
Betrayal in by backyard


Gd evening guys;
Jus got a "wiff" of somebody cheating on an expat in my area, apparently an elementary school teacher in our area actually saw his pinoy wife wif another expat in the city :(
Sad thing is I personally know her husband (great guy) who drops by only 2x per year for approx 2weeks/trip.
He already has a d.storey house being built which is nearly 80% complete.
I don't wish to give any further details but it really sad, cause he has only another 4yrs before his retirement here & I just met him mid 2019.
What the hell is going on in this sleepy town?????

See also

Living in the Philippines: the expat guideRodrigo Duterte arrested.Anyone using Starlink?Financial InfedelityPhilippines Mandatory Mobile Phone SIM Card Registration By Mid 2023

I feel real bad for him.


It's rampart here! There are 3 cases of the same going on in the condo complex i live in! We just film them and record them and present them! One is a french expat that has been providing his filipina wife 80k php per month and he owns his condo! He just turned 70 and he plotted payback when he got the video! Raffy was there to interview her! Lights! Camera! Action! and oh yeah Lights out! She's in jail for adultery!


Thanks guys for not calling me a busy body!!!..but this is such a 'shitty' thing to happen to a senior expat.


As the President is asking Filipino's not to scam expat's Raffy is surprising them as he gets evidence and they are reported to the office of the President! Not good for them! You might consider calling Raffy and tell him and he may follow up! I would


Me getting involved will only put my life in danger!....He shud be arriving here in June'2020 (thats if he doesn't already know!)...funny thing is his 2 storey hse is 80% complete & practically all work has already stopped.


If he doesn't already know, I will definitely approach him & ask him to investigate himself...I owe him that much.


That's why you pass it along to Raffy! No need for you to be involved! But I completely understand and agree if you're not comfortable doing anything!


Presume the whole "fxxxxxg" neighbourhood knows about this betrayal end last year...As always I'm the last to know about this....shit!!!


There are over a dozen other family members living in the expats house; and even today they as usual had their music at "full blast" without a worry in the world....makes me want to puke!!!


Question : why do you mind this kind of thing ? They are adults no ? I dont like whistleblowers when it is about private life of adults.


geolefrench wrote:

Question : why do you mind this kind of thing ? They are adults no ? I dont like whistleblowers when it is about private life of adults.

It seems that it is because there are three individuals involved and they are not all consenting adults and the fact that he identifies a little with the adult who is in the non-consenting position.

Perfectly understandable. If someone was doing that to someone I like I do not think I would be able to just watch it happen. Especially if the one(s) doing it are completely unsympathetic characters.


geolefrench wrote:

Question : why do you mind this kind of thing ? They are adults no ? I dont like whistleblowers when it is about private life of adults.

I'll expect us expats to watch each others back...thats the least I can do.
So you are saying I should NOT get involved?
So pse advice on how I should proceed  or should I just keep silent?


manwonder wrote:
geolefrench wrote:

Question : why do you mind this kind of thing ? They are adults no ? I dont like whistleblowers when it is about private life of adults.

I'll expect us expats to watch each others back...thats the least I can do.
So you are saying I should NOT get involved?
So pse advice on how I should proceed  or should I just keep silent?

Keep silent about you you intend to do.


Sorry, but I know some cases like yours, I know all those involved and I like them and I don't want to meddle in their private life. I will not tell the lady that her husband is cheating on her in one case and I will not tell, in a second case, to the husband that his wife is cheating on him at work ! this is none of my business ! I keep silent. The law in PH is unfair: if a husband catches his wife in adultery, she will go to jail. But if it is a cheating husband, no problem !

So in short, I close my eyes and mouth


When you are in the US, you spend your time spying on your neighbors ?


of course but more so in Paris


Thanks guys for your feedback.
Should I or Shouldn't I....hmmmm!
Out of all the 3 parties:
I only know *1  (mr.great guy)
dun know his pinoy wife well.
Guess I will sleep over it.
Its sad to say the least!!!
Shit no more "corona" beers left finished the last one last nite.

