
mariage with morocco girl

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hello i need urgent help and advice here.
i am British Asian Pakistani.
i want to travel Morocco to find girl to marry and have good family.
i have read from different internet forums that many British Asians are travelling to Morocco for marriage purpose.
please share your experience with me.
i have read a lot about the Morocco women and scams in Morocco also.
many people suggests me that the only good sincere women is only living in villages sides in Morocco.
every single person i spoke to told me that the Morocco women only look for my British passport.
once she will step in to UK and get visa after few years she will leave me does not matter how many kids i will have.
some people says that Morocco women very short temper go crazy on small fights and shouting and abusing husbands.
please guide me your experience if any Brit Asian around read me.
we Pakistani have parents living with us also so how the Morocco women  treat the Pakistani parents.
are they feeling comfortable with Asian parents and Asian culture.
do they shows interest in learning Pakistani food cooking and Pakistani dramas and movies culture etc.
i am just confused to read too many negative comments about Moroccan women.
my country women's also will marry with me same reasons any way.
Morocco is far decent culture and good people if i compare with my country and my people.
I do not agree that if a good Morocco girl marry Pakistani in front of her whole family according to her traditional way and after marriage if she will have kids then why the girl will leave pak man and his home. if man will treat her good then what will be the reason she will leave. there could me 1 issue the pak man will not allow the Morocco women to work ask her to look after home and kids it could be the big issue in future for Morocco women . i am only scared of this............all kind of help welcome please

See also

Living in Morocco: the expat guideBrit marrying in Morrocco - helpPrenuptial AgreementMarriage Process - UK/MoroccanId card morocco (baby)



I find all of this very sad. My husband has said the same about Moroccan women. Knowing something about the culture and the costs of living there, not to mention the sub-standard conditions of parts of the country, there is something to be said for their behavior. They are obviously looking for an escape and not love. Again, very sad  :cool:








hello guys first of all i am very thankful to all of the people discussing there views on this forum now my friends i am going open another truth here for all of you. i want to help all my Muslim brothers who are worrying about their Muslim marriage life.when i registered on Muslim marriage websites every single girl want to marry with me some girls even ring me straight from Skype and viber could you imagine that a Muslim girl in four walls under parents protection got that confidence to talk to the unknown person. now what i have done on the same time i have send interests to the all muslim arab girls who are alreday in europe  on work visas or on citizenship status right so what happens not even a single girl bothers to even visit my profile. they do not even look on my profile. its an eye opening situation for all of those mens who are inpired by so called makeup beauty and they got trapped in countries like morocco tunis algeria. these womens do not care at all how many kids you will make from them they will run from you right after getting their passports remember this. i have found that these  womens are very very sharp and they have big dreams to live free 1 day and wear all europe stuff they are all sick and tired from their culture and parents and family systems. these womens are un perdictable. i have change my mind not to give passport to any  girl from 3rd country so called arab . i totally agree to marry with arab girl who already lives in europe. but do not worry its not gonna happen also because the womens who lives in europe from arab countries their 1st preference is a european man with open mind and money home car etc......religion does not matters........every night after 9 pm the all these visa seekers  women open their computers skypes vibers etc and start chatting and making people fool. its kind of their hobby or lets say its their door to the heaven of desires. we mens need to open our eyes and use our heads and we should stop running for beauty. beauty is nothing in marriage the thing matters in marriage is a sincerity courage commitment and is not gona lasts for ever.


haha beauty off course the weakness of a men. women knows very well that the beauty she have is not for too long and thats why the women cashes her beauty do not forget this.


my freind xb23 not only morocco do not forget to check youtube where the womens from egypt and algeria  what they do we all know. my conclusion is a europe girl who converts in to islam is an angel or marry to only to your country women. its my last opinion.


questions is why she took the kids?
i do not understand that with kids how this women will make her desires true
i means kids her responsibility
how she will feed them
and afford them


now i have got all the story why they make kids and why they took them always with them.
few days back i have read a  man storry in uk on internet that his wife took the kids and what she do she disappeared.later on what he has found she started massage business.
they know very well a divorce women with kids can easly get a Government home and all social benefits etc thats the dream.


WOW! Reading all of you guys' comments makes me glad to be an American WOMAN who married a Moroccan MAN!  ;)


Moroccan is Moroccan either a man or a girl it depends on the person not on the country or ethnicity ...the person has to make sure to be good first so he can choose the good one !


