
Scams in D.R.

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Have we made a mistake, my wife and l arrive next week for 3 months from Canada. We have
visited 5 times before over the years at different resorts this is the first time for an extended
stay, l am coming with some trepidation after watching YouTube videos of the good things in
D.R. we also have watched and read how if you are a Gringo you may as well have a sign
pronouncing Scam Me , I.E. various tourists getting ripped off for exorbitant prices at restaurants,
Taxis, Currency exchange etc. We are not green to travelling having owned a house in Panama
for ten years , but it seems like there is a thread in D.R. that it is a matter of everyday Survival
for the locals to part you with your money , we are coming with no preconceived prejudice
but as previously written a little uneasy as, Have we made a Mistake…….


No mistake!  You have to watch your money where ever you live.  DR is no different, but you already know there is folks looking for a scam in DR, so just watch your back, and enjoy the culture and be thankful you are not in the snow country.  Dig your toes in the sand a little deeper.


First and formost - remember - only fools are parted with their money - old saying but simply that if  you are not cognizant, it can happen to you ANYWHERE. IMHO, if you plan on staying in an "tourist" region/area, you are more likely to be hit upon.  My wife is from Moca, and her relatives range over a very broad area and none are of the rip-you-off kind. Even the husband of her cousin, a Colonel, is straight forward and honest.  From those I know who have resided in Panama, there is little difference between there and here in that you watch what you do, don't flaunt, be friendly and honest with locals but always proceed with caution and wariness until you are known and you know those around you - kind of common sense. Comments made in the threads should be treated with an element of objectivity - there are bad apples everywhere but the majority of the people here want what we all want - freedom, respect, better government, better living etc etc'll never relax if you beleive all that is/has been written in the threads that are negative.....and that's from another Canadian with lots of experience interacting with populations in other parts of the world.....


There are some youtube channels that do exagerate things. Some of these individuals who create these videos also sell their services to help you avoid scams. I've lived in the DR full time for a number of years now and have not run into any major issues. Don't exchange your money at the airport, you'll get your best rate at Carib Express or one of the many exchange houses which typically have their their rates clearly posted. I eat out a lot and can't say that I've ever been overcharged, most restaurants have their prices on the menu. If you're away from a major tourist area and paying cash, many places won't even charge you the sales tax. I'm a white gringo and my spanish is still not that good, yet I don't believe I've been overcharged at stores in any major way. I can't speak about the taxis but I would say that it would not be much different than in Panama, where I have spent some time myself. Be familar with the point to point rate ahead of time if possible and use a reputable company or Uber. When I have heard of people being scammed here it usaually involved contractors, realestate, lawyers of other things that you would not typically  get involved with on a three month stay. If you have any questions, you may want to share with everyone the area where you'll be staying and maybe they can help with any specific concerns or provide recommendations.


These days way too many posts and influencers are looking for readers and people who will spread the videos and posts. So good new doesn't sell and scare mongering does!

We don't work that way. We try to give realistic reliable information with no motive other than to help.

You are not making a mistake.  Take reasonable precautions!  Ask for help or advice when needed. Come and have a great time


My first rule of thumb is try to figure out how much you should pay for something before they tell you the price.  Have that amount of money in hand and no more.  When they go over your limit simply say; no tiene mas... if you want to haggle prices, you can but I always pay what I think is fair and have not had any problems.  It won't take you long to figure out going prices and large grocery stores have their prices posted.  It's only the little roadside colmadoes and stores that prices vary for gringos.  For Taxis, ask before you get in.  If it's too much, call someone else.  I am in in the Punta Cana area and local bus service here is pretty good and cheap.

If you plan on wearing flashy clothes and wave your money around then expect to pay more...

Don't worry, you will blend in quickly.

Lastly, many people here (PC area) are working for 500-1000 pesos per day.  That should put things into perspective.

If you need some quick advice, you know where to turn...


