
Possibilities of my S pass approval?

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Hi Everyone,

Especially Beppi,

I had completed my bachelor of engineering degree in Electronics and communication Engineering in India.
I had 6 months work experience while I started applying for E pass. (now I had completed 9 months).

First I had been applied for E pass on December 27th 2013.

It was rejected by January 15th 2014. My HR appealed for S pass.

I had been asked to submit my degree certificate for verification.
This was the status after my S pass appeal "This appealed was being in pending because MOM did not receive the document(s) requested previously, hence we are still process your appeal"

There was a delay in getting my degree certificate here, And I had sent my degree certificate by February 26th 2014.
After submitting my  degree certificate my application was rejected,
now  its under re-submission, already 10 days gone after re-submission.

I'm so worried,
What are the possibilities?

See also

Work visas for SingaporeWork visas in SingaporePR APPLICATION UNDER NEW SYSTEM-AFTER 25.06.2024S-Pass to LTVPIPA Validity

Do you know why your EP and S-Pass applications were rejected?
(Your employer can sometimes find out from MoM if they ask nicely, have good connections or get a personal appointment.)
There are too many possible reasons for rejection to give you a general advice. But appealing or re-applying without substantial new information or documentation will not be successful.
If, as the chain of events looks like, your degree is not recognized by MoM, you should get another degree before applying again. Some more work experience would also help.


Thank you so much for your reply Beppi  :)

I don't have any clue, why it was rejected.
But my degree is recognized by MoM I guess.

Is it common that it takes this much of time to get the VISA results?


If your application is completely without merit (e.g. if you submit exactly the same as was rejected before), then the result (another rejection) will come relatively fast (i.e. normally within a week).
An application taking longer means that they have issues to verify. You did not tell what new information was included in this second application, so I cannot say what they might be checking now. Processing times of a month or more are common, especially in difficult cases or if your home country authorities do not cooperate in the background checks.
Your employer can contact MoM and ask about the status. They can also ask for faster processing if it is urgent.


Thank you Beppi :)


beppi wrote:

If your application is completely without merit (e.g. if you submit exactly the same as was rejected before), then the result (another rejection) will come relatively fast (i.e. normally within a week).
An application taking longer means that they have issues to verify. You did not tell what new information was included in this second application, so I cannot say what they might be checking now. Processing times of a month or more are common, especially in difficult cases or if your home country authorities do not cooperate in the background checks.
Your employer can contact MoM and ask about the status. They can also ask for faster processing if it is urgent.

Beppi, I spoke to my agent.

He is saying that when MoM verified to my degree certificate with the serial number in that, it says my degree certificate is not registered. But actually my degree certificate is really original and legit.

So he went for a re-submission.


What is the role of your "agent"? Only your employer, and nobody else, can deal with MoM regarding work visa.
So, MoM suspects your degree certificate to be a fake. This is common, as many Indians seem to use fakes. I guess they are now trying to verify the authenticity with your university. How long this takes depends entirely on how fast your university cooperates with MoM's inquiry.
Good luck!



Its an EMPLOYMENT AGENCY its like a Man power agency. That agency had recruited me for the employer.

Yeah, some Indians seem to use fake degree certificates.

Hope my university cooperates with MoM's inquiry as fast as possible.
Thank you so much Beppi. :)


Is it a temp work agency, which hires you and rents your work time out to other companies? (This is possible, but not very common in Singapore.)
Or is it a headhunter, i.e. matchmaker between job-seeker and employer?

In the former case, you have an employment contract with the agency, receive your salary from the agency and the agency also applies for your visa.
In the latter case, you have no contract with the agency an they cannot apply for your visa (only the employer can). They also are not allowed (by Singapore law) to charge you any placement or service fee - if they do, they are illegal and you have been cheated!


Its like a service kind of job, so I work out of my company (ie to other company or even may be companies)
Its nearly like an outsourcing, So I guess this is Legit.

Thank you for your reply Beppi :)


That's the first case I mentioned - probably legit.
Good luck!


Thank you for your reply Beppi :)


Last week my employer said that my degree certificate problem had come to an end, but MOM still wants to increase my salary which was mentioned as SGD 2200. So my employer said they will appeal with a salary amount of SGD 2800 and it would take atleast 2 weeks for MOM to reveal the status after this appeal.

