
Climate change experts would not invest beachfront property.


Are any Expats here concerned about future inheritance due to higher sea levels, an increased level of typhoons and flooding ? Climate experts warn that the Philippines will be more affected than most countries.

See also

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Lat61 wrote:

Are any Expats here concerned about future inheritance due to higher sea levels, an increased level of typhoons and flooding ? Climate experts warn that the Philippines will be more affected than most countries.

I have a beachfront property that I´m now considering of selling. The sea has been coming closer every single year so the future of someone inheriting it is somewhat bleak. I should invest somewhere else
far from the sea.


robal wrote:
Lat61 wrote:

Are any Expats here concerned about future inheritance due to higher sea levels, an increased level of typhoons and flooding ? Climate experts warn that the Philippines will be more affected than most countries.

I have a beachfront property that I´m now considering of selling. The sea has been coming closer every single year so the future of someone inheriting it is somewhat bleak. I should invest somewhere else
far from the sea.

You might want to look up George Strait, understand he has some ocean front property in Arizona for sale.


mugtech wrote:
robal wrote:
Lat61 wrote:

Are any Expats here concerned about future inheritance due to higher sea levels, an increased level of typhoons and flooding ? Climate experts warn that the Philippines will be more affected than most countries.

I have a beachfront property that I´m now considering of selling. The sea has been coming closer every single year so the future of someone inheriting it is somewhat bleak. I should invest somewhere else
far from the sea.

You might want to look up George Strait, understand he has some ocean front property in Arizona for sale.

One of my favorite song exactly...


Every coastal area has issues, especially beachfront properties, but the same goes for many city residences, Jakarta and London come to mind.
I would be tempted to avoid anything less than 10 m ASL, and anything on a tidal river.

If I owned such a property, I'd be trying to dump it right now.


Someone in another section posted this … =kopp_2014


That's a nice tool. Thanks Fred.

Not looking good for Cebu..


Climate flooding map 2050


Lat61 wrote:

Are any Expats here concerned about future inheritance due to higher sea levels, an increased level of typhoons and flooding ? Climate experts warn that the Philippines will be more affected than most countries.

Well where I live in the harbour there is a island it's pretty much right in the middle and for the last 150 years  there has been no appreciable increase of the tide height.


thewoodenpotter wrote:
Lat61 wrote:

Are any Expats here concerned about future inheritance due to higher sea levels, an increased level of typhoons and flooding ? Climate experts warn that the Philippines will be more affected than most countries.

Well where I live in the harbour there is a island it's pretty much right in the middle and for the last 150 years  there has been no appreciable increase of the tide height.

Perhaps the usual investment broker warning should be inserted here.  "Past performance does not insure future events"


We in Oz are experiencing one of the worst droughts on record. I see it here and not good. Our home in La Union on the beach is only some 7 to 8 metres above sea level but we still get flooded from time to time at the rear of the lot,,,,,,, now we have to worry about the rising sea? Fortunately I won't be around in 50 or a hundred years and humanity may may also have it's days numbered without major changes etc, etc.
I worry for our heirs and what little they will inherit after the rape and pillaging of the earth, yes guilty also but slowly going greener.

Cheers, Steve.


bigpearl wrote:

Our home in La Union on the beach is only some 7 to 8 metres above sea level but we still get flooded from time to time at the rear of the lot,,,,

Did you get to see the SEA Games surfing contest last week?  Surf was nice, much better than Ilocos Sur.


In Miami water comes up out of the street sewer drains on a regular basis now. The barrier islands along the Carolinas are being eroded and swallowed up. We all know about the stronger hurricanes and increased frequency of "1 in 500 year" rain events like experienced in Houston.. Climate change is real and it's happening. The worst is the fires. I grew up in California and the whole state is burning up now.  What really pisses me off is the government keeps bailing out these areas on the East Coast and Gulf with subsidized flood and disaster insurance so people keep rebuilding.. It's madness.


mugtech wrote:
bigpearl wrote:

Our home in La Union on the beach is only some 7 to 8 metres above sea level but we still get flooded from time to time at the rear of the lot,,,,

Did you get to see the SEA Games surfing contest last week?  Surf was nice, much better than Ilocos Sur.

No mugtech I have been back in Oz since mid August working and trying to sell the house on the Sunny coast,,,,,,,,, still. Ben arrives here on Tuesday for 4 weeks then back and I hope to return to PH after the German contract next year, mid February.

Cheers, Steve.


All Gore's house … 27976c.jpg

Obama's new house … .jpg?w=620

I cannot wait to see Greta Thunburg's multi-thousand acre oceanfront mega villa.


Wanted to add that we are on the beach and the older people here talk about how that when they were kids the water reached much farther inland than it does now.

There are a lot of reasons why coastlines change. And there is a lot of fraud in climate change. The science is being manipulated and so is the data that the scientists use. They have been caught at it. Some people are making a lot of money off of the climate game and the chief prophets of it are some of the most conspicuous consumers on the planet. They are taking advantage of the fact that the general public does not have access to the big picture.

I am sure I will be on a list now for my thought crimes.


Hi, generally those who are the most sceptical about climate are oil companies, real estate developper with coastal areas estates etc. Coal companies, car companies etc etc. Oil companies are known to have given a lot of money to counter the discourse of climate scientists. In France we have geologists who suddenly became experts in climate science... they tried to show that human beings had nothing to do with climate change ... but they forgot to tell the public that they were paid by oil companies 🤣.


The best way to win at chess is to control both sides of the board. It is the banks behind the oil companies and the green companies...the tree huggers and the logging companies.

Wanna guess who finances the NSF? And who finances all research that holds any sway at all?


