Update on Packages from Abroad
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The Duke's spirt is with me "pilgrim". Any mail, I now use FedEx or UPS for tracking. Sill have he customs bring in or mailing.
Wow! Be prepared to Spend Almost Identical amount on the Import fees to Brasil as What you Pay for the item.
FOR Example, I had cell phone stolen, so I bought a Used Galaxy S7 from Ebay (I wanted a phone that Would work here using my TMOBILE Chip and account).
Anyhow, spent approx 425 Dollars on phone. Before Brasil would release the shipment I had to pay Approximately $475. It came out to the cost of phone and the cost of Shipping Via FEDEX.
SAME Came true on every Shipment Since. I recently had bought a new Chip for phone from Tmobile, Spent $25 for Chip, Brazil Charged me $75, which was Price of the Chip and Cost of Shipping.
They roughly Charge the Identical amount of money that you Paid for the Goods and the Shipping costs combined (at least for electronics and personal goods).
I think, Stress the word Think, they charge less for some certain goods such as Foods such as spices and other sundries that you may use for your home cooking, but that's about the only thing I've heard that they dont impose these Tariffs upon.
And I dont Know how they would Place a Tax upon an Item if it did not accompany a Reciept with it....They may place their own monetary value upon it and tax it at that rate. So, if you shipped your Xbox to self with no accompanying reciept, they Probably would Tax it at the Value they believe it worth...I dont know what an Xbox costs here, but that's probably what value they would determine its value at and then add in the shipping costs and BAHM that's what it will take to Get It Out of The Brazillian Customs (or Hold up and Stick Up Center)....
Sorry for bad news
I know alot of people say the Tarriff is 60% off the cost of goods....
In theory this is true, but that is the main Tariffs cost, there are a few other "Taxes" that are Always Places upon these shipments of goods, and I have found that the Total, when All Taxes, Local, State and Federal are Applied, the Total Always Equals 100% of the costs of goods, Plus the cost of Shipping. I have Shipped about 5 packages to self of items from home and Always has worked out to 100%....
Thanks for the "Same Soup" warmed over....kkk...
yea I looked at Amazon.com shipping to Brazil and it was 100% of the value for the items.
I mean like airfare to Miami is cheaper even to Cleveland (and who wants to go to Ohio /lol)...
I got the memo on importing Electronics.
I find it over all cheaper just to fly out, the quality of goods here suck and I may buy a tv here that's about it.
There are things that are okay here yet I don't have all day to try and understand a diseretation on a phone, just sell me the phone and I ghost.
It takes all day to accomplish nothing and wind up coming back.
I have no use for Chips or service providers in the USA, I buy everything unlocked and boxed.
I hate when the retail people here open everything and usally there the sharpest tool in the box..if ya gotta open it before you leave the store I question quality of goods...
So on a joking side of life with the New Weapon/Gun law will the clerk test fire the weapon.....
Thanks Tex and ljd....I will let y'all know how the flight to Cleveland was and I may go pick up somethings in Alaska it's cheaper .....lol
ljd the no Reciept Tax is a make it up as you go, if it's a S5 Cellphone they will look at the S10....and apply the "Make Up Looks Like Tax" for the S10........
"I hate when the retail people here open everything and usally there the sharpest tool in the box..if ya gotta open it before you leave the store I question quality of goods... "
I've concluded that this is exactly the reason: to make sure that what's in the box is the same as what's ON the box, and that there's no visible damage. Maybe they don't do it in SP where most of the stuff is made, but out here in the more remote states where we live, it's probably not a bad idea.
Here in Manaus, they even check the LED lightbulbs to make sure they work.
Do the same here. In line to buy then go to line to have them open the dang thing. Even light bulb.
Just do not understand it.
I understand it, 3 people to open the box, 2 to comment and one to plug it in, then consult and woola, you get to take it home..
Now that's job creation, I wonder if they will check the washer and refrigerator and the stove....yes new purchases on the rise....kkk...the last stove I had delivered in Belem they put it in the garage and left....lol...
Somethings one misses like delivery , the people install and take away the rubbish and packing, here more litter on the streets, that some kid decides it's a toy and you find the packing a block or to over..
I was making light of Retail Sector, just happy they don't open my crackers at the store or my soda....all in fun guys.
Ab3 I get it,Tex I get it...lol
My dear friend, please don´t scare everyone about that X-box mailing and anything electronics. They will charge you with pleasure the state and federal taxes to about a 100%.
Everyone is supposed to be allowed $300USD by mail. But they don´t follow that! They even taxed a gift of $60 that my brother mailed me. I was still lucky because he declared a smaller amount.