Here 3-4 months a year for past 4 years after buying in El Cortecito.  You get the odd guy trying to jack up the price on gringos but rule of thumb is always ask for price up front.  Never eat in a restaurant unless prices clearly on the menu especially drinks.  2 examples we go to Macao Beach all the time sitting in the same section renting 2 loungers and umbrella for 500 pesos.  We met a nice German couple and they wanted to go so we drove them and they sat beside us.  The worker knew they were with us but without our knowledge charged them 1000 pesos.  They ordered 2 drinks and the guy charged them 1600 pesos!!!!  That's when I found out and blasted the guy.  We told them that we will never sit in their section again and now they lose out on all the money we pay them every year.  2nd example I just wanted to get my ears flushed here and Centro Medical just told me 250 US if I pay and 325 if insurance pays!!!  Our dentist just told me I can get it for $60!!!  Learn this simple phrase that means "we live here" and it will help you immensely.  Vendors will leave you alone and less likely to say a higher orice.  Its "vivimos aquí"


Thanks for the info, have been scammed while in Panama most foreigners are too trusting, we
had a Taxi driver take four guys on a 10 min. drive to a restaurant before leaving we asked how
much he replied $8 even though that was high we thought ok it’s just $2 each, after we arrived
at our destination he asked for $8 each person, we told him we were Pensionados not Tourists,
and to get lost, As l stated we have travelled far and often ,just know from friends here in Canada
when we tell them we are going to the Dom. Rep. for an extended stay they are a bit taken aback
and give warnings , we hope our stay will be uneventful and that the Country is just getting a
bad wrap.


Doesn't sound like much of a scam.  Just know your pricing, confirm up front and stand firm.  Simple.

Lots and lots of stories out there.  Get told and retold and blown out of proportion.   Most come from people never even lived here but they heard...... Blah blah blah


Monetarily it was not a great amount but it was still quadruple to what was agreed to  still a
scam no matter which way you cut it, as for the blah blah  blah scams  the videos l watched were real
people in D.R.not third party here say , just regular people giving heads up advice , my post was
not intended to malign the country or its people, more to set my mind at ease, therefore the
question, “Did we make a mistake” only time will tell . Thanks.


Not meant to suggest it's  correct, it isn't. But it's them trying and that happens all the time. 

Sorry I will disagree that most of this online is blown out of proportion.  We really try not to do that.  We also don't paint everything here as perfect as it's not!

Take normal precautions and you will be fine


In my opinion if you wish to live here you have to accept the fact locals will try to charge you more, because they think you can afford it. That's all there is to it. They are most likely poor and just trying to get along. If you wish to define that as a scam you may have trouble adapting to the culture and may wish to rethink coming here.


Not a mistake, you just have to learn and pay your peaje like we all did.

In 2 years or so you’ll look back and laugh.  Stay the course and you’ll be glad you did.


Hi, l am not nor do l have any plans on living in D. R. , I am though coming on vacation for an extended
stay after reading various posts on this site and watching recent you tube videos of current residents
I merely stated that there seems to be a thread , l understand this is a poor country and locals have to
make it through each day as best they can , l am aware of this , but when l go to a licensed establishment for a meal , or a doctors office for something minor, l don’t expect to pay the same
as a local  but l also don’t accept exorbitant charges and then being told “ what’s wrong you can afford it “ this is what l am trying to convey, Am here to relax ,enjoy my stay and mix with locals in a
respectful manner, don’t need any grief , not here to change any culture .



Too many answers make it confusing to anyone.  Just come and enjoy yourself and do not worry.  Everything will be just fine.  Leave your expectations behind and welcome your Dominican adventure.  Something new, something different and like most of us, you won't want to go back to your country when your time is up...

Did I mention it's cold here now...only 27 or 28C!



You don't need to be a gringo in order to get scammed.  I am a non white person, l got scammed in Dominican Republic because l don't speak the language.  They know whose are tourists whose are locals.  Unfortunately, it's a phenomenon that happened  every where when i traveled to foreign countries.  It can even happen in Canada as well in certain settings, you must remember skunks are every where and come in every color, and gender.


Most expats here aren’t imbedded in Dominican communities, so they don’t know, regarlesss of how long they lived here.  As far as scams, like everywhere , it just depends on who you surrounds yourself with.  Most expats here see things through a COMFORTABLE distance, safe enough to judge, but not so close….get it, and their guidance reflex the same. Food for thought. It’s true. Don’t cancel me.


