
NZ Business Visitor Visa / Visitor Visa


Hi There
I am 25 single male and I have been working in major company for the last 8 months in the branch in India.
My boss wants me to visit NZ and research the scope of expanding our company there.
The company which I cannot name for privacy concerns here is a major company that is listed on stock exchange. It specialises in agriculture and foods. This is my first job as I have been free lancing prior and getting work experience.
I have travelled outside of India but to countries that do not require a visa.
My boss has applied for my visitor visa and I will be staying in NZ for about a month. He has supplied all my work documents, paylips, transactions, evidence, hotel bookings, travel insurance, bank statements.
All expenses and accomodation is being supported by my employer. He has applied for my visa 10 days back and I dont have an update and I am kind of worried. I cannot ask him again and again therefore I am being patient.
I am worried because I have never travelled to a country that requires a visa that this may be causing the delay or because of my age.
How long does it normally take and do you think there can be any complications in my case?
I will be honest - I do plan to visit the south island during my business visit and experience some leisure activities there such as bungee jumping and all I hope I can do that on that visa.
I am sorry for all these questions but I have no experience with visas.
Is someone able to please help me? Should I be worried?

See also

Work visas in New ZealandThe Working Holiday Visa in New ZealandNZ Super eligibilityNZ partner based residence visaParter residence visa

I applied the same business visitor visa last year, it took me roughly 1 month.
Immigration NZ gave me 01 year, multi entry.

Good luck