Ljd wrote:Wow! Be prepared to Spend Almost Identical amount on the Import fees to Brasil as What you Pay for the item.
FOR Example, I had cell phone stolen, so I bought a Used Galaxy S7 from Ebay (I wanted a phone that Would work here using my TMOBILE Chip and account).
Anyhow, spent approx 425 Dollars on phone. Before Brasil would release the shipment I had to pay Approximately $475. It came out to the cost of phone and the cost of Shipping Via FEDEX.
SAME Came true on every Shipment Since. I recently had bought a new Chip for phone from Tmobile, Spent $25 for Chip, Brazil Charged me $75, which was Price of the Chip and Cost of Shipping.
They roughly Charge the Identical amount of money that you Paid for the Goods and the Shipping costs combined (at least for electronics and personal goods).
I think, Stress the word Think, they charge less for some certain goods such as Foods such as spices and other sundries that you may use for your home cooking, but that's about the only thing I've heard that they dont impose these Tariffs upon.
And I dont Know how they would Place a Tax upon an Item if it did not accompany a Reciept with it....They may place their own monetary value upon it and tax it at that rate. So, if you shipped your Xbox to self with no accompanying reciept, they Probably would Tax it at the Value they believe it worth...I dont know what an Xbox costs here, but that's probably what value they would determine its value at and then add in the shipping costs and BAHM that's what it will take to Get It Out of The Brazillian Customs (or Hold up and Stick Up Center)....
Sorry for bad news
I accompanied by plane my iMac (21.5"), Macbook and iPhone and declared it as my own personal use at Rio International. One of their customs agent balked at my declaration and after going to the internet, he decided to charge me the price of those items like new. I told him they´re used as they are almost 2 year - olds and the iMac was on sale at a cheaper price. He threatened to confiscate them if I don´t pay the import taxes which I did after arguing that the datas inside the hard drive are almost 2 year old. He argued back that I put that information myself to look used and he did not bother to check!
So guys... Be careful with electronics!
Bring Me Back Some Real Crab!!!!!
Just came home from dinner out at at "Crab" Restaurant and they were about the Size of the crabs you pick up from a $20 Dollar Flea Bag Hotel on Central Ave, Albuquerque!
Any idea if there are any seafood Venders from Seattle/Anchorage/LA etc that ships Real Seafood to Brasil?
Now my mouth is full of spit, gotta go gargle and brush
That's Amazing but Not Fing Suprising....Also is SICKENING......Good to know....I have made a few trips outta country since I moved here with my Brazillian Wife, but Thankfully I Never Had Any Issues Like that. I have an expensive s9 galaxy and an expensive Samsung Computer and Tablet, So I will remember that....When Reentering in future I Will MAKE MY WIFE BE MY MULE bahahahaha (the Mule is truly a joke) but I will have her Carry the Bags and have her declare those items in future.....I know they want their tax money on things, but that is Rediculas, but also again, Not Suprising
My wife just Asked me if the agent who Extorted you is Part of Lava Jata! Jajajajajaaj
That was a crooked agent. As I was thinking of what to do, he even told me if I had anything better to do. And I can just leave everything to them! The information inside the hard drive was more important than anything else... The tax was 3 thousand reais...
Ljd wrote:Wow!!!!
That's Amazing but Not Fing Suprising....Also is SICKENING......Good to know....I have made a few trips outta country since I moved here with my Brazillian Wife, but Thankfully I Never Had Any Issues Like that. I have an expensive s9 galaxy and an expensive Samsung Computer and Tablet, So I will remember that....When Reentering in future I Will MAKE MY WIFE BE MY MULE bahahahaha (the Mule is truly a joke) but I will have her Carry the Bags and have her declare those items in future.....I know they want their tax money on things, but that is Rediculas, but also again, Not Suprising
My wife just Asked me if the agent who Extorted you is Part of Lava Jata! Jajajajajaaj
Haha! Probably a part of that Lava Jato thing!
Wow....Too bad you didnt know before hand, bring a Computer and Phone that had a Bunch of Really Good Malware within just waiting to be tripped open without the person knowing what he was doing...Would fing Serve him and the other corrupt Asshols every Sort of Justice imaginable....Malware that would Not just make the computer and phone worthless after a day or so, but not until after he hooked up to the wifi at Work And Home and unleash the Monster....Then the Government would track down the culprit of who Put the whoop azzz into their system and lead em back to the Dirty Agent...And what's he gonna do? Say, Oooh I Stole this Computer or took it from a Resident in Lieu of an Illegal Payment?