What should I do now?


S$2200/month is the absolute minimum an S-Pass can be applied for. It is naive to expect this to be successful for holders of university degree and some work experience (who normally earn S$3000-4000/month).
On the other hand, MoM is very suspicious of re-applications with higher salary, because they all too often come with an (illegal) kick-back scheme, where the employee returns the raised portion of his pay to the company (thus the higher salary exists only on paper. Your employer should attach a VERY good explanation for this to the application - just raising the pay to get the visa will be rejected! (And if your employer suggests a kick-back scheme, look for another job. Seriously!)


As I don't have proper knowledge on this, I don't know what to do.
Lets see what happens.
Thank you Beppi. :)


Again I got some trouble.!! :(
My S-pass status is still pending,
So my employer is asking me, If I'm ready to come in Training Employment pass which is valid for 3 months, within that 3 months we can try to get S-pass.

What should I do now?


If the Training Employment Pass (TEP) could be converted to a work pass, it would be (ab-)used as "stepping stone" for permanent work, which is not the intention of the TEP.
If you return to your country after the TEP, you can re-apply for an S-Pass, but MoM will probably see what is happening and is then more likely to reject again.
The proper course of action in your case is this: The employer should approach MoM and explain why they need you now and not later (a valid reason is for example that no local can fill the job and other jobs are endangered if you do not start now). MoM can then either expedite the processing of your application, or make an exemption and allow you to start work on a temporary pass. Or they decide the matter is not so urgent and you should wait for the outcome of the normal application process.


As you said, My employer said he would approach MoM and explain why they need me.

They had already asked MoM to process as quickly as possible (preferably within May 1st), as my employer needs me  urgently.

And I am waiting for normal S-pass to come.


Hi Beppi,

I asked my employer if my application is rejected. Because I don't have any clue why my application takes 5 months time to process.

My employer is saying that my application will not be rejected for sure, but can't predict correctly when it will be processed.

They also said that they had already booked my air ticket to Singapore (on May 26) and also submitted that air ticket copy to MoM asking them to process as quickly as possible (ie, before 23rd May).

But my employer is not saying the reason for this delay.


If I interpret your posts correctly, the latest application or appeal was submitted around Apr. 27. If that is the case, it is pending for two weeks now and not five months. Processing can take 1 - 2 months in complicated cases (and yours is complicated by now!).
Have you logged into MoM's online system and checked the status of your application yourself? (You need your FIN number for this, which your employer has received from MoM.)


No Beppi,

I didn't try to login to MoM's online system.

I will ask my employer for FIN number and check the status myself first.

Thank you for your reply Beppi :)



I didn't ask for my FIN number to my employer yet. I want to know this correctly.

Are you sure FIN number will be available for my application now itself, because the status is still pending.

Can you say me or can you give me a link about the FIN number in detail (for pending S pass applications).


From MoM webpage:

The applicant may check on the assigned Foreign Identification Number (FIN) and application status online about 21 days after submitting the application. - See more at: … evJBx.dpuf

If no FIN number is given yet, call and ask how to log into the system and check your application status online.
(The FIN number does not change between applications and remains yours for life, unless you become PR or citizen.)


Now I got it Beppi, Thank you.

I'm gonna ask my employer for my FIN number. Before that I want to make sure that it will be surly available with him by now.

So are you sure that my FIN number will be available with him.


Hi Beppi,

"The applicant may check on the assigned Foreign Identification Number (FIN) and application status online about 21 days after submitting the application. - See more at:  evJBx.dpuf "

In this APPLICANT refers to me or My Employer(who applied for me)

And I asked my employer for my FIN number,
He said it is available in the status pdf file that they sent me already,
it's like this Example: G 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X

EP online eService asks for  1. Applicant FIN number and
                                             2. Name of the applicant

Now can I directly login to MOM EP online eService with these 2 details?
or It will ask for some other details after this?


Try it and you will see!
(Honestly, you are very persistent with rather pointless questions!)


Hi Beppi,

I tried to log in with my FIN number.

E2200009 : Please enter a valid NRIC No/FIN/Malaysian New IC No."
This was the result I got.

I informed my agent about this and asked for a reason, he thought that I doubted him.
And sent me another status saying he cancelled the application process and he is not interested in helping me any more.