Why don't you look for a Pakistani girl?  You can't paint all the women in Morocco with the same brush, if this is your reasoning, then I can label you as Pakistani abusing and beating women for Pakistani men are well known for that.  If you are mature enough to get married, then you can make your own decision, you don't need advice from others.  If somebody tells you to put your head in the toilet bowl, are you going to do it or you will use your judgement. Any woman in this world will look for her security and try to have the best, there is nothing wrong in that.  You would like your sister to have a good home.  What is good for the gander must be good for the goose.
You have to realise that when you get married, you can't live together with your in-laws. Of course, there will be problem, the woman will be marrying you and not your family.


RAEzWORLD wrote:

WOW! Reading all of you guys' comments makes me glad to be an American WOMAN who married a Moroccan MAN!  ;)

(moderated : keep that kind of comment for you)

Your marriage to this Moroccan man must have been very happy. Unfortunately, this is normally an exception. I am very pleased that it worked out for you.


RAEzWORLD wrote:

I find all of this very sad. My husband has said the same about Moroccan women. Knowing something about the culture and the costs of living there, not to mention the sub-standard conditions of parts of the country, there is something to be said for their behavior. They are obviously looking for an escape and not love. Again, very sad  :cool:

It is sad he talks about women in his country like this ... he has Moroccan Mother and sister too I hope he didn't forget that he had just to say he doesn't get along with Moroccan girls and he likes to marry a different girl from different culture  I am not here to criticize ur husband I know u love him so much but I just wrote that so people will not take his opinion as a rule !


the one who wants to marry must decide himself and take the full responsibilities of his choices and not regret them .
he has to trust his partner  and not ask others to give opinion about her ... who said that ur partner is like the other's persons wives ?


Pure-Soul wrote:
RAEzWORLD wrote:

I find all of this very sad. My husband has said the same about Moroccan women. Knowing something about the culture and the costs of living there, not to mention the sub-standard conditions of parts of the country, there is something to be said for their behavior. They are obviously looking for an escape and not love. Again, very sad  :cool:

It is sad he talks about women in his country like this ... he has Moroccan Mother and sister too I hope he didn't forget that he had just to say he doesn't get along with Moroccan girls and he likes to marry a different girl from different culture  I am not here to criticize ur husband I know u love him so much but I just wrote that so people will not take his opinion as a rule !

Just like the guys too. They'll get hitched to anyone amidst protestations of love, even someone 3 times their age, so that they can get out or at least be supported by a Westerner. Many of the guys even make liaisons with foreign gay men in the hopes of being supported financially or being taken to Europe.

As RaezWorld so sagely says, it's understandable given the poverty in parts of the country and, more germanely, the lack of opportunities to rise, even with a good education.


its really sad to read that negative comments about moroccan girls, especialy from our (brothers) moroccan guys.
i am moroccan girl, and im proud to be, i am honest and religious alhamdolilah, 2 of my sisters and cousins have married no moroccan men, they are happy with them, and i am fiance to no moroccan man living uk, the first thing i asked him is his religion, his faith and his targets in life to be good muslim and marry me for the sake of allah.
you moroccan guys talk badly about your sisters moroccan, that why they dont want marry you, and i am one of them, no respect, no responsability no good religion...we are not materialists.
i agree that there are bad people everywhere u go, people in europe and us are not angels...and europe or us is not paradise as well...why dream to live there.
as muslim we can do istikhara for any decision we want take, and ask help and guidance from Allah.
dear brother, ask Allah the best and he will guide you to meet the best wife you deserve if u are good muslim.
may Allah bless us.


Hi All,

Please note that some off  topics posts was removed from this thread.

Can we please avoid getting into personal attacks.. that will bring no good and it does not help here so let's just avoid personal attacks.

Thank you



why marry Moroccan girl,
intelligence, beauty, modesty, good behavior and very good housewife,,,, and the list is long...we are proud to be.

basmaroc seems u have serious problem with moroccan girls.
I learned in life never to generalize, because it shows the wrong reasoning of the person, you just judge the person for what she did, this is the good thinking.


basmaroc wrote: seems u have serious problem with moroccan girls.
I learned in life never to generalize, because it shows the wrong reasoning of the person, you just judge the person for what she did, this is the good thinking.

But you did generalise! You presented a list that applied to all Moroccan girls.

Anyway, to keep on topic, I address the original poster. DON'T DO IT. You will find that the list supplied by xb23 is likely to be the truth. The advice you have received from "everyone" you spoke to is correct. You will lose your money, pride and innocence if you marry a Moroccan girl. If you have children with her, you will lose them too when she ups and runs. Don't believe protestations of religiosity or photos of a demure-looking young woman in a headscarf. They will almost certainly be false. The simple fact that she'll marry a foreigner, indeed is in the market for one, should tell you that the motive is for a passport and money.


