
URGENT: Leaving job in Kuwait, but have difficulties

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Urgent, like I need advice today.

I've been an "illegal worker" now for almost a year, as my company hasn't been all that great on the paperwork side, as you can imagine.

I've just been offered a job in another country, which wants me in place in 30-45 days.

I don't have my work visa yet...actually in Bahrain now and supposed to get tomorrow.

If I don't get it, just pick up my documents from embassy, can I return on a tourist visa and deal with my company after arriving?

They owe me an enormous amount in improperly-paid wages, which they have acknowledged, and I have only taken one vacation day in the 11.5 months I've been here. So the moneys owed total more than 2,200KWD.

Since I'm not legal yet, am I bound by the 90-day notice period?  Can my employer screw me about back pay and vacation?

Advice today is what I need most.


See also

Job offers in KuwaitFinding work in KuwaitFinding jobs in KuwaitAbsence reportDirect hiring

i believe in this case it is best to consult with a lawyer my friend; some companies do honor their word, but those could be few and far in between. there is a legal aide that provides advice on the 248am blog, try asking her.


Going to speak to company first. If I'm not happy I will follow your advice.  Thanks.

Mo the Specialist

No. Unfortunately, it is YOUR responsibility to keep your status updated, despite your company's actions. You will be penalized, as well as your company. Trust me. I've traveled this road before with one of my old companies. The company can fire you and claim to have no responsibility to you. Your sponsor is not a part of the company. It is a Kuwait citizen. Directly contact him, immediately because it will damage him, if you have residency problems. This is the best and cheapest way to clear up this issue.


Thanks, Mo...but that was in February.

I'm long gone...and back in tropical Asia.

Ah, the green, the non-halal food and drink.


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