
NORTH COAST discussion and questions...

Last activity 11 March 2015 by gypsy401

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Nice try,  even the good ones are dishonest! Its the system.

Bob K

Next rule....Power begets...$$$$$$$

I am sure a few years after he leave office whenever that is we will be reading about some dirt on him as well. Maybe not as muddy as others but dirt non the less.

Bob K


There are low cost solutions, here is interesting reading on Solar Power use by third world countries: … ing-world/ … sil-fuels/ … oing-solar

Tomas Cabrera

Thanks for those solar sites! smile.png


Seems like Ede Norte is making some progress on its long road toward decent service. Here in Gaspar Hernandez we went from having electricity 8 hours a day to pretty much all day long. The change happened about a month ago when they installed new electric poles. Then 3 days ago we went black out again because one of Ede Norte's workers died while replacing a transformer. By the way electricians work here I'm surprised they don't lose one every day. I've seen workers climbing houses without ladders and bypassing wires with their bare hands. Kinda scary.

But anyway, I won't dwell on that subject for too long but I'm just returning from Costa Rica, where everything works well and tap water is drinkable. But life is so costly over there (pretty similar to the USA, sometimes more) that quite frankly I prefer the DR with all of its shortcomings.


Welcome back........

Bob K

Welcome home and the Ed Norte story does not surprise me

Bob K

Tomas Cabrera

I am totally surprised as well Bob!
I just shake my head in disbelief at EdeNorte's
worker's habits. Same with construction workers!
Heavy truck drivers are another thing!


To die by wire is one of the leading causes of accidental deaths in the D.R..  By people stealing power off the the live wires.   If all the thieves just paid 500 pesos a month, the power companies could afford to upgrade the generation, transmission, & service plus lower the rates.

Bob K

OSHA would have a field day here.

Bob K


Hello Folks: DR newbie here. Just joined. Looking forward to my first trip in the next 60-90 days to Cabrera area. Re: insects. I read where something as simple as baking soda sprinkled around door/window openings help. We have a great, natural mosquito recipe we use here in Nova Scotia. Will post it as soon as I find the recipe. Hopefully I will get to meet some of you. Cheers.

Tomas Cabrera

The insects here are about one percent of
northern Ontario's.
We don't have screens here in Cabrera.

Tomas Cabrera

Hey Micro!
Mannys Bar on the Malecon is the place.
Currently one of the best restaurants in the DR.
Where are you staying in Cabrera?


Welcome Micro..............  Lots of information for you here, read read read then come ask more questions.....

One issue here is mosquitoes -  only thing that works on the body is repellent with at least 20% DEET.. the rest is worthless.....


Welcome to the best Caribbean island Micro!

Concerning insects I should add that DEET 20%+ is not easy to find and costly. If you spray your whole body everyday you'll be buying tons of cans. Clothes sprayed with DEET have to be washed more regularly. Living here one has to accept the risk of being bitten by mosquitoes and possibly contracting Chikungunya or Dengue. It's part of the game.

Insects are not that numerous in general unless you live in the deep woods or close to a lake or river.


skin so soft has worked for years.  eating lots of garlic & hot sauce works also.

Bob K

Welcome Micro.  As planner said lost of good information and good folks on this forum.

As to repellents I have found over the last 12 years of coming here (9 of them living here full time) that you need repellent with at least 25% DEET and you wont have a bite to complain about.  It is VERY expensive here so get it at home.

Bob K


If new to an area it could be useful  to know about current risks  ( ).

It is also useful to avoid or eliminate mosquito habitat.  This generally means standing water, anything from old tires to swampy areas.   It means cleaning the yard at home, being aware of where you are going, and watch what happens after it rains and during the rainy season...   Then use the appropriate clothing and repellant.


More reading...

Bob K

Ted all good points.
Malaria here on the north coast....none in 10years or so

Chikungunya  a huge decrease in the number of cases over the last couple of months. This may change after the recent rains as the mosquito numbers rise.

Cholera too not much of a problem here on the north coast.

Bob K


Cholera and Malaria are not issues of note here.

Dengue is minimal but chikungunya is not.   We expect another outbreak of chikungunya this year but it will be much smaller then last year. The good news - you can only get it once.  And once is enough.

Skin so soft,  or any other prevention for mosquitoes does NOT work.  Repellent with minimum 20% DEET is the ONLY option.  AND get spray for your rooms if you are in a resort or for your bedroom!  Nothing worse then mosquitoes when you are trying to sleep.

Bob K

Funny when  you are trying to sleep that one lonely mosquito just buzzes around your ear.  I slap myself silly some nights and never get the sucker.
Bob K


Ah, sweet thing,  I beg to differ with you. And it grieves me to do so.  However, I must.   Larry at the old Campo Bar in Sosua, kept a pump spray bottle of skin-so-soft behind the bar.   He gave it to all who requested it .  IT WORKED  as many of the regulars can attest to.  Perhaps since 2010 they have changed the formula as did the bar tenders friend  ( Visine ) was altered in the 90's.   To reiterate,  garlic, dark clothes & spicy food works well too.   Don't forget the B-B-Q fiesta at Desjardine's  when I arrive with plenty of hot sauces!