Thanks again


Your primary responsibility is to yourself and your family.


Thanks again guys.



Whatever you do keep it secret, no good deed goes unpunished.  If you  inform the husband don't let him know it's you. If her Filipino family finds out your the rat, your life could be in danger.


Any dime dropped should not be traceable back to the source by technically savvy persons.

But remember the law of unintended consequences.

At least whatever happens at this point has nothing to do with you. Anything that comes about after you drop a dime is your fault.


Yawnnnn!!!!...yup not my business anymore...Always more fun in the philippines; surprises to be had everywhere you turn!!...some good & some bad the later being in the lead for the last 3months ...but goes on & we all will get wiser!!! :thanks:


That's another reason why many an expact never ever wants to get re-married!!..especially if you are wif an age gap of >25yrs, and fm a totally different culture...The best love/sxx you going to have is when both you and partner are free to move out; if things dun work out!!!..more respectable & cause for less heartaches, dishonesty IMO.
Being able to "write-off" your losses & move on to me is a wiser option.
"If the love fits wear it babe" ...leslie pearl.



for all you know he is fully aware of what is going on and has no issue with it

if he is not aware then he should be

he don't do Internet? sheesh!


U could be right PD!!!!

His house now being 80% done with all works stopped last year could also mean something.
He may not be on this expat platform or just a non-active internet user.

Anyways I sincerely hope/pray he is already aware.



Not even this site. For decades now there have been sad stories all over the Internet. Many of those plots line up with his situation. You would think that before people get involved with a place they would learn a little about what is going on there. There are some common themes that go on here again and again and again. Some guys just keep repeating other people mistakes even though those mistakes are posted all over the Internet. Trust but verify? People don't know this?


Philippine Destiny wrote:

Not even this site. For decades now there have been sad stories all over the Internet. Many of those plots line up with his situation. You would think that before people get involved with a place they would learn a little about what is going on there. There are some common themes that go on here again and again and again. Some guys just keep repeating other people mistakes even though those mistakes are posted all over the Internet. Trust but verify? People don't know this?

You´re right. Trust is very important but should verify if the person is deserving. I would arrive on vacation without warning, car parked about 400yds away with the house´s view observing equipped with binoculars. A week´s duration at least especially on weekends.  :D


manwonder wrote:

Presume the whole "fxxxxxg" neighbourhood knows about this betrayal end last year...As always I'm the last to know about this....shit!!!

I´m sure about that because of the "faster than a speeding bullet" tsismiss in PI.


manwonder wrote:

There are over a dozen other family members living in the expats house; and even today they as usual had their music at "full blast" without a worry in the world....makes me want to puke!!!

Buy the noise-cancelling Bose headphone.


lasvegan wrote:

of course but more so in Paris

In Paris? Binocular is a must!


Lat61 wrote:

Whatever you do keep it secret, no good deed goes unpunished.  If you  inform the husband don't let him know it's you. If her Filipino family finds out your the rat, your life could be in danger.

Agreed. They indeed shoot fast and ask questions later if they´re still in doubt. :D


Philippine Destiny wrote:

for all you know he is fully aware of what is going on and has no issue with it

if he is not aware then he should be

he don't do Internet? sheesh!

Possible he knows about it already. If he has already ED then probably he wouldn´t mind if that contributes to the wife´s happiness... Brain storming only.


Minding other people's business only makes you feel bad.