Oh, and if there are any old ladies around hoping for a liaison with young Moroccan guy, don't even entertain it. The guys are the same, if not worse. Indeed, many of them don't care if they get an old woman or an old gay guy. They just want out to Europe, failing that, regular financial support in Morocco.

I love this country and live here, but one has to have one's eyes open. They cheat and lie to each other. Why would they act differently with foreigners? Unfortunately, so many people come, naively, for a short visit, believe the rubbish that they are spun by a younger man or girl and fall in "lurve". It's all a sham and leads to grief. If you can understand this, you can have valued and equal relations with Moroccan people. Ignore this and the path will lead to disaster.

marie agnès

Je suis totalement déprimée de lire une telle discussion sur ce site, je pensais qu'il était un lieu d'échange moderne et amical. Je découvre un étalage de propos machistes de la part d'hommes qui organisent leur mariage comme on organise un commerce en accusant les femmes d'en faire autant.. comment se fait-il d'ailleurs que ces profils soient anonyme et sans visage?


This is the English speaking forum, so why don't you repeat your views in English for monoglots?


XB 23, I don't know your background but let me tell you one thing that you are jumping to the roof for nothing.  If you did go to the roots of the problem, you would have got a better insight in things.  I am talking from experience because my wife is from Morocco and I am Canadian. You don't realize the conditions in which those Moroccan girls live, the pressure from the parents and neighbours when they are still single and have reached a certain age.  That's why most of those girls marry anybody.  There is another thing that those girls won't tell you because they are so ashamed.  That thing is how poor the family is and what they eat.  Some people just eat the bread and olive oil.  The reason they asked for that kind money is to feed their family properly because they have got a chance to give back to their family, there is nothing wrong in feeding a poor family. God says in the Quran, I will multiply in return whatever you have spent for the poor.  My advice to you is to have a candid conversation with your second half and build that trust, then they will open up to you. Those girls are going through hell in Morocco and some of them even commit suicide and their taboos contribute a lot in their behaviour. Be positive and see the good things in a human being for we all have got good qualities instead of exposing the bad one. Circumstances did force them to behave in this manner, but deep down, they are good.


Thank you for your post. It nearly brought me to tears because I know it's true for my husband's family. Eloquently spoken.  God bless you and yours!


xb23, look, im not trying to convince someone of my dignity and honesty, i know myself and i know so many girls who are honest and good, i dont deny that there are people who are not good, liars....this is life good and bad people.
all im trying to explain to people who are reading this, that everyone is talking and judging people from his own experience, i heard a lot of bad and sad histories from different countries, but it never mean that they are all bad.
concerning ur experience, xb23  i think that u have follow ur heart, only ur heart, maybe u didnt have strong views to seek, maybe u wanted only beauty....
we should be careful and smart when we start relationship anywhere, and never forget that the only one who can knows the futur is allah, so we should always ask him before take any decision.


zozo conde, thank you for your positive talking and thinking, i told him as well that it was something wrong in their relationship, bcz poverty will not push her to break her mariage, at the contrary, i think if poor girl meet good one who will take good care of her, she will never run away.
i dont agree to give that dark pic about moroccan girls, suicide....i think that its only question of i always say...there are good and bad people whereever u go, not only in morocco.


i did it many times, you are neggative person dear friend, that why you will find and read only the negative experiences, and i think its normal bcz you are still under the effect of your bad experience, my advice is to try to forget and start a new page with positive thinking and good confidence in allah, maybe it was simple test from him.


what more can u do...submit to allah and say alhamdolilah for everything, never forget to ask him advice and guidance before doing anything next time, be sure he will never let u alone.


XB 23, you have to realize that in order to make a sound with your hands, you need the two hands to clap together to hear the sound, so by the same token, in a relationship it's not only one party who is at fault when the relationship does not work, it's both parties although each one tries to prove otherwise.  If you treat anybody well even strangers, they will treat you well in return and the reverse is true.  This is what we called human nature and you can't change that.  The next thing that you should realize that bad apples exist everywhere and it is unfortunate that you did end up with one. So there is no need for you to put all the bad apples together and then claim that the whole world is like that.  You have to get on with your life instead of looking back what happened, life is too short for that.  Although you did hear about the bad things about Moroccan people yet you did venture into it, then who do you blame? some people learn things the hard way and you are one of them.


