
Need some advice

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I would like some advice i have fallen in love with a Jordanian man.He is living Jordan to be with me 2 be with me in uk i dont doudt he loves me as he is leaving his family to be with me.. He wealthy business man and is setting 2 businesses in the uk with a uk business partner who i have met..He is waiting for his business visa he says they have ask for 6months movement on his business account is this correct please?? I have been waiting now 5momths for him  and im finding it hard. I have asked if we could meet else where be4 june  or i would fly to Jordan to be with him for a holiday..I no he hasnt told his family about me.. Could someone give me some advice please.

See also

Getting married in the United KingdomTraveling to the United KingdomDo pre-settle or settle status need ETA?Moving Back to the UK from the USUKVI - TLS Keep my Passport

Hello Lisamoon,

Welcome to :)

Since you posted on an old thread, a new discussion was created as from your post on the England forum for better visibility and interaction.

Regarding the visa, maybe it would be a good idea to get in touch with the embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in London on the 0207 937 3685.

You can then ask any questions regarding the business visa.

Thank you,



Are you doubting whether he's coming or just wishing the time passed quicker?


Why he did not tell  the family about You!?
Is he married!?
Coud have wife and children there!
Maybe I am cruel, but realistic.
Here is a woman with experience speaking to You.
All the best in Your life!!!

Articles to help you in your expat project in England

All of England's guide articles