PNG Driving licence

Hello all,
I need some assistance from those of you who changed their native driving licence with PNG licence about how the procedure works here.
I appreciate anyone comment on that


Hello, pretty simple actually, although you shoul expect to spend a couple of hours in line.  You will Need you current licence, passport and visa showing your ability to be in the county for a year, or have a letter on your companies letterhead starting same.  Take it to the mvld or Godons police station, fill out the app and pay K60.  The motor vehicle department is located on the road by the century 21 building you can see on the freeway just before Waitangi Dr.  From waigani, go under the overpass as if gong to vision city.  Turn left immediately on the first street (vet clinic on the corner, go down street about five blocks, just past century 21.

Thans Steve,
Quite useful info )))