Well we can be into the conspiracy theory... and say it is the bank etc.. but I dont see scientific organizations financed by banks in France for example ! Maybe it is the case in the US ?


geolefrench wrote:

Well we can be into the conspiracy theory... and say it is the bank etc.. but I dont see scientific organizations financed by banks in France for example ! Maybe it is the case in the US ?

You only have an ex banker for a president. That's all. But you are right. There are no conspiracies in the world and never have been. The wealthy and powerful just let everything happen around them without trying to control any of it. Great point. Thanks for enlightening me.

And you are also probably right about climate skeptics all being oil company shills, which is not conspiratorial at all, since it was said in support of climate change.

Are Obama and Gore oil company shills? They certainly do not believe that sea levels are rising, otherwise they would not have both purchased multi-million dollar estates on the sea coast.


Well it is not because our president worked in a bank that climate change researches are linked to banks. I always love the logic of conspiracy theorists  :lol:


"“Following the month of August experienced by the northern half of France, the prophets of doom of global warming will have a lot on their plate in order to make our fellow countrymen swallow their certitudes,” Allegre wrote. He also accused proponents of manmade catastrophic global warming of being motivated by money, noting that “the ecology of helpless protesting has become a very lucrative business for some people!” " … ;id=264777

quotes from Claude Allègre
former French Education and Research Minister

so what oil company does Mr. Allègre work for?  :lol::lol:


Allegre was my teacher, a genious in geology but ... now he is one of those geologists who suddenly became an expert in climatology (i did not want to write his name but you forced me my friend) . Why suddenly he became like that when he has no legitimacy in this field ? Because he was afraid that all the money going to geophysics would be drained to climatology  he recognized that his laboratory is funded by Total, french oil company ! But now he recognized, after talking to the science academy of France, that he was wrong and that there is really climate change by human beings.


So what oil company did he work for? Or do you admit that your earlier statement was conspiracy theorist bunk?

And it does not surprise me IF he changed his mind. If he in fact did change his mind.

They all change back and forth. And there are lots of plausible explanations.

And lots of money flying around.

“I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith’s, to hide the decline.” - Phil Jones

Climate change is full of frauds. Plain and simple.

And can we get a link to this mind change that Mr. Allègre allegedly experienced?

Not that I have any reason to doubt the word of a climate change propagandist  :D


I am not a propagandist, I am in geosciences.  In geology. What is your expertise ?

Allegre was paid by Total. I will try to find a link to Allegre recognizing he was wrong


So, you are saying that Claude Allegre was paid by Total to make the statements that he made and you think that you can make such statements without any link to back yourself up? Did they not teach you about citing sources when you earned your prestigious degrees?


You can check there if you want.

Sleep well and continue with your conspiracy theories. It is so simple that I feel like a child again Thanks Destiny  :D


You know I am just wasting my time with you. I just gave you one link in french. Enjoy ! Good night !


That page does not say what you said and says absolutely nothing about Total.

You are the one making up conspiracy theories.

Nice exit though  :cheers:


geolefrench wrote:

You know I am just wasting my time with you. I just gave you one link in french. Enjoy ! Good night !

I would think that someone like you with a PHD in BS would understand tech a little better … rev=search


You probably need google translate mon ami


Hey buddy, the link you posted is a  forum post that references a dead link.

That is not exactly a scholarly source  :lol:

but it is good enough for climate science  :cheers:


I am beginning to think you do as well, Doc  :D


You thought that he will write officially that he was wrong ? You think that a geologist of this level has no pride ? I think you are not a scientist just a conspirationist byebye enjoy your life !

GuestPoster204 … 249221.amp

He has too much pride !


:lol:  So funny that you obviously did not read your own linked forum post (based on a 404-ed link itself).

The dude who created that thread got owned by other posters.

guess it's back to google for you  :D

maybe call Al Gore and ask him for some forum trolling tips

or...or... Al? Is that you, Al?  :D


You dont read well my friend :-)


And you post links to forum posts that are backed up by dead links and act like you proved something.

And the post you linked to, though it is a joke in itself, makes no reference to the lie you told about Total.

You are patently dishonest.

You will go far in climate science.


We are probably not reading the same text. But you seem to be a good disciple of D T your president. Enjoy your life before your house on the coastal area will disappear :-)

(I am not a climate scientist, never said that. It is where I see your honesty and art of manipulation)


geolefrench wrote:

We are probably not reading the same text. But you seem to be a good disciple of D T your president. Enjoy your life before your house on the coastal area will disappear :-)

(I am not a climate scientist, never said that. It is where I see your honesty and art of manipulation)

If we are not reading the same text then you are perfectly capable to post a quote or a more reliable source.

The one man that I happened to quote just happened to have been "your teacher."

That is falsehood #1.

You said he was paid by Total, yet you provide no proof.

That is falsehood #2.

You said that that he recanted what he said, yet you provided no proof.

That is falsehood #3.

This is a well known and highly cited man we are talking about. If f these things happened, then there would be MANY sources to prove it.

You provide none.

And you have no idea what I am a disciple of.

Back up your BS, buddy. Let's see your sources for these statements that you make.

If you even went to college at all then you should know that you cannot make such spurious statements and not expect to be asked for a source.

But hey, keep it up and they just might give you a job as a climate scientist yet.

Tell some real whoppers. They will eventually "discover" you.

But get this straight, you are not fooling anyone. This is some infantile business that you are engaging in. Everyone can see your failure to back up your statements. And everyone knows exactly what it means.

And remember what began this exchange. You said that anyone who doubts anthropogenic climate change works for the oil companies. Nice thought police tactic.

While you are doing your research maybe find the answer to why the co-founder of Greenpeace also broke with your religion. Let me guess, he is paid by the oil companies too.

au revoir