That would Serve all those Dirty SOB's
I have a better experience at Guarulhos Int´l, São Paulo. I passed a lot of times at "Nothing to Declare" line and they didn´t bother to check...
Last time I came back from Uruguay, I Came thru there also and Didnt declare anything....not on purpose looking back, but because I didnt think I needed to declare items that I had owned prior to trip....FUK THEM
Also, I Have Never Declared my medication out of fear they may somehow want to take it. I take Expensive medications for pain due to broken Neck and Surgical modification (oxycontin is about 500 Reai for a box of 30 here in bahia) and I always have many boxes on my possession (I also carry proper reciepts for these as well as Brazillian doctor orders for them to protect self) Never had an issue with any of these narcotics Thank God...
Yeah, opioids or controlled substances like that, you should always have your Brazilian
doctor´s prescription with you. Customs would love to have their hands on that. Imagine the price of Oxycontin at the blackmarket...
Hadn't thought of that, but yeah, I bet the Oxycontin would bring A Pile of Reai on black market....
But, like I said and u said, I Always carry what they call the Recipet (prescription) for these meds as well as the Physical Reciept from the Drugstore I use, I dont want to Give these crooks any reason....I Would be fuked till I were able either get to my doctor in Rio, or here i have 2 Doctors.... ut fuked either way, life without is Not Life unfortunately....Cant barely walk or do anything, not crying there boss, that's just life and am proud of it, the injuries occurred in Iraq saving Lives....
Let me ask you a question about this international health insurance if I may? Any knowledge of it, if it's really any good?
I came through in 2015 , first visit, 2 tablets , 2 cell phones, iPad Air all New and no one said "koko", my last trip in 2016 Cellphone, New Laptop, ipad no one said or asked "koko". 2017 went home bought back 8 suitcases of "koko" no one said "koko". TSA took my elongated charcoal lighters for the barbeque. Did you guys get off the plane in big cities? I had no problems with anything.
Maybe I am reading this wrong? Okay reread and I have never been asked "koko" about anything I was carrying or declaring anything other than "I am a US Citizen" .....
Plenty of Shippers of Crab and Salmon (just google it")...if you do think of shipping some in check the "Prohibited Items for Brazil" ...I think Tex said it's hit or miss on some sausage he wanted ?....
We quit eating any seafood from the Pacific in 2016 for " Fukushima " was drifting and I wasn't about to eat that stuff. Anything from the Pacific is Suspect... and the Atlantic is on the watch list (kkk)
I found some frozen Alaska Salmon here in Brasil it may have been "Coho" . I did see a nice Winter Atlantic Salmon in Belem in 2016 it was around Christmas time.
I gave away half a chest freezer of "Sockeye" before I left Alaska, it was vacuumed sealed, yet I know Brasil wouldn't let it in country ????.....and I wasn't about to risk it so the Car wash guys would eat good...kkk...
I'm gonna head over to Permabucho on the coast and maybe find some blue crab meat and imagine I'm in Baltimore as make it into cakes, find some fresh shrimp cocktail size and a few lobsters. Got a chest freezer at the house,,,final leg Belem 50 liters Acai, Tapioca, Farina and Farofa, Jambu and watch the Sunset....and I ain't shipping none of it....I am still confused on paying for personal electronics.....my HP laptop is 17.5 in that's not some thing to hide or checked baggage.
I will be bringing back 2 Nokia Cellphone,New Laptop ,2 New Tablets to be determined all for personal use .......and gifts....lol
Ljd wrote:Let me ask you a question about this international health insurance if I may? Any knowledge of it, if it's really any good?
In your case you really need that if you´re serious. The local UNIMED which I have only covers Brazil.
It doesn´t cover travel or living in other countries. Pre-existing conditions: they cover partially until 2
years has passed. At the start they don´t cover major areas like surgery for pre-existing
Your main concern would be if your international health care provider covers pre-existing conditions.
Most of them do not. CIGNA does on their Global Health insurance. You should also have a medical prescription and medical evacuation coverage.
So an ideal international health coverage should include local, regional and global. It should include inpatient, outpatient, specialist´s care, routine tests like x-rays, MRI etc. If you´re in an area with limited services, medical evacuation is of paramount importance. Most global medical plans do include
dental and opthalmological options.
A decisive factor is the premium amount including co-pays. But you should not choose an insurer because it´s cheap. There should be a reason for that.
You should evaluate a possible pain medication other than opioids. Drugs are being developed and approved all the time by the FDA that are non-addicting. Or you can opt for cannabidiol which is extracted from hemp - a cousin of Cannabis sativa. If it doesn´t alleviate pain completely it should diminish the daily dose you´re taking.
Here are the biggest health insurers:
1. UNH - United Health Group
2. AET - Aetna
3. CI - Cigna
*The abbreviations are the ticker symbols at the NYSE. Yes, I do invest in them...
Since you have a service connected medical condition, there´s an agency headquartered in Colorado
(if my memory don´t fail me) that covers veterans who live overseas. You just have to pay out of pocket
your doctor´s consultation fees and medications and they will reimburse you of your expenses after
filling out a claim form. I can´t give you the exact address and name right now, but I can give it to you at a later time if you so desire.
I kept my previous employer plan, and have been healthy here in Brasil.
I am sure the VA can help LJD, I have a friend in the US who is a Vietnam veteran and they work for the V.A...it aint the best care yet it is care.I know it's different when a G.I. moves from the USA. ..Have Ljd inquired as to his benefits and coverage.
I want to think being a Veteran covers certain medical rights.
Wealth and No Health sucks....
I think my plan covers most health issues here in Brasil anything they don't cover I'm on a plane.,
Alascana wrote:I came through in 2015 , first visit, 2 tablets , 2 cell phones, iPad Air all New and no one said "koko", my last trip in 2016 Cellphone, New Laptop, ipad no one said or asked "koko". 2017 went home bought back 8 suitcases of "koko" no one said "koko". TSA took my elongated charcoal lighters for the barbeque. Did you guys get off the plane in big cities? I had no problems with anything.
Maybe I am reading this wrong? Okay reread and I have never been asked "koko" about anything I was carrying or declaring anything other than "I am a US Citizen" .....
Plenty of Shippers of Crab and Salmon (just google it")...if you do think of shipping some in check the "Prohibited Items for Brazil" ...I think Tex said it's hit or miss on some sausage he wanted ?....
We quit eating any seafood from the Pacific in 2016 for " Fukushima " was drifting and I wasn't about to eat that stuff. Anything from the Pacific is Suspect... and the Atlantic is on the watch list (kkk)
I found some frozen Alaska Salmon here in Brasil it may have been "Coho" . I did see a nice Winter Atlantic Salmon in Belem in 2016 it was around Christmas time.
I gave away half a chest freezer of "Sockeye" before I left Alaska, it was vacuumed sealed, yet I know Brasil wouldn't let it in country ????.....and I wasn't about to risk it so the Car wash guys would eat good...kkk...
I'm gonna head over to Permabucho on the coast and maybe find some blue crab meat and imagine I'm in Baltimore as make it into cakes, find some fresh shrimp cocktail size and a few lobsters. Got a chest freezer at the house,,,final leg Belem 50 liters Acai, Tapioca, Farina and Farofa, Jambu and watch the Sunset....and I ain't shipping none of it....I am still confused on paying for personal electronics.....my HP laptop is 17.5 in that's not some thing to hide or checked baggage.
I will be bringing back 2 Nokia Cellphone,New Laptop ,2 New Tablets to be determined all for personal use .......and gifts....lol
That agent in Rio probably was having a bad time like maybe a fight with the wife. Who knows? From the States I usually get off at Guarulhos (São Paulo) or Rio de Janeiro Int´l. I usually don´t have any inspection but that day I had a big iMac that was hard to conceal. He looked at my computer and said:
Nossa senhora! Não acha isso por aqui... Que telão (looking at the big iMac screen). He added after seeing all the Apple brand: Só coisa boa né? Quero te multa agora! And that really ruined my day!!!!
Alascana wrote:I kept my previous employer plan, and have been healthy here in Brasil.
I am sure the VA can help LJD, I have a friend in the US who is a Vietnam veteran and they work for the V.A...it aint the best care yet it is care.I know it's different when a G.I. moves from the USA. ..Have Ljd inquired as to his benefits and coverage.
I want to think being a Veteran covers certain medical rights.
Wealth and No Health sucks....
I think my plan covers most health issues here in Brasil anything they don't cover I'm on a plane.,
The one in Colorado that I mentioned is under the VA´s oversight...
All advice is good. The only plan w/o pre existing I found is Amil. Unimed saw my scars and said nope will not cover my shoulders or knees..said no thanks. Local is Itamed (Was Itapu) had it at first no issues, but Amil was much less. (Until hit the 65 hump and went up $R300 per month).
Always have "script" with you. Once was ask in US what it was (due to language) and gave the "script" and all was fine. Never get anything in US that needs script. Only have Medicare and VA. VA is backed up. Feel for the Vets!
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