Some perspective on Dengue and Chikungunya: my girlfriend used to live in the deep finca, then in the campo for all her life (until 4 days ago when she moved with me). She lived there with her mom, her father, her sister and her cousin. She also has a brother living in the same conditions. There is some still water around the house, their doors and windows stay open all day, bedroom windows are only plastic shutters without screens and the window in the bathroom has no shutters, it's just a hole in the wall.

In 2013 my girlfriend got Chikungunya and her mom too. The sister, father, brother and cousin never caught it. My girlfriend and her mom were both sick for 2 weeks then recovered completely. In both of their cases the disease resulted in moderate joint pain and fever. A doctor confirmed the diagnosis and sent them to rest until it cleared.

As for Dengue, only my girlfriend's sister caught it once, 15 years ago. We are speaking of people who live 365 days a year without any sort of protection against mosquitoes. They don't even know what DEET is.

One thing you might want to check out for mosquito reproduction control is water used for washing clothes. Lots of Dominicans keep tanks of water in their backyard, often without covers. I asked my owners to correct that in my house and as soon as lids were installed on water tanks, I noticed a dramatic decrease in mosquito population.


Gypsy: Desjardins can't wait to host the fiesta and taste your concoctions. I bet there's something special about them. Nothing can be dull when it's done by Gypsy! Everyone will be invited to the fiesta, except Frank Reyes.


Let me tell you about chikungunya - I got it last April -  brutally sick for 8 days, EVERY SINGLE PERSON in my extended neighborhood got it.  Hundreds of thousands of people on the south coast got it.  The people who don't use mosquito repellent got it - so it is not relevant.   I am still battling the  complications of chikungunya - not a joke at all people. IF there is another outbreak take it seriously. AND there will be another outbreak, its just a matter  of time.

What is important is the NUMBER OF INFECTED mosquitoes in the area.  In the campo there will be less for sure,  in the cities way more.

DEET is the answer.


Yeah that's absolutely true Planner, I read that it was much worse in big cities, especially around Santo Domingo. Very sorry to hear about your terrible journey with Chikungunya.


Its ongoing and not fun. I found a combination of drugs that keeps my symptoms under control.  But they are not good,  I will get off them as soon as possible. I am on the lowest possible dose but if I stop my body reacts within days.......

Tomas Cabrera

Well, back in Northern Ontario, all the bush workers
use skin so soft. It works. Canadian mosquitos are
bigger & much slower, problem is there are billions.
(per sq. meter)


Semana Santa is right around the corner, soon those mosquitoes will have fresh meat to feast.

Bob K

RDE now that is funny.

Skin So Soft is ok for the tiny no seeums but not for the mosquitos we have here. DEET is the only way to go.

Bob K


Skin so soft by Avon? The oil or cream? There is an Avon Store not too far from me. big_smile.png


I don't know a Frank Reyes.  Did he spit on our shoes?   We will have a bachanallian (   SP), feast  .Who wants to play Faust?   I'm Pan & will dance the dance of demented Gypsy's..  Watch out Planner for I shall spirit you away into the forest deep to a hidden glen to speak of forbidden raptures.   At 75, the glen  better be close!   Direct your inquiries to him, that good & generous soul.  I am only the court jester & chandler.        Welcome to the thought  that you never knew there was a box to be outside of.  Break the stultifying bonds of every day routine & make your presence known..


The oil, put in a spray bottle & use liberally. Rub  it on exposed skin,  Plus it has an asexual scent that smell nice & clean.


Thanks Gypsy.....Love your tips on alternative products big_smile.png will buy a bottle tomorrow.


We here in Nova Scotia have a concoction of lavender, lemon. Seems to do the job. No chemicals. On the other side, what meds do you folks use when you get the mosquito sickness?


Depends which sickness, they are different. For chikungunya you only take acetaminophen for symptom relief. Its a virus and nothing more to be done at that point. 

Again  I will make the point -  alternative is awesome but only when it actually works. Bob is a doctor and between us we have over 20 years living here.  NONE of that stuff has worked.  The only thing that actually works is the Deet formula.....


Winter is in Chicago....


Each persons bio - chemical make up is different.  What works for some might not work for others.   So a blanket statement should only apply to those that haven't had good results with different methods.   I'm sorry that such fine folk such as yourselves,  are limited to one source  of relief.        Cast that blanket aside  you other people & try alternative natural methods.  If they don't work, use the tried & true Deet.   We all know that, that works, chemicals & all.


In the meantime you expose yourself at times to dengue and or chikungunya if they are around.  Sorry NOT smart.

During normal times, sure, experiment all you want and advise others..... but, when either issue is  around your advice is dangerous!!!!


If they don't bite you how is that not smart.   Are the a different species that are only repulsed by deet?   Any research on this?    I had dengue in St Croix after Hurricane Hugo.  It was total hell.   After 10 days or so you feel pretty good, but get out of bed and get hit with a ball bat.   Another week of agony.  I was lucky to have my girl friend to take care of me..   They don't call dengue "bone break fever" for nothing.   What ever you do to avoid the buggers, don't miss a moment of application,  it aint worth it.

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