What are your thoughts on today's expiration date for the undocumented
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DRTuttle did you watch the videos? Like I mentioned before......the questioning of the process is not so much based on the illegals, It is based on Dominican citizens of Hatian ancestry who were stripped of national status and told they will now have to reapply under the guise of naturaluzation which does not grant the same privileges as someone who is a full citizen, for one, they will never be able to aspire to the presidency under this new provision. That is what the international community is questioning.
Why is it that we have not seen any other groups other than Hatians been stripped??? I have been following this thing for an entire year, have you seen any other nationality other than the Hatians complaining of these issues? Please bring me one none Hatian case that you know of or has been documented......mind you the government said there were 23 other nationalities besides Haiti that was part of the illegals......How many non Hatians have been placed on a plane so far? Please bring me one......just one please. Once again if the masses wish to remain blind, that is fine, but when there is hard evidence upfront and center, then it simply boils down to not wanting to see. Let us once again wait and see how many folks qualify for legal status, then we can judge if there has been success or not.
I will still stand by my statement:, naturaluzation is not citizenship. Bill Di Blasio is not advocating keeping the illegals, plus he is not the only one questioning what is going on. Do you realize 2 Dominican Judges within the electoral committee who decided to modify the constitution retroactively went on the record to say it was unconstitutional and senseless to strip these Dominicans of their citizenship? I guess there are still some folks who are willing to speak up for what is right and what is wrong.
I will concede this much......The U.S. And France should truly accept a few Hatians into their territory, after all it was lumber exploitation by the U.S. And French Colonization which contributed in large part to their present day conditions. Add to that long Dictatorships and unstable governments and you have a great recipe for disaster. It is a true shame that man had to create borders in a world which was created without any The word illegal alien has never been a favorite of mine. Are we not all citizens of planet Earth? Very sad indeed that not all will have the privilege to see the rest of the world, or exchange ideas, or cultures simply because of their financial condition. The World has truly become a sad place indeed
Im playing the worlds smallest violin for you, so much feeling, this senior citizen is truly the reincarnation of Ghandi lol.
One cannot get too emotional with a particular subject. Also being obsessed with the news and trying to be right all the time is not a healthy way to spend the rest of our life. Therefore, leave the important things that require thinking to people capable of doing it.
Looks Like Montreal's Mayor feels the same as New York's Mayor......I Wonder why http://montrealgazette.com/news/local-n … n-republic
Ohhh and by the way RD1.......I was actuality sympathizing with your people, sadly enough many will never get a chance to see anything other than the Island
Massagewiz definitely needs to look more deep into the situation and not only stick to the deportation issues. I invite you to get a car and travel to the towns in the border, have a look at the forest and see by yourself what is going on. It's very easy to talk like a parrot seated behind a pc screen, basing your facts on internationals sources.
Undocumented Haitians are responsible for the continuous deforestation of the Dominican National parks located in the border, resulting in many other Illegal practices like logging in a national park, which also results in charcoal trafficking, illegal homes settlement in national parks and/or private properties. Most of them cross the border by unchecked points and they are not even documented in their own homeland, bringing their kids and then lying about their place of birth. I can say this with property because I have seen it and I have it well documented.
Everyone is free to believe what the news sources want you to believe, at the end they are making huge profits out of tergiversation and chaos, for them this is business as usual.
DRTUTTLE Those comments were not meant towards you at all. I see that you are the one taking things personal. Did you read where I mentioned the Dominican reporters I follow daily???? Only a fool would get all his news from one source. Million Dollar Question once again........Here it comes. Who is responsible for protecting their borders on the Dominican side????? Haiti or the Dominican Republic? Are all the Hatians burning and Looting the forests? Or just a few? I have been on the ground and when I look at the agriculture and construction sectors I mainly see Hatians hard at work, will there be a few bad apples in every bunch? Sure.....No one nation has 100% Law abiding citizens. As far as being a Parrot behind a PC babbling, are you not doing the same Is this not an internet based forum? What historical or current fact have you presented my good sir? What factual information have you contributed? You have not named or answered to any of the evidence presented......sounds to me like you have nothing to back up what you are saying and now choose to resort to name calling. Sounds like you have no game my friend.
