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Internships Vietnam

Hi guys,

I’m a newbie here and I’m curious about why many foreigners decide to work and live in Vietnam for a long time. What is so attractive about Vietnam that leads you to make such a decision.

I’m eager to hear about your stories and your opinions.

Thank you guys <3

See also

Job offers in VietnamWorking in VietnamSetting up a business in VietnamFinding a job in HanoiWorking in Hanoi

Your talking Long term Expats right?

I’ve often wondered that myself.....why are we  here, what made some of us come here.?

Yogi will take a wild guess and put it down to :
2. Cheap beer.
3. Cost of living.

Here’s the flip side.

Most foreigners around Yogi’s neck of the woods have had disastrous results in handling the first two & are hanging by the skin of their teeth with the third .   
But they’ve certainly had some fun along the way. 😆

You’d be surprised why Yogi’s here though.

Internships Vietnam

Haha, thank you for your sweet and interesting comment  :kiss:
It's surprising to know some expats decide to live in Vietnam for such reasons :D

Btw I'm kinda curious about why Yogi's here and whether you enjoy the life here ^^


We're here because the low cost of living allows us to travel much more often.  That's it.


I'm here because I met a woman here and She is the love of my life.
Will I be here forever? No. When she can travel with me, we will travel.
So I'm biding my time and loving it.


I was sent here in exile...  why?  because I was a baaadd  boy! but as fate would have it I have turned the tables on my tormentors and I am having the time of my life!
I come and go as I da__ well please; I have the company of lovely, giving, young Asian ladies who do not mind hanging with and old fart (I am almost 150 years old!) money to spend and places to go and not only is the beer cheap but it is also good (maybe not as good as Sam Adams but it'll do)!
the food is fresh and cheap; love the wet markets (hopefully the GMO's have not gotten this far yet), public transpo is adequate so I have been relieved of the hassle of auto maint. and insurance (and let's not even mention road rage!). housing comes fully furnished...another hassle eliminated. not much sunshine here in Ha Noi but heck if I need the sun that bad I'll hop a cheap flight to Thai or the Phils and get all the sun I need.
the people here are extremely friendly, you do not see a lot of homelessness and in my opinion there is a naturalness to life that is invigorating after coming from the so called "rules and regulations" of the west.
will I remain here?  as long as they'll have me!


- tropical weather
- stable govt compared to other countries in the region
- easy visas
- low cost of living
- decent economic progress and development
- in general, people are polite

Although you could make a long list of negatives (no place is perfect), as mentioned above, VN is easy.


Why am I here,,,

Got run out of town at the last place.


Yeah, but (some of us) know how hard you worked to achieve that...     :idontagree:


Sad but true Bazza.

Actually it was the last TWO places.   That post jigged my memory😆

Problem is Baz,,,,,say what you think these days & you’ll get shown the door or thrown overboard.

But Yogi’s learnt to live with it. 🤓


Relax Yogi.   Many admire your ability to out-think the PCC.    :thanks:

   (Politically Correct creeps)

Internships Vietnam

Wow you seem to be a positive guy. I have met a lot of people but not many of them make no complaints about Vietnam like you. Thank you and best luck ;)


Toss up between here and Indonesia and the currency being called Dong swung it


Johnross23 has covered it well .

As for me,
I never initially decided to come here.   I was in one of life’s “situations” where I needed a total change & quickly.

In less than a month I liquidated everything , put all my resources & affairs in cyberspace to be managed online.

I basically jumped on a plane at very short notice with 6kg of stuff .  Having travelled a lot before I knew SE Asia wasn’t going to require piles of boots & warm clothing.     Just passport, IPad, phone, a few pairs of cargo shorts, tshirts and plenty of bugs bunny (money).

I ended up here & it ticks all the boxes.   

I love living in Nha Trang, it’s a beautiful place & has everything I need. A new international airport gets you in & out without the need to transit Saigon anymore.

The one thing I do like here is the place feels “alive” .   People are up & about on the beach at 4am , markets are being set up , people are doing things & going about their day.     Some other places in SE Asia ,people are still asleep , nothing really happens early in the day.

Been in this region , mainly Vietnam for nearly 8 years now & as yet, can’t see any reason to change direction, but who knows what tomorrow brings.

No Hooks, No Baggage & No passengers.     Try it 🐾

70 years old

I learned some Vietnamese and found a wonderful girl who has now been my wife for 47 years while serving under US Navy TF-116 down in the Mekong Delta 1970-1972(later on at Nha Be)

We went back to America, worked and saved, Now we have been retired for about 6 years.

The Jeep in the picture was sold a few years ago.

Internships Vietnam

Yogi007: Wow nearly 8 years...  :o
Do you have to lengthen your visa duration or do anything to live in Vietnam that long?

Internships Vietnam

1312j wrote:

Toss up between here and Indonesia and the currency being called Dong swung it

So what you mean is that Dong is a better currency or the price of everything is cheap? :/
I don't really get that  :proud


Internships Vietnam wrote:

Yogi007: Wow nearly 8 years...  :o
Do you have to lengthen your visa duration or do anything to live in Vietnam that long?

You have various Visa options.
Tourist  Visas on arrival,  Business Visas , TRC (temp residence Cards), marrried VECs , etc , there are several Visa classifications.

Just get the vIsa that best suits your circumstances.   Every country has its own rules & regulations


That's where I want to live in less than 2 years..spent 5 days there earlier in the year and loved it.Are their a lot of americans living there?

Jeffrey brewster

I lived in London all my life , it’s looking more like Islamabad these days . What was once a  Beautiful city is no more. The whole country is going that way unfortunately . When I was traveling around  Vietnam in 2004 I met a lady who is now my wife . Living in Vietnam is like living in  Paradise . I love the climate and the people on the whole.


Yes I too fell in love with the country and its people.Met a beautiful woman who lives in Haiphong and has no desire to live in the u.s which to me is a plus+ Just got back from London and yes it has changed since the last time I was there 20 years you feel there is enough to do in nha trang on a daily basis? looking at houses on vnrenting and it looks like the rental prices are very cheap.

roy little

Well, I have a million stories and so will you if you stay here for any length of time. If you are licensed teacher and work at an International school of some repute you will have a good worklife, which is why many come here - because there is work. Many men come for the multitude of young attractive women available for fun or marriage. I would heartily suggest fun is wiser than marriage. Others come to help the people in some manner, protect the environment and wildlife. They come for many reasons but mostdo not stay for too many years and travel elsewhere or return home for good reason. For most, experience the country, culture, people and when it's time to move on you will know.  Many are enticed by the exotic and tropical but there are better places to experience the same.


roy little wrote:

... They come for many reasons but mostdo not stay for too many years and travel elsewhere or return home for good reason. For most, experience the country, culture, people and when it's time to move on you will know.  Many are enticed by the exotic and tropical but there are better places to experience the same.

A darker view than others. That's ok, your experience and your view!

Of those who have moved on to other exotic tropical places and had a better experience, which places where those?

70 years old

I have been happily married to a Vietnamese Woman for 47 years as of a few days ago.

Don't marry a 'Vietnamese' woman!!

Marry a woman that you can be happily married to for the rest of your life. The Vietnamese, American, whatever should not be important. Trust and compatibility are what matters

70 years old

Had to extend the Visa every 6 months minus a few days. Been told that next time I will be able to only extend every year.


Hi Mr 70 year old...
How come you only have to renew your visa every 6 months when most people have to renew every 3 months?
When did the 12 month visa information happen?

roy little

6 months or a year now, things change all the time


michaellieptourists wrote:

Hi Mr 70 year old...
How come you only have to renew your visa every 6 months when most people have to renew every 3 months?
When did the 12 month visa information happen?

If you're married to a Vietnamese or if your parents are Vietnamese, your VEC is good for 5 years with 6 months per stay.

IIRC, 70-Year-Old also acquired a TRC after his VEC, so I don't think he needs to renew his visa at all.  My nephew-in-law only has to renew every 3 years with his visa and TRC.


My wife was born in Vung Tau, brought out during the American war. We both hold Australian Passports with 5 year Visas but have always been subject to the 3 month rule, should we be able to get 6 months between renewals?

70 years old

You are likely correct that I no longer need to renew every 6 months. But, CYA rules and I am still renewing


michaellieptourists wrote:

We both hold Australian Passports with 5 year Visas but have always been subject to the 3 month rule, should we be able to get 6 months between renewals?

The old VEC only allows 90 day stay.  I don't think you can change the condition before the VEC expires.


Thank you, Ciambella


Ciambella wrote:
michaellieptourists wrote:

We both hold Australian Passports with 5 year Visas but have always been subject to the 3 month rule, should we be able to get 6 months between renewals?

The old VEC only allows 90 day stay.  I don't think you can change the condition before the VEC expires.

You are subject to whats written on the VEC. Mine also is 90 days, thats why I do border runs and get the 6 months on offer by leaving and re-entering.


colinoscapee wrote:

get the 6 months on offer by leaving and re-entering.

What does that mean, Colin?  When you re-entered, they offered you a 6 month stay despite what the VEC said?


Ciambella wrote:
colinoscapee wrote:

get the 6 months on offer by leaving and re-entering.

What does that mean, Colin?  When you re-entered, they offered you a 6 month stay despite what the VEC said?

By leaving VN and re-entering you get a 6-month stamp, do it at immigration in-country, you only get 3 months.

roy little

You can get a one year very easily if you want. Just get a letter of introduction, leave country and return and then you may continue to renew the one year Visa. About $400 last I did it about 6 months ago.


colinoscapee wrote:

By leaving VN and re-entering you get a 6-month stamp, do it at immigration in-country, you only get 3 months.

Thank you.

I won't need it but it's good to know.  Ours are set for 6 months, but we travel very often so it's closer to 4 months every time we get a stamp from re-entering.


Ciambella wrote:
colinoscapee wrote:

By leaving VN and re-entering you get a 6-month stamp, do it at immigration in-country, you only get 3 months.

Thank you.

I won't need it but it's good to know.  Ours are set for 6 months, but we travel very often so it's closer to 4 months every time we get a stamp from re-entering.

I have an old VEC, hence the 3-months and not six-months, that's why I do border runs.


roy little wrote:

You can get a one year very easily if you want. Just get a letter of introduction, leave country and return and then you may continue to renew the one year Visa. About $400 last I did it about 6 months ago.

VEC's are free, one-year visas over 5-years become costly. By heading out every 6-months I pay just  30 USD at the border.

roy little

$30 for a stamp or a multi-entry visa?

$400 means no travel out and the expenses and time and no paperwork to do.

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