International Movers

To move from US to UK, I plan on hiring movers. What should I expect? What questions should I ask? What is the best way to go about this? It's not like I can just rent a U-haul. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks! :top:

Welcome on Kimberly J ;)

I will suggest you to contact our moving partner to England who will give you a free quote and lot of professional tips. Hope this helps.


Thank you! I submitted my information.

When I moved over I used Shipsmart. WE packed our things in boxes, they came and picked everything up and did the rest. OUr things were shipped by sea as it was the cheapest, but it did take about 2 months after moving for our things to arrive. But it makes you realize how much you can live without!!!

Make sure to get your converters and adaptors for your electronics!!!

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