Most anglophile expats choose to live where their mother tongue is understood collectively. Downside it attracts the dregs of Dominican society who find ease and zero remorse at exploiting apparent naive behavoiur.

You find less explotation of foregn nationals of Romanic languages such as Italian and French because they quickly understand more of what is being said and planned.

But any foreigner can get seduced and blinded by a different culture and peoples especially when in enjoy mode.


All good points!  All points of view are welcome on this.


First thing is to make sure at the beginning that both parties understand each other ...use translator app if you have to...2nd thing is bargain lol and and enjoy the ride.  DR is a beautiful place beautiful people.  I have actually never came across such kind peeps before.  One time our car got stuck and a local came to help to ask us if we are okay.  This hasn't even happened to us here in Canada haha.  We could be stranded for hours but no one will come to aid.


All comments are very much on point here. Majority of locals can tell by your derelict for the way you speak Spanish if you're from here or not that is for sure. True they might not try to hustle or gringo people that they know have been around for a long time. Like one person said always agree upon a price before anything is done and then negotiated off that price. Some things have been definitely out of control lately since covid but that's just a form of surviving and being prosperous during this sad time. My advice to everyone is take everything with a grain of salt your visitors and their country even if you lived there 10 years you're still considered a visitor. And true most of the people that you run in that you may not know somehow has a scam or a hustle but that's just a way of life here. Just be careful follow some simple safety techniques and you'll be fine. Don't let it influence your time in this amazing country. I like when the cruise ship buses come in town they lecture them on the way here so they're very hesitant and very rude to a lot of the local I find myself more this last year defending locals going to have been doing anything else. But when your lecturing people on a bus before you get to the town about how everyone scamming you don't trust anyone that just puts a preconception in their head. The cruise ships has to do a better job at expressing open the locals with open arms and enjoy your time not you're going to get robbed. True crime is very very very very high in the country the last 3 years but look at any other countries statistics crime has been risen all over the place. But if you take the time and are lucky enough to be accepted into a few Dominican families here trust me you'll never meet the most friendlier honest open caring and compassionate people anywhere in the world that's a fact


Just One last tidbit or guidance I discovered over the last decade and a half. Whenever I meet people from any other country say well in my country it's like this. Well guess what you're not in your country you're here by choice if you don't like the decisions or the way things are done here go back home. I listen to a gentleman that got a ticket for no helmet the other day and I told him he goes well they asked me for money up front I'm like yes the national Police don't make much money here sir I go you either pay them $1,000 on scene and they rip up your tickets and you know the three or four guys that are doing the safety check you know gets a little money. Or you can go stand in line in a bank and pay the same price. It's totally up to you and the guy got all offended at me but trust me I seen locals get pulled over more than I see expats. Yes expats are quicker and faster way but there's a reason why a majority of times they do checkpoints it's on the 1st and the 15th of the month that's when local Dominicans get paid usually but like I said any country you come from has issues and inequality.. you find somewhere else in the world where you can live as comfortable as you can hear for the same price I would be impressed. And yes true there's a lot of scams and hustles and tourist area also that's just easy pickings. And like one of the other people posted  the time you're getting hustled scammed you're in a position and doing something you probably shouldn't be doing. Thanks for the person that said something about stores and restaurants charging more yeah they do because guess what tours can pay more usually. If I'm buying something at a store I usually have a local friend and go I save maybe 20 to 30% more that way but that's just smart business . Trust me there's a lot of profit on return on majority of businesses here in the country between paying the ibts tax which seems have been getting out of control the last few years but it's also one of the main source of income for the island. So that is not a scam that's just the way of life here anyway you travel there's some form of tax


