Flight Cancelled
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As I mentioned these flights with Air Europa are strange because normally information comes directly from the embassy. This info has come from someone in Air Europa saying if you want a seat you need to transfer the money to a Air Europa account in DR and do accept international transfers. I'm trying to get hold of the embassy to find out more.
Yes this is only going to start after phase 4.
Ducketts nothing has changed for you. Find a flight out to Europe and get on it!
Lennox good news on the special transit fix for those needing to go through USA
Read this article in full with google translate to understand some of the protocols that are being agreed ready to put in place for tourist arrivals.
You are a tourist if you are not a citizen, resident, resident or work or other visa holder. But then there will be business people and property owners who wish to visit. I wonder how they avoid being classed as a tourist who arrives goes to hotel is limited on any excursions and flies out?
https://m.diariolibre.com/economia/el-t … GJ18998169
Thank you for sharing and excellent points. I for one come visit and do not stay at a hotel.
Well business owners without a proper visa are tourists. Same as owners of apartments and villas. They have gotten around the law for years, I guess that ends.
I mean foreign business people. Equally people buy property but dont stay long periods throughout the Caribbean including DR. You cant penalize such investors.
The question I am asking is how can you manage these visitors in terms of being a health risk to the domestic population. Could there be pre vetting of the need to visit outside tourism protocols through visas etc? And then quarantine which could be less if they have pre flight PCR test.
It seems an unending challenge for governments to find the right health protocols for all types of visitors in a covid19 world.
I'm only glad I'm not an owner!
I remember speaking some years ago to a charming German couple who bought a property year dot.
We asked them this and I shall never forget the chap said "if you buy you must live in DR and have the correct papers. If you try to do this at a distance without papers you will have problems-many" he said. What a wise man!
Incidentally TUI Fly have now cancelled all June flights into DR. So now they are all aiming for July. Interest listening to O'Leary, the CEO of Ryanair. He had a right go at the UK Gov.for introducing quarantine from 3 June. He said this was a total waste of time as having left the airport no one knew which mode of travel they would adopt. Very true Not the first time I've heard this. Italy have eased the lock-down a great deal with tourism restart early July. Many EU countries now have kids back at school.
If the DR doesn't protect those who are here than they are not doing their jobs.
Sorry for investors and property owners there has to be protocols in place for everyone coming in that includes either being separate from everyone else until their is proof they are not infectious.
We must control as well not infecting visitors. All of this will take time to figure out.
lennoxnev wrote:Read this article in full with google translate to understand some of the protocols that are being agreed ready to put in place for tourist arrivals.
You are a tourist if you are not a citizen, resident, resident or work or other visa holder. But then there will be business people and property owners who wish to visit. I wonder how they avoid being classed as a tourist who arrives goes to hotel is limited on any excursions and flies out?
https://m.diariolibre.com/economia/el-t … GJ18998169
It may be you are not allowed to arrive w/o a valid AI reservation.....
As in the airline asking asking you about your return ticket
Another form of quarantine.... of like kinds....
visitors can infect each other - not the general population
Can't say I fault the thinking
planner wrote:If the DR doesn't protect those who are here than they are not doing their jobs.
Sorry for investors and property owners there has to be protocols in place for everyone coming in that includes either being separate from everyone else until their is proof they are not infectious.
We must control as well not infecting visitors. All of this will take time to figure out.
The new arrival/exit tracking system will help here
In actuality, they have wanted to control 'interlopers'
and now, they have them where they want them for the most part
Too many entries might flag a money launderer...
a variety of issues
The consistent 4-5 month visitor who doesn't comply w/ residency... why not?
I can see why the DGM wants to limit / control this
Especially now
doubled up somehow.............sorry
Maybe encourage an actual long stay visitors visa! That is very much needed here. And a long term visitor can go into quarentine and then to their rental or their own place.
Yes - they should offer the option to have a longer visa... 3-6 months
But that begs the question - why not just get residency?
It's all too complicated over here. The only good thing is the new online extension of stay for tourists. That's excellent.
Willie - all those tourists who come for 3 to 6 months but only want to stay tourists. Thousands and thousands of Canadians who go south every year to USA and Mexico. Thousand and thousands of Americans who go to Mexico etc every year. They don't have to get residency in many other countries! They get long stay tourist visas! Or no visa at all. It is simple yet controlled!
We need similar here now to attract those longer stay tourists!
Can't speak about Mexico but the US/Cdn relationship allows long stays - yes....
there's talk of allowing 7 month US visits for Cdns
ducketts wrote:It's all too complicated over here. The only good thing is the new online extension of stay for tourists. That's excellent.
