
how to do a misyar in riyadh

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Hello everyone! I am an American woman who would like to have a misyar marriage with a Saudi man I know. I am in the process of converting to Islam through self-study but have not completed.  He is Muslim 29 and never married. I live in Riyadh and have an iqama. Can anyone please tell me the requirements for a misyar and how the process works? How long does the process take and where do we need to go (office etc) and what documents are needed? Any help would be very appreciated!

See also

Business & Personal Etiquette and CustomsGetting married in Saudi ArabiaTraveling to Saudi ArabiaHow to get 1st Iqama for your Family- Latest procedure 2017Mariage in Egypt embassy

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Please let me clarify: I have a partner I want to marry through misyar so I just need to know how and  where to go and requirements.  Good luck Diab!


Aha ,sorry 😊 I miss understood
All the best


go get married in the US its much easier I guess and btw Misyar is a kind of marriage that u both choose not that u ask the court or whatever authority for it. Misyar marriage is jst to keep ur marriage discreet thats it i mean discreet from the people u know, not from the authorities obviously.

if u have any further question let me know ill be glad to answer.



Thank you for ur reply. If we go to the usa to get married it takes a long time to get the marriage recognized in saudi. We do want to keep the marriage discreet and we are both sure misyar is the best option. Do you know the requirements (can he be single never before married) and 29 years old? Also my father passed away so who can give me permission (I am 34 years old) and no family in Saudi. What does he need to do and where do we go?


tbh im not an expert in that but id suggest to talk to a lawyer... cuz they always find a way.

good luck


my sincere advice to you is to firstly accept islaam due to the fact that you believe that there is no deity worthy of worship in truth except Allah and that muhammad salAllaahu alayhi wa salaam is the slave and final messenger of Allaah. upon saying the shahadah i would work on getting closer to your Creator.

secondly, i would tell you to learn your religion and your rights as a woman in islaam which will allow you to ask (from your husband) and get what is given to you by your Creator. misyar marriage forgoes ALMOST all your rights as a wife. meaning - you will either forgo your accommodation that is due to you, allowance, maintenance or ALL AT ONCE. you will be (most likely) on your own when it comes to maintenance, you will work and provide for yourself, or you will stay in a place - like your parents home-   where you will be under someone else's care.
while misyar is halal, make sure you KNOW what you're getting into before you commit yourself to it.

if your father is deceased, you will need another male MUSLIM relative to act as your walee (guardian). if you have no male relatives then you must seek out a trustworthy, muslim male that will be in charge of your affairs. he will have your BEST INTEREST at hand, not just be a present body at the wedding.


i don't get misyar marriage anyways lol


Thank you for your advice. Has anyone on this site completed a misyar or know an office I can go to for advice that speaks English?


Hey ddm1 !!

When you have a Saudi Partner , I'm sure you can ask him to enquire the authorities that conduct such marriages !

Just an advise , as you are converting to Islam , and starting a new life , why don't you do a proper marriage instead of Misyar ?
Misyar is a marriage contract carried out via the normal contractual procedure, with the specificity that the husband and wife give up several rights by their own free will, such as living together !

I know you both might have personal reasons , but still it's just an advise and I wish you a happy life !

May God guide you to the correct path  :gloria



well Misyar means mostly you can say contract marriage. and there is no future in this kind of marriage.
here in saudi arabia mostly man marry second wife as misyar marriage.
in misyar man have to pay huge money to bride and she decide how much groom to pay before divorce.
thats mean if bride ask huge amount so groom can't divorce until he pay to bride.
mostly groom ask bride to stay in her parent home untill  groom call her. in this case groom first wife never know that he have more wife.
and in misyar marriage its very easy to divorce bride but in normal marriage groom have to show powerful reason for divorce to court other wise judge will reject the request.

misyar marriage only proof that man and woman have real relation only for government but bride will not register officially in government and she can't ask for nationality.

first of all go for normal marriage if you want to stay together for ever or keep terms and conditions is misyar marriage.


Thank you for the well-wishes. Yes we have reasons why we want a misyar instead of traditional marriage. He has been looking online and asking friends but we do not evenknow what office conducts the contracts. If anyone has advice or contact information regarding where we need to go and how to do please reply.


rareshine wrote:

my sincere advice to you is to firstly accept islaam due to the fact that you believe that there is no deity worthy of worship in truth except Allah and that muhammad salAllaahu alayhi wa salaam is the slave and final messenger of Allaah. upon saying the shahadah i would work on getting closer to your Creator.

secondly, i would tell you to learn your religion and your rights as a woman in islaam which will allow you to ask (from your husband) and get what is given to you by your Creator. misyar marriage forgoes ALMOST all your rights as a wife. meaning - you will either forgo your accommodation that is due to you, allowance, maintenance or ALL AT ONCE. you will be (most likely) on your own when it comes to maintenance, you will work and provide for yourself, or you will stay in a place - like your parents home-   where you will be under someone else's care.
while misyar is halal, make sure you KNOW what you're getting into before you commit yourself to it.

if your father is deceased, you will need another male MUSLIM relative to act as your walee (guardian). if you have no male relatives then you must seek out a trustworthy, muslim male that will be in charge of your affairs. he will have your BEST INTEREST at hand, not just be a present body at the wedding.

