Visa extension.

it seems the greedy cambodian government now want $55 to extend your visa from 1 month to 2 months as i found out today what a rip off i have made 38 trips to cambodia in 5 years and this will be the last, it seems that tourism has increased so much they feel they can increase prices at there leisure, touring overseas has become big money for all governments adding all sorts of taxes, handling fees etc, etc, with the aussie dollar only buying around 74 cents u.s. i can see my next trip to good old surfers paradise on my must do list, i shall clap my hands with glee when the bubble bursts in cambodia in november.  cookyboy.

Cookyboy, it's $45 for the extension. If you paid $55 then you gave the agent [or the IO] $10 extra.

Would have been better if you'd ask before spending the money, as I believe you have done it already?

Ok, that's 10 beers less, hope you will survive  :lol:



dear joekhmer, either i am the biggest idiot of all time or your information not up to date, i went back to the travel agent and after a few well choosen words i received my money back, i then went to another travel agent and was told i must pay $55, who is right and do i go back to original agent and apologise  for my behavour,  cookyboy.

Cookyboy, do you believe in fairy-tails? No? Then also don't believe that all agents in Cambodia charge the same price. There are differences and sometimes huge.

The going rate for an extension is $45, if you like it or not.

I have heard strange stories about agents in Siem reap so I'm not surprised.
One of them told someone that for a retirement extension you had to be over 70 years old!!!
Another wanted the customer to write a letter that he was retired, did not work. As if that is any proof. Anyone can write a letter, what they require is a letter from the pension fund in your country!

So I'm not surprised.

Realize this: agents had nothing more to do than to extend tourist and ordinary visas. Easy as can be, that is the knowledge they have. When in Sept. 2016 the retirement extension was introduced the problems began. Some agents say you need proof no matter what age. Some say only over 55, some say bla bla bla. Truth is that over 55 no need for documents, under 55 need to proof their retirement status plus regular income from abroad. When in October last year the conditions for a business extension were changed most agents lost the plot and told many bs stories. Better tell something than losing your face by saying you don't know. That is the problem!

But feel free to pay $55, it is your money, I don't care.

Later when you apply for a one-year extension you will experience the same. Some charge $275, and some are asking $295.

Get off your high horse in your nanny state country, this is Cambodia and prices can differ per agency, knowledge can differ per agency.
Nothing to do with SR being far from PP, I live in SHV and the two reliable agencies here charge $45 too.


dear joekhmer, thank you for your reply will make the rounds tomorrow and let you know the out come, regards,   cookyboy.

dear joekhmer, i regret to advise that according to my pedometer (which i wear every day) i walked 6002 steps seeking, seeking the elusive $45 visa extension, but to no avail, $55 take it or leave it i am told, finally at some run down shop i negotiated a price of $50, allowing for wear and tear on the soles of my expensive leather shoes purchased in paris recently i would have been better off taking the first price, unfortunately the $5 i saved was spent at the night market by my cambodian wife buying a must have dress or i throw myself in mekong river, anyway thanks for your advice, i am happy, wife happy so all ends well,  kind regards,  cookyboy.

Cookyboy, I guess the SR agents made a deal to charge $55, the only explanation.

I copied this from the Move to Cambodia website, that confirms my experience that the costs are $45.

Here it is:

"Cambodian tourist visa. The tourist visa (T class) is best for those who know they will be staying 30 days or less.

The 30-day tourist visa is available to travelers in advance or on arrival (for most nationalities) for a cost of $30. The tourist visa is single entry only, and can be renewed once for an additional 30 days for a fee of $45. "

You can read it and more for yourself on their website, here the link: … dia-visas/



dear joekhymer, my recent experience on trying to get a 30 day extension visa for $45 leads me to beleive that all the travel agents in siem reap got there heads together and acting in concert agreed that the cost would be $55, anyway after coming here for 5 years i am tired of the stupidity of cambodians, it seems that if there is a hard way to do something they will do it, even if it takes all day, i am leaving this god forsaken backward country that time forgot, in 50 years time it will be same, same, i am sick of cambodians who you help (and i have helped many out of my own pocket) and never have i heard the word ah kun or thank you, they are great takers and never give back it is always oneway with them, so on 28th. febuary i shall depart never to return, i shall un subscribe from this forum as of now, thank joe your advice was appreciated.   cookyboy.