I disagree, Ducketts. It's quite easy and inexpensive in the DR. I know what the process and expense is like in Canada, and have a general knowledge of the process in the US. By comparison, getting residency or a tourist Visa is a piece of cake, here. And overstaying your Tourist Visa was no big deal, just pay a bit of money. Most other countries would involve jail time and permanent bans. Plus, being legal takes a whole bunch of stress away. I do hope the DR finally creates a 6 month travel Visa though. That's a glaring hole in the Governments' money-making abilities, because we all know, the overstay fines didn't always make it back to the Government.
The DR Gov made a huge improvements allowing tourists to apply for extensions on line. However it should be for up to say 6 months say.
In terms of residencia etc I'm afraid it's too complicated, slow and costly. I did all this in the UK for my wife and it's FREE-no lawyers etc-this also applies to countries like France and it took 2 months.
DR has a long way to go but it's moving in the slow but right direction.
Sorry Ducketts compared to most Caribbean countries we are the easiest and with the lowest qualification thresholds!!!
You cannot compare DR to UK, totally different;
Many many people would live to live in the Caribbean and or winter here!
Of course you can compare.
Any cost is a cost wherever you are. I'm simply stating a fact. It is expensive compared with Europe because as I said it's free in most countries. I'm not attempting to compare other Caribbean countries although I understand (to be corrected) that the British overseas territories are considerably cheaper but for someone like us this is irrelevant, cost is cost which ever way you look at it. I sure you will appreciate this as an astute business woman.
Their recent introduction of online request of extension for tourists is good and hopefully they eventually extend to 6 months.
I would if I could. With all due respect Planner that is a silly answer as many of us are stuck here and have no choice. According to embassy stats there are still about over 4,000 expats trying to get back to Europe. And you know very well my last post spoke the truth, no economy no country. These I'm afraid are hard facts to digest but they are correct or perhaps learned economists like Galbraith or successful entrepreneurs like Warren Buffet are wrong
Honestly Ducketts - we're all stuck here for the most part
Americans can escape - but that may be it
We're all bored and a bit angry perhaps
But you win the prize for complaining the longest and loudest.
It may make you feel better to vent but it grates on others at times
Ducketts honey I was specifically refereeing to costs of residency! If that is your concern then stay in Europe.
refereeing is the right verb !!!!!
Thanks then I'll shut up
Pls don't be offended - you offer good info regularly
we don't need to be reminded of our plight - or yours
We all in the same boat - so to speak
Thank you
Very, very welcome....
I would hate to see you go
Here is more about new measures when flying internationally.
But note that in the end it will depend on the governments rules specifically at the destination end and they could add to these requirements like Greece or St Lucia including quarantine.
The new measures that airlines will apply to resume flights
The airlines have announced new temporary biosafety measures that they will have to implement at airports and during the flight as air traffic resumes in the coming days. The International Air Transport Association ( IATA ) released a roadmap for air travel amid the COVID-19 pandemic .
Before the flight, IATA proposes that governments collect passenger data before travel, including information on their health status, through proven channels such as eVisa or the electronic system for travel authorization.
In the airport
- Access to the terminal will be limited to airport or airline employees and travelers (with the exception of accompanying persons with disabilities or minors).
- The body temperature will be taken at the access points to the terminal.
- There will be physical distancing throughout all passenger service processes, including lines.
- Use of masks by passengers and employees.
- Self-service for billing to minimize the confluence of people at the contact points and lines, electronic or printed boarding passes.
- Self-service luggage with printed labels from home and self-boarding.
- New design of boarding gates to reduce congestion and limitation of hand luggage.
- Cleaning and disinfection of high contact surfaces and continuous use of hand sanitizer.
During flight
- Facial protectors for all passengers and masks for the crew.
- Prepackaged food and beverage service to reduce interaction between passengers and crew.
- It is forbidden to queue to enter the bathroom.
- Deeper and improved cabin cleaning.
At the destination airport
- Temperature taking by qualified personnel.
- Automated control at customs through applications for the phone and biometric technology.
- Streamlining the process of collecting luggage to reduce lines.
- Sworn declaration of traveler's health and effective follow-up of contacts, to reduce the risk of importing virus transmission chains.
IATA stressed that these measures will be temporary and could be superseded or removed if they become unnecessary. Airlines also support the idea of applying rapid COVID-19 tests when they are scalable and provide reliable and rapid results, as they would create a "sterilized" travel environment that would reassure both passengers and governments.
“There is no single measure that can reduce the risk by itself and guarantee a safe resumption of flights; but with a set of layered and mutually recognized global measures, we can achieve this, ”said Alexandre de Juniac , IATA C[/[i]i]EO and CEO.