Very valid !


Misyar marriage is  still controversial in islam., dont go for it,  go for real marriage.


rafi_nezami wrote:


well Misyar means mostly you can say contract marriage. and there is no future in this kind of marriage.
here in saudi arabia mostly man marry second wife as misyar marriage.
in misyar man have to pay huge money to bride and she decide how much groom to pay before divorce.
thats mean if bride ask huge amount so groom can't divorce until he pay to bride.
mostly groom ask bride to stay in her parent home untill  groom call her. in this case groom first wife never know that he have more wife.
and in misyar marriage its very easy to divorce bride but in normal marriage groom have to show powerful reason for divorce to court other wise judge will reject the request.

misyar marriage only proof that man and woman have real relation only for government but bride will not register officially in government and she can't ask for nationality.

first of all go for normal marriage if you want to stay together for ever or keep terms and conditions is misyar marriage.

well briefed.

i fully support the idea.


its not  a marriage its just a deal to satisfy sexual desires , nothing else.


nomi88 wrote:

its not  a marriage its just a deal to satisfy sexual desires , nothing else.

" Specially in Saudi Arabia "  :|


gunner757 wrote:
nomi88 wrote:

its not  a marriage its just a deal to satisfy sexual desires , nothing else.

" Specially in Saudi Arabia "  :|

yes u r 100 % right and every body knows abt it. .

A woman with little mind will never do it.


Wait, if saudi males need government approval to marry foreign women and men under 35 are not given that approval (this is known), seems like this won't be possible.



Your question pertains only  to finding the procedure and the office to conduct the Misyar Marriage : زواج المسيار‎ .

I suggest your 29 year old partner is the best person who should be able to find out about the answer rather than to leave it you who is an foreigner ( I did not use the word Alien, the  term used by US law makers, as if you come from another planet :nothappy: ) non - muslim ( at least presently), non Arab, and non conversant with legalities specially with the Islamic Law ( like most of us are unless we deal with law as a  part of our job)

I am sure you are a mentally mature and educated lady, and you must have considered the social, legal and emotional consequences before making this decision.

Quote            "Life is either a daring adventure or it is nothing."
                                                                              Helen Keller

(Rareshine , I realized this became another essay  :shy )


One of the conditions of marriage in Islam is that it must be announced. That makes misyar invalid.


Again thank you all for the advice. I am still seeking further information.  I understand that I would be waiving rights but after much discussion I still feel misyar is right for me. Can anyone provide office location and information?


He needs to go to a Shariah court where they conduct regular marriages and ask there.  I am quite positive they don't have special offices for misyar marriages.  They are most probably conducted in the same Shariah courts.

Also, seems like you missed my previous post:

Wait, if saudi males need government approval to marry foreign women and men under 35 are not given that approval (this is known), seems like this won't be possible.


Its an early stage for you and you'vent even accepted Islam and your going for a critical matter that is Misyar marriage rather than regular. I suggest, you give it another thought.


its not must for you to convert to islam to get married to any muslim guy. if you are christian or other "ahl e kitaab" then u can marry a muslim straight away.. thats what i assume


I'm an American married to a Saudi. It is forbidden by the government for any Saudi to marry a non-Saudi without first being approved for the marriage permission. An exception to this rule are citizens of the GCC member countries. If caught, the fine is SR100,000 for the Saudi and as an expat, you risk being deported for breaking the law. Maybe that Saudi knows that it is difficult to get the marriage permission so he wants to sidestep the process and do misyar. Have some respect for yourself and demand that he marry you legally and give you full rights as accorded to all Muslim women. If he insists on misyar then I think you should run. Follow your head and not your heart.


Hi, Converting to Islam through a self study course is admirable, but if you pop into your local islamic centre they will convert you in about 5 minutes!

Once converted your husband needs to go to the family court and request a wedding - the judge will want to see your ID and conversion certificate (Have the Islamic centre issue you a letter stating you are a convert and that you will receive your certificate in time, but that the letter confirms you are now a muslim) the whole process took me 2 days in reality (Longer in actual because we didn't know about the letter) the wedding was same day - took 5 minutes, and was very "cold"compared to western civil unions.....

Remember that you will need a guardian, and a dowry of 1000 must have been paid to you!


2 thing you should but in mind

1- Officially There is nothing called misyar marriage it required all process and document of regular marriage

2- Saudis required permission from MOI to marry non Saudi

However  If your partner want only (halal) i.e.
Religiously accepted marrage

You could make a unique official contract


By MD Rasooldeen
Arab News | Riyadh
27 June 2011

The Shoura Council said a fine of up to SR100,000 will be imposed on Saudis who violate the regulations of the proposed marriage law that would allow Saudis to marry foreigners.

The bill was approved Monday at the councils session chaired by Vice Chairman Bandar bin Mohammed Hamzah Hajjar.

The draft marriage law prepared by a special committee appointed by the council contained 13 articles that outlined the social, cultural, environmental and religious impact on Saudi men marrying non-Saudi women and Saudi women marrying nonSaudis.

