1) Go to local police comisaria in Airbnb appartment district and ask for Formulario para Vida y Residencia
2) Ask your Airbnb host to provide you with rental contract (Contratos de Alquiler)
3) Ask your Airbnb host to provide you with utility bill (Facturas de servicios públicos: ande, copaco y essap)
4) Ask your Airbnb host to provide Cedula copy (or take a picture with phone and print), estado civil, profesion, domicilliado, telefono
5) Ask your Airbnb host for help with his/her neighbour as a second witness
6) Ask neighbour to provide Cedula copy (or take a picture with phone and print), estado civil, profesion, domicilliado, telefono (ask your Airbnb host if symbolic gift would be welcome)
7) Fill Formulario para Vida y Residencia with details and ask both host and neighbour to sign it. Ask both to sign 2 copies of formuliario, first you will use for your residency and second for Cedula (this way you will avoid hassle of doing everything again and be free to stay at a different place during your second visit, keep all original documents).
8) Bring one copy of Formulario para Vida y Residencia, rental contract, utility bill and copies of host+neighbour Cedulas to comisaria. Plus bring certified copies of your 1) passport main page 2) visa page 3) Interpol Certificate (this needs to be done first).
9) Officially it is 24 turnaround, but could be done the same day. Ask for a time to come back. Vida y Residencia certificate is free.