Flying is not going to be the same with covid19. Pre and post flight checks, country controls, masks, seat spacing and now no carry on for overhead bins.
ICAO prohibits carry-on bags on aircraft
The carry-on bag that is put in the hold above the seat, in the cabin, will begin to be prohibited, according to the instructions that it has just published to the International Civil Aviation Organization ( ICAO ), which has published the rules for flying in times of coronavirus and that countries should apply immediately.
The objective is that passengers do not have the opportunity to have physical contact, so they can only travel with a backpack or bag that fits under the front seat.
According to ICAO, the reason for the measure is that both when getting on and off the plane, the placement and removal of carry-on bags causes countless reasons for contact between passengers, regardless of the frequent need to ask for help or, also , to finish delivering the suitcase to go in the hold.
The decision will have a significant economic effect on the low-cost companies, which additionally charged for carrying the carry-on bag in the hold.
Other instructions from the entity are more predictable: need to wear masks on all flights, at all airports, on all planes; Checking online - a common thing today on most short and medium-haul flights, not so much on long-haul flights - and working contactless in duty-free shops and shipments.
Instructions are also issued for the use of the toilets on board, with a reserved exclusively for the crew of the plane, who are the ones who are most at risk.
The international ICAO instructions have to be converted by the associated countries, all of them, into specific rules of legal requirement in the airlines of each country.
Tui Fly have just cancelled all online check ins including seat allocations and boarding passes stating this must be done at the airport. Quite the reverse!
I would have also thought that those who are fortunate to travel first or business class should not have a problem with overhead lockers because of all the extra space.
If countries do implement this as you say this will cause enormous problems for passengers and airlines alike especially on long haul when that piece of luggage is essential especially passengers who have underlying conditions and require medicines and possible equipment such as oxygen masks.
This appears to be from the hip and I'm sure many airlines will object
Puerto Plata Hotel Chain Announces Reopening for August 1
https://listindiario.com/economia/2020/ … -de-agosto
A bit of realism here.
Punta Cana may begin to open hotels in early July, but it will take time elsewhere.
And in the end it all depends on government and what they stipulate and not airlines who have planned flights to PUJ from 1st July.
My guess is from 5th July the earliest we will see commercial flights inbound. But what if any rules apply to passengers?
As of today some people may start booking hotel packages in Punta Cana now there are reported flights being planned to that airport. Some of those flights may disappear due to insufficient bookings.
Wait and see.
‘Whole New World Of Travel’ As Caribbean Starts To Reopen To Tourists
I wonder what DR will offer tourists?
We wait to hear.
The St Lucia way or the Bahama way?
Jamaica has a plan to control tourists in a zone:
Jamaica Creates “Resilient Corridor” to Manage Return of Tourism
https://www-caribjournal-com.cdn.amppro … ridor/amp/
This is a concept that could work well in DR initially in the east and expanding elsewhere.
That is interesting. I can see that in Punta Cana, but does that also "contain" all those living in those areas?
The management of this is challenging but doable.
SDQ - JFK - today, June 11/20
My daughter's friend flew today at 10am - JB to JFK en route LHR
On arrival he was NOT asked for any connecting flight info - nothing
Just - How long were in the Dom Republic?
Doesn't sound like a closed border in the USA to me
Perhaps the test is on leaving here - he needed his ESTA card
FWIW - the TWA hotel (Term 5) offers 4 hr stays for $119
room, gym,. pool, WiFi
Here, we still don't know what will actually happen if Phase 4 begins as planned on 1st July when hotels can open and that airports will open too. Some airlines have scheduled flights but we don't know officially if borders will be opened to international travellers then and we don't know what rules will apply to those visitors arriving in the country. We do know the hotel protocols after arrival.
So it is interesting to read what Puerto Rico our Greater Antilles neighbour is doing after it's planned reopening to international travellers on July 15th - and it has less cases per population than DR.....
I bet DR does a 'Mexico'.
Everything you need to know about Puerto Rico reopening on July 15
https://thepointsguy.com/news/puerto-ri … g-july-15/
Puerto Rico will officially reopen to all international travelers on July 15, 2020. While there are currently no restrictions on who can enter Puerto Rico once the island reopens, the tourism board has announced a series of rules and regulations to keep everyone safe. Here’s everything you need to know if you plan on traveling to Puerto Rico on or after July 15:
What to expect at the airport
Discover Puerto Rico has put together a handy guide for what to expect if you travel to the island when it reopens. Upon arrival, travelers will be subject to health screenings, including COVID-19 testing. