
recherche d un stage pro en architecture

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Agrebi Noura

Bonjour tout le monde je suis une étudiante en architecture ,je viens de faire un master pro en architecture(6 me année).Je suis à la recherche d'un stage professionnel dans un bureau d’étude.
Logiciels maîtrisé: Autocad, SKetchup,Archicad,photoshop,Artlantis,V-ray,Lumion, :)


Bonjour Agrebi Noura,

Je vous suggère de poster une une annonce dans la section Offres d'emploi architecte en Tunisie, cela peut certainement vous aider dans votre recherche. Merci! :)



Équipe expat-blog.

Agrebi Noura

merciiiii david tres gentil de votre part :)


Hi Noura,

I understand you speak American English. Don't ask me why I woke up today willing to help a fellow Tunisian (man or woman), your name popped up first. So I dropped you a line. I am too at birth but quickly I put a cross on the country vowing to never return and I haven't in nearly 20 years or basically after college.

Usually, I do our designs, in house by my staff and occasionally, I outsource my work to very capable Indian graphic designers based in India. They are very thorough in their jobs and professionalism and certainly do give me entire satisfaction to my expectation.

I will admit I stayed away from Tunisia for one simple reason. Everything is about cheating, everything is about justification but never about delivering a result. This led me to grow apart from my country of birth and alienate myself to the extent I have not said a single Tunisian word in nearly 20 years.

This being said. I am looking for someone with an experience to design from very basic form using Corel draw to a more sophisticated project designing CAD/CAM artwork for my promotional ancillaries (packaging, counter top cards, shopping bags, etc...). The bulk of the work is designing in 2 D and 3D my my main line of production, a jewelry assimilated to a memento retailing in 182 different countries/islands/states or regions in the world, I will be able to show you some and some, should we progress in our work.

You can visit one of my websites which is the principal company that requires some design competences. Once in the menu, click on Catalog and then you can visit the different parts of the world we manufacture our bracelets for.

I may not offer a full time job for the time being, but it certainly can grow. It is with the understanding that you are pursuing a career in architecture and I am a jewelry manufacturer. Currently I have 27 persons living in their respective countries working for me or my company. Some I manage myself and some are being overseen by my staff. I can think from the top of my head full or part time workers in Ukraine, Belarus, Indonesia, Dom Rep, Colombia, Indonesia, China etc...again, until today I never thought of hiring a Tunisian, wrongly or rightly it never occured because I could never remember one single positive experience with them.

Does the new generation think differently? I am prepared to give it a shot.
I noticed 3 profiles of interest. You were the first I sent a message to.

Let me know if this could be of interest.
Thank you and I wish you success.

Best regards,


Agrebi Noura

well i red your suggestion.I m and i m interressed to have get in this experience.I just want the website cause i couldn t find it in your message.I hope you change your idea about the tunisian people when we start workin' together :)


Hi Denizen,

You should please avoid to generalize, and for your job offer please post it in the jobs in Tunisia section. Also note that  we are on a  french speaking forum > i invite you to read the Code of conduct.


Bonjour Agrebi Noura, 

Je vous conseille aussi de poster une annonce avec plus d'informations sur la section emploi en Tunisie. Si vous avez des questions précises sur votre recherche d'emploi, je vous invite à commencer une nouvelle discussion sur le forum Tunisie;)

[discussion fermée]



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