The bill allows Saudi men and women to marry nationals from the Gulf countries since they belong to the same religion and are supported by identical cultures.

Secretary-General Muhammed Al-Ghamdi explained that applications for marriages where a Saudi marrying a non-Saudi from countries outside the GCC should be made three months prior to the official Nikah ceremony.

Such applicants have to submit their proposal to a special committee in their respective governorates. The committee would forward the application with its recommendations to the governorate for necessary approval by the Ministry of Interior.

According to Al-Ghamdi, such a committee would comprise senior government servants from the ministries of Interior, Foreign Affairs, Justice, Social Affairs and the Saudi Human Rights Commission.

It is laid down in the proposed law that the marriage should be solemnized in accordance with Islamic law and there should not be an age difference of more than 25 years between the bride and groom. It is also specifically mentioned that both parties should be free from diseases and they should not be victims of drug related problems.

The house said that violation of any part of the act will be subject to a fine of not more than SR100,000 to the Saudi national who opts to marry a non-Saudi ignoring local regulations.

It was also said that the collection of such fines should be diverted to the Ministry of Social Affairs, which in turn will offer those funds to organizations that help young Saudis get married.

The members said that family is the nucleus of society and a stable and secure family would contribute to the development of society according to Islamic law.

Shoura Approves Saudis Marrying Foreign Women
Saudi Gazette | Riyadh
29 June 2011

The Shoura Council Monday approved a bill by an absolute majority allowing Saudis to marry foreign women, according to a report carried by the Arabic daily Al-Hayat. The bill was agreed upon, with certain restrictions, after a lengthy and heated debate among the Council members.

The draft law allows all Saudis to marry women from the Gulf Cooperation (GCC) states because of the relationships between these countries and their common social characteristics.

The bill has adopted a moderate and flexible stance toward the marriage of Saudis to women born to a Saudi mother and foreign father and vice versa.

The bill stipulates that the couples marriage should be approved by the emirate in the region which has to set up a committee to study the applications.

It also stipulates that the members should be at Grade 12, representing the ministries of interior, foreign affairs, justice, social affairs and human rights bodies. The committee should submit its recommendation to the Ministry of Interior for final approval within three weeks after it has taken a decision.

The draft law also stipulates that the applicants should not have violated any Shariah laws and be free from communicable diseases and drugs. In addition, the difference in age between the partners should not exceed 25 years.

A penalty for violation of the law is set at SR100,000, to be deposited in a current account with the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA) in the name of the Ministry of Social Affairs.

It also stipulates the marriage contract of a Saudi married to a foreign woman and vice versa should be documented and certified by the authorized courts in the Kingdom after the fulfillment of the conditions. The Saudi chancelleries abroad are authorized to verify marriages taking place overseas.


If you will marry to foreigner, that would be easy, u just convert to Islam and both of u go to court and complete the process.
if you will marry to Saudi then its more complicated, first if he works in the public sector it will be impossible, and when they find he will have to choose between you or his job.
if he does not work in pubic sector, he has to get  permission from (Amarah) Prince of Riyadh or the province you are in ( that is the most difficult one) , then it would be easy just go to court and its up to you to make private( missyar) or make a wedding ( announce to public); because this is the difference.

Wish you luck and congratulations in advance.



actually i have asked alot of islamic clerics in the saudi arabia,and they told me that mysiar is legal if there is no contract which shows the time duration of the marriage between the both the parties.
secondly mesiar is a marriage in which a man visits his wife frequently at her home and its no obliged that he stays with her the whole day due to his bussiness activities or other activities,he can also be married to any other woman who has kids with dont need any thing special for mysiar,u need ur iqama.

if u have any quesstion u can ask

thank  u


Hi, good to know you are about to revert to Islam and I hope you are not doing this just for a mere misyar.

As I understand misyar is no more allowed in Islam as both partners are not obliged to any contractual agreement.

If you really want to marry get it done as a sharaih allowed nikah and you may contact the concerned authorities.


in summary:

1. SHARIYAH ; misyar is permissible.
2. SAUDI GOV; misyar has conditional permissibility.
3. PERSONAL; misyar is permissible, but BEWARE!


is it like mutah of the shiahs? it looks similar but mutah has more rules and the ladies have more rights. so why is mutah scorned by the saudis and other arabs but they accept misyar?


First of all I would like to appreciate that you are studying about Islam and going to embrace the truth- Islam. Second, the better marriage in Islam is regular marriage  that gives you more rights. You should come out from nationalities if looking for a very caring n good Muslim. I wish you found true n God fearing life partner.
May Allah be with you ,bless you n keep you on Serat-e-mostaqeem(the right path).

A welwisher....


Please don't Advertise such of these posts as sure you will get plenty of emails from males who will think wrong about your Ad.
If you are a really new Muslim , Only Ask Allah to guide you to a good muslim husband to support /teach you about Islam for good not for Misyar.
Dear Sister, I hope you wont get angry from me , and take care of your self


when where and by whom was misyar allowed?


This is my email just cantact on this email and wait for answer also if late....


Its not good but you havr to cantact on this email I will give you all information
And if you send me mail so must be wait

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