Agreed guys...Its always more 'weird' fun here in the philippines.


geolefrench wrote:

Sorry, but I know some cases like yours, I know all those involved and I like them and I don't want to meddle in their private life. I will not tell the lady that her husband is cheating on her in one case and I will not tell, in a second case, to the husband that his wife is cheating on him at work ! this is none of my business ! I keep silent.
The law in PH is***unfair***:
if a husband catches his wife in adultery, she will go to jail. But if it is a cheating husband, no problem !
So in short, I close my eyes and mouth

Agree on some points especially the ***unfair*** part.
E.g : Many a single mother, some even at a tender age of 20, are left to fend for themselves, some wif a few kids/no job/no maintenance payments fm their previous live-in 'cheating' pinoy boyfriends /husbands; whom conveniently disappear when the bills of taking care of these kids and family become too burdensome. Yes some woman do suffer much more than the man here.



lasvegan wrote:

It's rampart here! There are 3 cases of the same going on in the condo complex i live in! We just film them and record them and present them! One is a french expat that has been providing his filipina wife 80k php per month and he owns his condo! He just turned 70 and he plotted payback when he got the video! Raffy was there to interview her! Lights! Camera! Action! and oh yeah Lights out! She's in jail for adultery!

Who (or what) is Raffy? PI? Local tv host or tv show? An app?

Maybe I should hire him to spy on my husband, especially in relation to a young female former co-worker, who belongs to his team / group of which my husband was the leader. She obviously had a crush on him. It was especially obvious on her posts on fb. She even set up get-togethers for him and co-workers. Then, I got a cryptic message from one of his supervisors, about telling me to be aware of one of my husband's co-workers. So, I'm curious if her advances were reciprocated. 

But then again, this was 4-5 years ago. My husband has left that company 3 years ago. But just last year, she tried to set up a get-together with former co-workers in their group. Nobody went except one other co-worker. LOL.

I'm used to the stereo-typing of Filipino women. (And there's also the stereo-typing of foreigners having lots of money) But once in a while, I still get annoyed. When a neighbor had a complaint against the HOA and needed support, she gave me a copy of the complaint and told me to have my husband read it. What the . . . ??!!!

When my husband's co-workers set up a party at our house and saw the piano, they asked my husband if he played the piano. He said no. For a moment they thought that the piano was just a nice expensive decor. Thankfully my husband said that I can play. And I proved it. I played a medium-to-difficult one: Someone Like You by Adele from a piano sheet I downloaded from musescore. And a few easier standard ones. His co-workers were surprised, maybe some even couldn't help but think that my husband paid for the "gold-digger" wife's piano lessons, since I have a lot of free time living off my husband's money. LOL.


FilAmericanMom wrote:
lasvegan wrote:

It's rampart here! There are 3 cases of the same going on in the condo complex i live in! We just film them and record them and present them! One is a french expat that has been providing his filipina wife 80k php per month and he owns his condo! He just turned 70 and he plotted payback when he got the video! Raffy was there to interview her! Lights! Camera! Action! and oh yeah Lights out! She's in jail for adultery!

Who (or what) is Raffy? PI? Local tv host or tv show? An app?

Local radio talk show "journalist."  Perhaps he could do a story on your highly suspicious piano playing.


mugtech wrote:

Local radio talk show "journalist."  Perhaps he could do a story on your highly suspicious piano playing.

You mean one of the Tulfo brothers? I know who he is, but I don't watch / listen to his show.

Regarding the highly suspicious piano playing, I felt a tad regretful because I wasn't able to "kill" Adele's song. I was put in the spotlight unprepared. I hadn't practiced. I did play well. It wasn't great. But, I felt great, like 3 years of piano instruction and all the tedious Hanon exercises had some purpose.


FilAmericanMom wrote:
mugtech wrote:

Local radio talk show "journalist."  Perhaps he could do a story on your highly suspicious piano playing.

You mean one of the Tulfo brothers? I know who he is, but I don't watch / listen to his show.

Regarding the highly suspicious piano playing, I felt a tad regretful because I wasn't able to "kill" Adele's song. I was put in the spotlight unprepared. I hadn't practiced. I did play well. It wasn't great. But, I felt great, like 3 years of piano instruction and all the tedious Hanon exercises had some purpose.

Yes, Tulfo.  Was just kidding about the piano.  Ever play any Scott Joplin/ ragtime?  I have sheet music for the Oscar nominated  The Sweetheart Tree by Mancini/Mercer from the movie The Great Race from 1965, nice honky tonk piano simulating music from 1908.