But I will say the new one that shocks me is a no hair on the North Coast there is a woman who does YouTube videos. Yeah here's a tip to all of you oh such a great deal she's getting a cut of money somehow from any rental or life coaching you get from her or advice. That's their source of income. Sometimes it's a lot easier going straight to landlords or a rental property owners and discussing fees with them you will save a whole lot of money trust me. A lot of people use the same person I said there's about three of them now and they're like well I found out I'm paying $200 more a month then my neighbors oh yeah those people I guaranteed dealt with the property on her not a in between. Like everywhere else in the world it's like finding a unicorn when you find someone who's actually out there to help you and give you free to advice. That's why this form is so much a necessity for anyone who has moved here. Because it's other fellow expats that have gone through the same things giving free advice so that you go into any situation fully knowledgeable. But yeah I can't tell you how many expats tell me about a certain two or three YouTubers that do it I don't like yep that's their living that's how they make the money and they're just so shocked here's the thing if you use a rental agent in the US they get money from the landlord and guess what the landlord is just raising the rent in order to compensate for that. But that's one thing you got to be very careful there's a few very amazing YouTubers that expresses everyone their experiences how much they like living here and you will never see him ask for a dime give you life coach advice. Majority of is there adults here we should be able to make our own decisions and weigh those decisions based on pros and cons okay that's all I got today LOL but don't let hearsay ever determine if you're going to move here or not come live 6 months to a year in a rental learn the areas meet the people and trust me you'll never have majority of the problems you hear , Plus the expect community here is an amazing sounding board and are willing to give you the advice that they experience free of charge


Interesting points.  I can tell you I have been scammed.  With each year of experience it happens less and less but it happens.

The very first attempt to scam me was from a Brit, a long time resident who knew that I did not know the system.  So we need to  be aware its NOT  just  locals!


I am from Canada, it's depend where you live in Canada.  If you live in Toronto, Ottawa...of course the majority of the people are in a constant rush, they are not friendly nor helpful.  Nowadays, there are so much crimes out there, the people are scared of stopping and helping someone who had a flat tire for example.  The North America is the most dangerous place compare to some third world countries.


I was in the Punta Cana airport lounge before xmas, when I met a nice American (black, not white), who had just come for a few days for a visit, first time.  He grabbed a cab to get to his hotel, and made the mistake of not pre-booking it.  He was driven around for one hour and eventually ended up at his resort which was near the airport.  They drove him in circles for one hour and charged him $300 usd ($16,000 pesos) for a one way drive to his hotel near the airport.  He knew it was a rip off but given what they did, he didnt want to argue for fear of a confrontation.   He told me, he felt happy to help someone out if they really needed it, and to finally arrive at the hotel in one piece.  He didnt seem too angry.

The minute the man arrived, someone already got him.  Yes, I know there are good people here, but how many compared to the ones that rip off new comers or those that dont speak the language.   Makes me very sad when I think about this.


Hi , have arrived in Dom. Rep. been here 2 weeks now and have
gone through 2 weeks of absolute stress , with a rental which
was a dump not as advertised, have relocated after being
evicted given 20 hrs to vacate ongoing nonsense with Airbnb,
Now in another unit in same complex which is perfect, supposed to
relocate in 4 days to another upgrade unit, but really torn about
do l stay for the 3 months or return to stress free home, had a
nightmare 50th wedding anniversary, maybe just feeling low
with the whole experience. Just wanted to get it off my chest.


I am really sorry you have had this experience! 

Many of us understand how stressful this can be.  See if things settle down in your upgraded accomodations.  It can be pretty amazing here! 

Maybe a do over for your anniversary?  50 years is impressive.


He shouldn’t of paid it.


Regarding scams, they’re everywhere, but the difference here is that scams are very overt and more in your face. But it’s not as if you’re going to be taken by a Bernie Madoff or Elizabeth Holmes.  For the most part, locals in the dr live for the moment. A foreigner to them is someone that will eventually leave and go back to where they came from, therefore in their minds, it’s open season.


You have to pay to book Airbnb in advance of your booking we reserved this months ago,
and paid $4400 cdn. In advance for the first month, this wasn’t a $50 a night motel room
it was supposed to be a luxury suite, if you saw the pictures it was a $50 night dump.


I have to respond to this post, you paid $4,400 Canadian dollars to an Airbnb.  With that money you could have rent a villa in Punta Cana for the three months.  Unbelievable, l've heard some people here in Canada who had been taken for a ride when it comes to rent Airbnb's.


That’s not a DR scam in my opinion.


