is a girl who used to live in a hut in the provinces. And then moved to Manila in shabby shared rooms / bed space. And probably used to take a "shower" using a bucket and pail of water!

I have had many Filipina customers who are also like her, who were used to a hard life, but now, thanks to their financier, now live in condos and complain about every little thing that makes life "hard" for them. They are so annoying.

Recently, I installed for such a customer, new sliding windows with a panel for insect screens. And also replaced torn screens of old windows installed by the developer. Days later, her assistant called us and told us that her boss was complaining and angry because the screens we installed were not sliding. But when we got there, they did slide. It was the lighter-duty (and cheaper) windows that the developer had installed that she was complaining about. But even those slid properly too, although not as smoothly as the ones we installed because those had heavier-duty framing, tracks and rollers. And she makes us go back to the site over and over again for nothing, just to go on and on that the developer's windows did not slide properly.

So now, she wants to have all the old windows replaced with new ones, except the ones in the maid's room, but that would mean more work to be done and more expenses too as the tiles of her window sill would need to be cut to make way for the bigger tracks of the new windows. And I think she's going to convince her foreigner husband to replace the old windows, so she can open her windows with less effort.

I'm not going to accept any more contracts from her. I just ignore her requests to go and check her complains. I was just doing a favor for one of my regular clients, whose client in turn was this annoying woman. My client was actually embarassed at this woman's behavior, of whom my client was also surprised considering that the annoying woman was used to a hard life a few years back before she married the foreigner.

I'm not saying that all Filipinas who marry foreigners are like these women I described. I believe that these women who develop a bad attitude are but a few. But they are out there.


Just tell her she accepted the condo the way it was and if she wants to upgrade to her taste than do it at their expense and your approval...A win win situation...

FilAmericanMom wrote:
morefuninthephilippines wrote:

The thing is, most of these women will be dropped like a hat the minute the man gets sick of it, and tired of shelling out the cash. I hate to say it, but its true.

I was having a casual interview with a help. She told me she used to work for a woman who had a Japanese bf. The employer and the bf met in Japan. She moved back to the Philippines. The Japanese guy continued giving her financial support including payments for a new car.

She presented herself as a single mom, that her son's father left them. The bf was fond of the little boy that he also gave him extra money as allowance and stuff like laptops and gadgets. He eventually built a house here in the Philippines, and visits her every now and then.

The woman used some of the money sent to her to build a house, which she said was for her mom. She would ask extra for things like beauty treatments and product lines by this popular Filipino plastic surgeon. She also had a nose job. She spends a lot on shopping. And she would even get mad at the bf if he doesn't send extra.

The Japanese bf found out that the house she was building was not for her mom but was actually for the father of her son, with whom she had been living secretly in that half-finished house.

He's stopped all support, including for her son who now has a smoking and drinking habit. She even had the gall to scold the bf for stopping support.

The new car with just a few more payments before being fully paid up, she already sold, and bought instead a used car. She still buys expensive beauty treatments even though she has very little money now. Reality still has not completely sunk in for her and her family, according to my house help. She still hands out money to siblings and her mom, who actually complain that they are receiving less now.


tagalugin wrote:

Sad to hear someone saying Philippines is a junkyard... but it is, a bit...  The latest rumors from this junkyard are the donations for Typhoon Yolanda victims are being sold in some establishments in Makati City...

And I bet there politically owned or affiliated...


Hi all,

After consideration, we have decided to reopen this thread.

However, on, we believe that we should not generalize our opinions in respect to others.

Some posts:

member wrote:

I'm leaving this SE Asian Junkyard in a few weeks and I don't think I'll miss it.

member wrote:

I really
Want to tell them how you forgot when you were just
Shitting in a whole in the ground or on a toilet with no toilet
seat. (I'll never figure that one out).

may hurt some people as we are tackling a sensitive subject.

You are welcomed to contribute to this thread but please avoid offensive comments.

Do you have any positive points about the filipinas who are married to foreigners?

If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact us directly.

Thank you for your understanding,

Hasnaa Team


Thanks for the consideration

Hasnaa wrote:

Hi all,

After consideration, we have decided to reopen this thread.

However, on, we believe that we should not generalize our opinions in respect to others.

Some posts:

member wrote:

I'm leaving this SE Asian Junkyard in a few weeks and I don't think I'll miss it.

member wrote:

I really
Want to tell them how you forgot when you were just
Shitting in a whole in the ground or on a toilet with no toilet
seat. (I'll never figure that one out).

may hurt some people as we are tackling a sensitive subject.

You are welcomed to contribute to this thread but please avoid offensive comments.

Do you have any positive points about the filipinas who are married to foreigners?

If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact us directly.

Thank you for your understanding,

Hasnaa Team


Many of us Expat's including myself have given numerous positive reviews of Filipino's married to foreigners on other Threads... Perhaps you should go back and review some of them...But this particular thread is about the negative side of some Filipino women who only look at their marriage as one of self indulgence and the climbing a ladder of social status instead of what marriage is all about; a loving give and take relationship..Also, it got somewhat off topic about discussing the corruption which goes on in the Philippines... Perhaps if it wasn't for all the corruption some people would not refer to this nation as a "Junkyard"...Just like the latest news of the Philippine courts declaring, in the wake of Yolanda, the Emergency Relief Fund(over 10 years in existence) as unconstitutional and freezing some $30 million and preventing said funds from being used for the victims of the recent disasters...Thus calling on the U.S.A. and other nations to contribute...Then it is discovered much of the donated sacks of food, clothing, blankets, generators and even water, etc. are being sold for profit by corrupt provincial, barangay government officials by diverting said goods to other areas of the country such as Makati in Manila...

If this is true which I personally believe to be so; I would have much more appropriate names for this country other than "Junkyard"...


The assistant of my Filipina customer, whom I mentioned in my original post,  told me that her boss had a hissy fit because we haven't been going to her boss's condo to check what she's been complaining about. But we have many times already.

She still brings up, through her assistant, that her old screen windows and doors were not sliding smoothly or keep getting derailed, unlike the new ones we installed. And we keep reiterating that we did not install the old ones, but just replaced the screens, that she should bring it up with whomever installed those old style windows. But she just doesn't get it. 

This went on and on, and just wasting our time, until finally I told her assistant that we're going to charge her boss a consultation fee if she wants us to go there again.  This time, we were told that she had a hissy fit, that she would storm our shop, and act scandalous. (So, I'm like, uh. Whatever.) Predictably, she did not go to our shop. Her assistant now told us that her boss is going to report us to DTI (Dept of Trade and Industry). Now, I'm like, Finally! Someone in authority is going to tell her she's nuts! I feel so sorry for her assistant who has to deal with her face to face.

FilAmericanMom wrote:

This went on and on, and just wasting our time

Sound familiar?


[Moderated: Off topic]

mugtech wrote:

Sound familiar?

Yes. Sorry.

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