We can agree to disagree, but it sounds like being on the ground is not allowing you to see the Forrest for the trees.....Step back a bit so you can get a better view. If you wish to state your opinion provide us with enlightening facts to help us see things from your point of view, not by speaking of two topics that have nothing to do with each other. Dominicans have polluted River Ozama.....why are you not talking about that? Sousa river was recently polluted by a bunch of Dominican farmers that had the bright idea to cleanse their cows with barriicide and ended up killing the fish, shrimps and other marine life in the river, There are communities where Barrick Gold mining is dumping waste in the local rivers and making them sick, and is well documented......Am I to believe the Hatians are the only one's destroying the DR environment? Sounds to me that you want to see what you want to see my friend The topic of this thread was deportation, If you wish to start a thread on Pollution and deforestation, I would be more than happy to entertain you over there
Wrong again, I'm not taking anything personal at all, perhaps you are projecting ?
Here is some reading material to keep you busy today DRTUTTLE If you simply do not like the Hatians, that is cool, to each his own, but don't demonize a group of people using statements and actions that can be equally accredited to both sides my good sir.
http://saynotobarrickgold.blogspot.com/ … ution.htmlhttp://labazuca.net/seamos-conscientes- … a/?lang=enhttp://www.diccionariomedioambiente.org … sp?id=1664http://www.dominicantoday.com/dr/econom … er-sources
My good sir you called me a babbling Parrot.....Have I called you or compared you to an animal life form we can agree to disagree, but name calling is childish....what are we? In Elementary School?
Wrong again, I love Haitians and two of them are my employees, they are one of the kindest persons on earth, very respectful and their willingness to help is amazing.
Again you are projecting when you think I don't like them, when in fact you have shown lately on your post an anti Dominican feeling.
Have a good day
You sure have a funny way of showing it? By citing them as deforrestators....... I have Love for the Dominican People and you are the one who started by pointing out the the illegal wood logging as to one reason why they should not remain in the DR. If you wish to state something about one group, for the sake of fairness you should also mention the other side as well. That is my sole purpose here.....to provide the other side for a group that is often maligned by the masses. Have you shared your true feelings with your Employees??? There are 23 additional nationalities who are illegal in the DR......are you telling me that those illegals are all Saints? all the ills of Dominican society is caused by the Hatians??? Have you told your employees that? If you are so much of a good employer, why would you bring up the forrest issue? All I simply did was give the folks reading the blog, that Dominicans also destroy their environment.
Should I remind you of the upstanding Hells Angels who were recently ousted out of DR with a long list of criminal activities......Do you think the should have gotten a pass? Or How about The Russians who are there involved in many illicit activities as well? Are they contributing positively to the Dominican society? What not talk about that? I suggest you sit down and have a real talk with your Hatian Employees and truly listen to them......because If what you have shown on here is your idea of love??? Then you have a strange way of showing it. If you are going to talk about the Ills of Illegals in the DR, let us be fair and balanced and not pick on any one group.....You say one thing, but your written words on here say another.....Since you have no facts to counterbalance all that I have presented......lI will be off to make some $$$$ Since I'm not retired Instead of cheap shots....bring me some valid points, because right now to anyone reading our debate you are looking quite small my friend Have a good day as well. Comeback when you have some substance to your argument
My Dear Mr. Tuttle....Since I feel this thread has provided useful information and opinions on all angles, and our Dear Darlene is keeping a watchful eye on the thread. I would like to give you a chance to save face since it is obvious your pride is now on the line.
What is your stance
Is it that illegals of all nationalities in DR should be deported? If it is, we agree
I agreed a few postings back......If we are all in agreement, then what are we going back and forth about
Now if you are just looking for attention, then I must say I have been amused sort of in the fashion a cat toys with a mouse......and this cat is bored. I'm off to go fishing
Ok guys enough we need to start putting out constructive information and stop the cat fight
Bob K
Thanks Bob, if you two cannot be nice to each other I will close this thread. Debate is fine. Opinions are fine. There will be NO name calling. NO comparisons to animals etc..... Next one to do it gets this thread shut down.
You neeeeed to watch this gringos. (Its in spanish)
Agreed Mr Bob. When someone runs out of solids arguments automatically use personal attacks as a defense response, and I'm inmune to it.