XB 23, The Quran says God guides a TRUE believer. A believing man will marry a believing woman. A chaste woman will marry a chaste man, etc etc etc. also God says whatever good happens to you come from God and whatever bad happens to you come from yourself. So I would suggest that you go and read the quran so that you are rightly guided. I am not judging you, I am just quoting from the quran.  You just have to blame yourself instead of others and try to look good.  May God shows you the right path.


People are honestly trying to justify the fleecing of foreigners because the "families are poor" and they might just eat "bread and olive oil"? Stuff and nonsense. Many people in Morocco earn 1000 or 1500 dirhams a month or even less (supermarket cleaners, for example) and live reasonably on it. Getting a foreigner to cough up £500 for a month is sheer greed. This is more than what an entry level cop or teacher earns in a month. Do you know, I can make a nutritious meal here for myself for 15 dirhams or less and it's enough to be able to put half of it away to be frozen or eaten the next day. I'm not even Moroccan - Moroccans are far better able to do this.

This is what people are talking about, naked exploitation. The family's poor? Get a bloody job then, just as people do all over the world. This bleeding heart "Oh there's nothing wrong with helping or supporting a poor family" attitude stinks. It encourages a dependency culture and discourages any efforts by the family members to help themselves. It deepens the problem for other foreigners as more and more exploiters see how easy it is to swindle a foreigner and give it a go themselves. And then there are the invented "grandes desastres" that happen regularly and require further special subsidies.

People who help their Moroccan partners' families ought to be ashamed of themselves. First of all for being gullible and secondly for compounding the problem in any case.


XB 23.- Remember you did blame all Moroccan girls not just your second half.
1. God tests your faith with evil, poverty, loss of lives etc just to prove to you that your claim (that you are a true believer) is not true. You might think that you are a true believer but in the eyes of God, you are not.
2.If you are a true believer, the quran says hide the faults of others, God will hide yours.  The Quran says again when you go through a divorce, depart amicably and do not oppress or cause hardship to the other party and never disclose whatever bad did happen to you during your relationship or use it as a tool to put the other party down.
3. All TRUE believers are brothers and sisters and if you criticize anyone of them or do backbiting, it is as if your are eating the flesh of your dead brother/sister. Remember also that the person you are criticizing or putting down could be better than you in the eyes of God.
4. Your anger is the lost of your money. What a big deal?  Remember, you came on this earth naked and you will leave this world naked and the only things you will bring with you is your good and bad deeds.
5. So refrain from painting all Moroccan women with the same dirty brush.  Forget and forgive for God will forgive you, too.  If you can't forgive, then you have got a disease in your heart and you know when the heart is sick, the whole body is sick.


you did salat alistikhara, and u made du aa, very good, so you should accept what allah gave you as answer of ur duaa bcz it was small test in life, when we say alhamdolilah ala kol hal we should stop complain what happened to us, im sure that you know very well that complaining breaks our ajr, also stop saying that all moroccan girls are scamers, you know that it is wrong.


well said, but i dont agree that good person meet only good person in life, even good believer, everybody can be tested by allah, especially the good believers, there are some ways where we are able to choose and to make decision, then be responsible for the result, but being good person does not avoid  the failure, that not means that we are looser, we should never blame our self for failure in life, this is the negative way, we should detect errors and try to avoid next time, note that even when we make choices and decisions, we are always under the guidance of allah, that why he asked us to make istikhara to get the good choice.


XB 23.
You said you are warning others.  Were you not warned before, did you listen? So you think others will believe you.  You said, you did generalise.  You are wrong because my wife is from Morocco and she is not at all what you are claiming.  One of the guy on this forum was saying that he gave 500 pound monthly and now he is complaining. Did he not realize that before giving the 500 pound. Was he trying to buy love or was he trying to get something from his woman that he did not get and now he is upset. Why did all of you who are complaining did not act before rather than after.  I know when to put my foot down and I know when to ask questions and I know when to ask for explanation.  I don't do anything after the fact, it's too late.


morocco is not devoid of religion and spirituality, maybe your destiny made you in the way to marry from bad and materialist family, and you are still struggling to get solution, may allah help you.
poverty is never reason, as i said, this is problem of education and faith.
brother xb23, i understand that you are trying to inform people about your experience, but, this is generalisation, i told you that only in my own big family, there are 4 mixed succeful marriages alhamdolilah, i will ask them to share their good experiences, then people will get full clear picture, and use their brain to make the best choice.
the mixed marriage is increasing in morocco, we cant deny this, bcz of the qualities of moroccan irls i listed before, it was not generalisation, it was a secret of this increasing.


XB 23
Again, I quote the quran. The quran says whenever you receive information, verify the information  lest you will regret and cause grief if you act upon it without verification.


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