
Urgent - Contact d'un vétérinaire à yaoundé?

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j'ai un petit chiot et j'ai besoin d'un vétérinaire, mais je ne sais pas comment en trouver un à Yaoundé. si vous avez un contact quelconque, merci de me renseigner! c'est urgent!



Have you found a veterinarian yet? If not, let me know.  I can find information on one that I just visited with my dog.

I hope your pet is doing well!


no I have not! so yes, I would really appreciate the information on the one you visited. thank's a lot!!

(my dog is not too bad, mais il se gratte tellement qu'il n'a plus de poils à certains endroits :S)


Ok, it is really hard for me to explain how to get there (it is in Tsinga in front of Total Nkomkana; if you tell this to a taxi he would know how to get there) but here is their phone number: 22 01 74 35 or 22 72 73 46 or 223 95 55.  The location is called "Veto Prestations SARL." I think they could even visit you at home if necessary.  The veterinarian is really nice and does not charge too much.

My dog had excema and had something similar happening.  He was prescribed an oil called "Fats Up" which he took everyday (1 teaspoon) for about 1.5 months.  He also needed weekly baths with a shampoo/formula called "Micottex" (or something like that).  Lastly, he had also been prescribed to take the vitamin "WOU 500g."  He got well very soon.

Good luck!


c'est vraiment apprécié, merci pour toutes les informations, c'est parfait :)


salut moi je suis plutôt intéressé par l'otention de chien de race, quelqu'un pourrait m'aider?


Hmm, maybe if you talk with a veterinarian he could guide you better.  I have no idea about that.  Good luck!


je connais une clinique veternaire au carrefour etoudi face brigarde de sapeurs pompiers.


bjr rachellefanny parlant de chiens de races je peus vous aider a vous en procurer un.quelle race voulez vous en particulier?voici mon contact96785658.

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