I wasn't aware I was being mean to MassageWax btw.
Have a great weekend everyone! : )
Agreed Bob and Planner, much respect to you both. I'm not into trolling....l believe I presented my argument with a lot of substance unlike other folks, but like I said earlier......we all agree on the facts that illegals must go....l even owned up to the U.S and France contributing to part of the problem Haiti is now experiencing.....I was quite polite to Mr. Tuttle until he called be a babbling Parrot.....So tell me? Now he chooses to disrespect me by calling me Massage Wax? So once again remind me who is the one that ran out of substantial info and started the name calling? The thread speaks for itself. Like I said before I'm bored with you already I got more important things to do. My apologies to Bob and Planner. I don't always agree with them and vice versa, but at least they present their points of view in a mature manner with plenty of substance to back up their arguments. Since we agree Mr. Tuttle, then I guess there is no further need for conversation..........Now I must get back to fishing No time for trolling Now I see why TexasDonkey called you a........when you made that snarky remark about first world demands on a third world country......I truly agree with him
RDE I saw the video and he provides interesting facts but his lack of character sometimes undermines the seriousness of the issue.
Gracias por el video RDE1000 The presenter of the video did a very good job at presenting his point. I must say he made his argument the way it should be done, with plenty of facts to back up his points, clear and concise explanations, but most of all in a calm manner which was not distasteful to anyone. I liked the point where he explains prejudice and racism since many confuse one with the other, and they are not the same. Most of all I appreciated his humbleness and his call for healing and not fighting.
He was also mature enough to admit that he might have left out some things or not spoken on them because he did not have all the info. There is a possibility that as a comedian, his message might not be taken seriously, but I found in many cases that comedians are some of the most well informed, clever, and brutally honest reporters since they deliver the facts with a smile and not anger. I will share the video with friends, since I feel his comments are well presented and that is what we need to end all the confusion going on. I believe if the government had taken the time to explain fully to the international community what was going on, then they would not have this negative press that has rain down on them.....I know DR is a small country, but when you are a part of the U.N. and other international organizations, you will be scrutinized by your peers. If they do not wish to deal with any outside opinions, then they will have to fly solo. Gracias una vez más manito por la contribución, entre tú y yó no hay problema. Thanks bro for your contribution, between you and I there is no problem if you present facts to back up your position and it is on point, you will have no argument from me. Bien hecho
Now this would be the additional portion of the video previously presented which was not talked about and perhaps the issue once verified as accurate or not would truly get the international community of the DR's back. You be the judge for yourselves. Thank You.
This little tidbit is what has many looking at the republic a bit crosseyed
Happy to see the government finally doing the right thing and reinstating citizenship for these fellow Dominicans......Let us see how they manage the retired cane workers who are seeking a pension and medical coverage in addition to citizenship next http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/ar … d=11472182
Interesting stuff here for sure.
I just have 1 comment:
The Tainos had bad immigration laws (rules).
Not unlike my ancestors, on my
fathers side, in what is now known as Canada.
As for our situation here, wait & see about
covers it.
An online newspaper for Barahona, Ecos del Sur, which seems to be the best known, announced the other day that many Haitians in the city market had left the area. Most of the women selling guandules by the tin can full and fruit and vegetables by the piece out on the street in the market area were Haitian in February, you can tell by their accents, frizzy hairstyles and general way of haggling that they are Haitians. Barahona was founded by Toussaint L'Overture in the early 1800's because of the natural seaport, and most of the people are mulattoes. The main crop in the area was sugarcane, and sugar is still a major crop, with a sugarmill right there in the harbor. There are quite a few Haitians, and I have heard no resentment towards them from the Dominicans I know, most of whom are of the sort they would be competing for jobs with.
Ecos del Sur also reported that the Dominican government had sent a bus (it looks like a retired US school bus) to deliver the Haitians back across the border, I assume to the town across the border from Pedernales, for free. They announced that every family could take two bags with them. In a week, no Haitians showed up.
Considering that a lot of Haitians working in the markets and fields of Barahona Province do not speak Spanish well, and can neither read nor write, nor afford what is laughingly called "legal representation", it does not surprise me if only a few of those who were born here or have children that were born here would be likely to get the paperwork done to legalize their status.
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