You have not looked into Airbnb prices in Punta Cana they are
astronomical  , that’s why we chose Juan Dolio beachfront
supposedly Luxury unit , we got scammed lesson learnt
at my expense , will never use Airbnb again . Never said it was
a Dominican scam just said we were scammed , end of story
why does everyone’s back go up when you try to enlighten
people about what can happen when you travel, Have a nice


This is not a scam. Maybe the pictures may not represent what the place actually is but you can leave a bad review or complain. You have many places to choose from on airbnb. Did you read reviews?

A scam is when you take a uber and prepay and the driver tells you have to pay cash because of some bs and tries to double charge you,


Here’s some enlightenment.  you posted your post in “Scams in D.R.”


That’s why I replied with: I didn’t think your problem was a d.r. Scam. That’s all.  :D


When you rent a fancy place you have to pay alot for it.  Do you know what it costs to stay in an all inclusive resort these days?  A 4-5star hotel costs $300  a night per person (double occupancy).  So getting a nice apartment for $4000 is not that bad ($135/night).  Supply and demand.  Prices are lower in the summer. 

Only when you sign a lease for 6-12 months can you expect to pay $1200-2000 a month, depending on the size of the place, and furnishings included.  And when you sign such a lease, they ask for 2 months security deposit, plus the first month rent.  The security deposit covers damages for the furnishings inside, or, they keep it if you decide to leave before the end of the term.  Its an incentive to stay for the entire term.  You get the security deposit back when you leave, and there are no damages or things missing.     

Airbnb is expensive.  I suggest its better to rent only a few days, and after you get there, then decide if you should stay longer.  Then you dont tie up all your money or try to get it back if something is wrong.  After you pay for the first rental, you can get the owner contact details and ask them if they will hold the longer dates for you, because you want to stay longer but need to arrive and see the place first.  Also they might give you a better rate because then they dont have to pay the fees to Airbnb.  Down side is the place could be rented to someone else if you only reserve it for a few days.



just know what to pay BEFORE you pay it. and i have learned to ALWAYS ask the price when they don't tell me. I have been there a few times and each time I get better at moving around.  The good folks  TELL you the price BEFORE you pay.

Stick to the well traveled stores, bigger stores. You and your woman will be ok. The DR is simply a paradise, if you do it the right way. if 9 out of 10 people give you the same advice on this forum, take it, they have been there and done that and want to help you avoid stepping in the gopher holes.


Watch yourself at the airport when you arrive.  My friends and I got taken for $60 USD at POP.  We were looking for a taxi to take us to Sosua.  The concierge (handling our bags) directed us to a guy.  We think this guy will help us find a taxi but then he asks for $20, so we're thinking, OK, he'll be driving us.  But that guy said he didn't know the Sosua area and only pointed us to another guy - but kept our money.  So, we talk to that next guy about where our lodgings were, etc.  He says, OK, $20, but then says he doesn't know the Sosua area and points us to another driver.  'He knows Sosua, he'll drive you.'  And, this whole time, they were keeping me and my friends separated, different guys talking to each of us, so we weren't aware that each of us was paying money to someone supposedly for a taxi. 

Not knowing how things worked in in the DR, we didn't know if we were supposed to pay up front at the airport or not.  They were asking us to pay $20 right then, each time.  So, watch out for that.  Only pay the taxi guy when he drops you at your location.  The guys at the airport asking to be paid aren't driving you - they're just "helping." (helping themselves to your money)

Best option:  if your Airbnb host offers to send a taxi for you, take it.  That way you'll know you have someone waiting for you, someone who knows exactly where you're going, and you can ignore all the guys at the airport.  You'll probably still need to pay him, but ask your host how much you're expected to pay.

If you DO decide to get your own taxi from the airport, the Sosua-Cabarete taxi company has their prices posted at the airport, so you know up front how much you're paying.  Their drivers wear yellow shirts.  You might be able to get a taxi for cheaper, but that requires some work on your part (looking, negotiating, etc).

EDIT:  DO tip the concierge guy at the airport if you use one, and I will recommend that you use one.  He will help you with your bags and get you through Customs/security quickly and easily.  Our guy also pointed me to the Customs office where I needed to register my pet.  I didn't know about this 'pet Customs paperwork' process when I landed and this guy saved me a lot of time and headache.  Getting through the Customs/security checkpoint went so fast we hardly knew it was happening thanks to our concierge.

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