
Job Offer - IT Field

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Good day everyone,

So, I will resign soon from my current company because I got 3 new job offers:
The first two are in the same company and #3 is in a separate company.

1. IT Helpdesk.

Duties: To answer calls and resolve problems remotely through PC, telephone or email.
Offer: Salary + Health Insurance for me any my wife + Free Tickets + Allowance
Notes: I am in the same position since 5 or 6 years, I cannot say it is bad, but I want to find new challenges at work through a different position. Yet, the offer is still good if talking about the salary and the allowances.

2. Systems Admin.

Duties: Taking care of servers and data-centers, resolving network problems and anything related to switching, routing, cabling.. etc.
Offer: Salary is the same as the previous one, but ONLY salary, no insurance no free tickets.. etc.
Notes: Higher and different position and this will open for me new ways to add more information in real life rather than knowing about them logically or through books only.

3. Helpdesk Administrator in a high reputed company.

Duties: The duty includes both of the previous jobs.
Offer: Salary not negotiated yet.
Notes: There is an ability to advance in the career path in the same company but it will be somewhat limited, but this place is a real trophy in the CV if mentioned that I worked in this company.

The main idea is that I had the IT helpdesk position as a station for me to get more experience in the country, but all I am into is networking and I have always wanted to work in that field to give myself the encouragement to go deeper into this and have more courses about security, ethical hacking, auditing... etc.

I need your opinions and different viewpoints so I can come to an end soon and take a decision about which to join...

Thanks & Best Regards,,,

See also

Job offers in KuwaitFinding work in KuwaitFinding jobs in KuwaitAbsence reportDirect hiring

2 is the  best option. But you should get salary hike, free medical insurance, free ticket in a year in new company.


Thanks for the reply mate, I hope it will work out well


System admin all the way bro. So much room for development and once you get the hang of it, it stays within you for life. Other roles are supporting, but system admin has much more room for development and a steep learning curve and is challenging in a beautiful way.

Mo the Specialist

No. 2, hands down.

"Higher and different position and this will open for me new ways to add more information in real life rather than knowing about them logically or through books only."

Higher position and better variety of experience.

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