He already got a processing fees of INR 5000 from me, he said he is going to take INR 4000 as processing money and cancellation fees, and  will transfer me the remaining money after 2 weeks(ie. after the application got cancelled)


You got cheated. They probably never filed an application in the first place, that's why it doesn't show up in the MoM system.
For your information: It is not allowed for an employer to charge the employee for the visa, application, cancellation, etc. The fact that this "agent" did charge you already shows that they are not honest.
You should report this "agent" to MoM, so they can get blacklisted and cannot do this again in future. (However, if, as I suspect, this "agent does not even have a legal presence in Singapore, reporting them is pointless.)


Hi everyone cant we apply for s pass or e pass after tep? And what will be the requirements


Yes, you can apply for other work passes after a TEP, if you are offered permanent emplyment. The requirements are the same as for any work pass application and there is of course no guarantee that it will be approved.


Hii ....
Dear I m on spass.. before 2 nd half years...first time I change my compny in 6 I have 3 years valid s pass...1 year finish I can change another compny...and  how I convert my s pass to ..ep if my salary 4000 sgd plz reply..


Your S-Pass is tied to your current employer. Your new employer must apply for a new S-Pass for you.


hii beppi. my indian agent told me that u can get Fin number and check s pass status online about 21 days after submitting application. is he says true of not...plz reply


There is no clear timeline when a FIN number is given, but it usually takes a week or two.
But, as I replied to you twice in another thread, this agent is clearly cheating you and cannot have applied for an S-Pass at all.


Hello everybody!

I am currently working in Saudi Arabia and luckily hired by a company in Singapore.

They already told me about my job which fits my job experience. I have 6 years and 4

month. They applied me for an S-Pass with a salary of 2600 SGD last October 16

and still waiting for the approval up to now.

BTW, I previously work in Singapore on Sep 2012-Feb MArch 2013, for 6 months only because my previous employer terminated my contract because

I am under performing (which I admit, because I told him that I know Autocad during

interview only for him to find out that I don't). After my termination, they give me 1

month to stay in Singapore.

During my stay, I applied for different company but unluckily I was not hired and my stay is nearly to end so me and my friends decided to go to Johor Bahru for a quick tour as well as lengthening my stay in Singapore. We use dummy tickets only to stating that I will go back to the Philippines on a fake date only for them to checked that actually it was dummy so I was called by an Immigration Officer and angrily decided to put me in jail.

I explained the reason which I considered white lies and say that I only did that because I want to work in Singapore which is true. Luckily, they allowed me to enter Singapore
but they stamp my passport that I have to go back to Philippines in 3 days.

My concerns are:

1) Is my 6 months stay in my previous company affect my SPass application??
2) Am I not blacklisted?

Hoping to hear from you guys soon.

God bless us !


You should contact ICA to ask whether you are blacklisted. I think not, as you were allowed into the country afterwards. But please learn from it - it is never a good idea to circumvent the rules in Singapore!
The offered salary is rather low for your experience, so it is not sure if your S-Pass can be approved.


Thanks Mr Beppi! I am regretful and definitely will not do it again. Regarding my salary, Yes I am aware of it but believe it or not that it is 3 times than what I earn here as of the moment. I also tried that SAT and stated that I am only allowed for SPass. I forgot that I also hold a degree in Computer Engineering.


Hi all,
I have been given an offer from well known University in Singapore as Research Staff. I have a Bachelor's degree from a premier institute in India and one year work experience in an automobile MNC in India itself.
The University HR told me that my S pass application is on hold as they have reached the maximum limit on their quota. I just wanted to know how much time does it take in general for a company to get additional quota and does this happen quite often?
Also once they apply how much time on average does it take for S pass application to reach a decision from MoM.
Its been over a month since I have been given the offer and submitted all my documents to the employer



Under normal circumstances (but the university might be an exception here), it is not possible to get additional S-Pass quota. A company would have to either hire more locals or fire another foreigner before they can get an S-Pass for you.
The tiume it takes for S-Pass approval is currently 1 - 3 months (after quota is available).


Hello everybody! Hi Mr Beppi. The company I applied before already replied regarding my s-pass application and said that they have a problem with thier EP account and they have to register it. What does it mean?Thanks!!

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