
S pass

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Hi my name is karthick  yesterday my new company apply my S pass today morning rejected give me a possibility reason salary applied for me around 2400 my working experience in Singapore more then 5 years please advise me I am first time coming in Singapore work permit after one year S pass Now I am work permit, before I am S pass to now permit maybe this is issue for my S pass please give me ans

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Marriage in SingaporeTravelling to SingaporeExpat deaths in SingaporeCustoms in SingaporeSpass Appeal

Hi give me a possibility reason for my S pass rejected


The requirements for S-Pass (see … ligibility) are:
- Fixed monthly salary of at least $2,200. The salary should reflect work experience. Older, more experienced applicants need higher salaries to qualify.
- A degree or diploma. We may consider technical certificates, such as courses for qualified technicians or specialists. The certification should include at least 1 year of full-time study.
- Years of relevant work experience.
A salary of just S$200 more than the minimum is certainly not enough for somebody with 5 years experience. You can check the online SAT tool to figure out how much you need to earn to qualify.


I have BE electrical and electronics enginnerning the job all so related apply the same day rejected


If you have a Bachelor degree (and assuming it is recognised in Singapore - many Indian universities are not) and five years related experience, then you should earn S$4000-5000/month as fas as I know. But please check that with SAT!


SAT we can check it's not how to check, morning I check but can not see the salary, possible give me instructions thanks


The SAT does not tell you the salary you need, but for any salary (and other credentials) you type in, it tells you wether you are eligible for an S-Pass (or EP) or not. By entering a range of salaries, you can narrow down on the borderline above which you are eligible and under which you are not.


Bro possible give me your whatsapp number I want ask something to you


Bro give me your whatsapp number


You can ask same questions in this forum, people can share their experience. No need to ask someone to provide his personal number to an unknown person. FYI, Beppi lives in Germany.

And, for your earlier query, I need to be frank and clear that with 5yrs of experiences in SG, you are not meeting the basic criteria to get approval of S pass. If you read carefully in MoM website, it has stated clearly that the eligibility of S pass is $2,200 for entry level. Presently, a 5yrs work experienced person in SG, should have asked for $4.5k minimum, with a recognised engineering degree in hand, you could have definitely demanded for $5.5k or more. So, your salary is way below to the market standard in SG. Better try another company with keeping mind of salary mentioned above, or else you will get same response from MoM each time. Good luck.


K bro one more question last time I was in S pass after my company's no quota after give me a work permit, maybe this one issue or not


Now I have BE and diploma, last time I am sumitte both cirtivicate, now maybe I am sumitte diplamo  cirtivicate can possible get S pass or not give me instruction


If you submitted both certificates before and now claim you have only one, your application might be rejected because of false information.
They can see all your previous applications and documents from their database with just a click.
Trying to circumvent any rules in Singapore is not a good idea and will always fail. I recommend you look for a job in your level and with appropriate salary instead. As both Surya and me pointed out above, this should be double of what you're offered now (or more) and you should get an EP.


Sorry, I do not give my Whatsapp number or any other personal contact details to strangers on the Internet.


K no problem bro


K bro thank, I why the application rejected on same day


Such a fast rejection happens only if something is very obviously wrong with your application, e.g. you are clearly not eligible for the pass applied for or the information given is obviously false.


Tomorrow I will check with HR


Sumittng around 3pm, Irejected around 7.30pm

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