
Nouveauté à la Poste à Pattaya soi 13/2 ?

Nouvelle discussion


Avé à tous,
Ce midi,je suis allé à la poste au soi 13/2 pour expédier 2 lettres "registered".
La préposée m'a demandé mon passeport???
Je lui ai donc dit "It's new?" et elle m'a répondu..."Yes,since 8th of april" (j'enjolive sa réponse)
Le 11 avril,je suis allé au bureau de Jomtien au soi 5 (où je vais d'habitude car je trouve le coin plus sympa) et là on ne m'a rien demandé.
Quelqu'un a-t-il ouï dire something about it ?

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Oui ca figure sur le site de ThailandPost mais ecrit en Thai :

Source : … on=article

Thailand Post enlisted the services. Show an identity card before I send something in the mail from April 8 this year.

Thailand Post Company Limited (PO's) encouraging users to show identification cards before depositing send items by mail with proof of such registration for EMS parcels, etc., starting on April 8, 2559 onwards at the post office. nationwide To deliver the goods illegally. Following the announcement of the Prime Minister On Measures Against Drugs, the Prime Minister announced the second edition include No. 4 (2558) concerning amendments to the types of establishments that are subject to the measures of prevention and suppression of drug-related offenses. Drugs in the workplace, announced on February 20, 2558 announcement of the Prime Minister and the No. 5 (2558), the amended measures against Crime and drugs in the workplace, at 20 days. February 2558 is significant due to the operation of the freight or cargo. The establishments that are subject to measures of prevention and suppression of crime on drugs in the workplace. Must cooperate and operated by the customer must show proof of identity such as identity card. Of the sender or the sender instead.

Thailand has requested the cooperation of the postal service sent the material evidence, the size C5 envelopes and boxes of all sizes to display ID cards. Card or other identification number. or passport (For foreign countries) to the authorities to implement the above measures, if the user does not provide proof of identity, while Thailand Post Co. sent a request to suspend acceptance ฝakawgkean. Unless there is evidence to the officer to deliver the goods to the following address for further details on THP Contact Center 1545 or visit

A noter qu'il y avait deja cela mis en place l'an passe comme indique ci dessus pour lutter contre les traffiquants de drogue


On croit rêver non ?


Semaine dernière, j'ai posté un paquet contenant des grosses graines de palmier... On ne m'a rien demandé...


il y a 10 jours, 1 envoi en recommandé (lontabien) pour la CFE à la poste de Sisaket...production du passeport ou permis de conduire y a un lecteur optique sur le guichet dans lequel il suffit d'introduire l'IDcard (pour les Thaïs).
Hier, 1 envoi identique remis à la poste de Kantalarum où j'ai ma boite postale....aucune demande de pièce d’identité pas de lecteur optique sur le guichet.
Donc règlementation appliquée " à la Thaïe" pour l'instant semble-t-il.

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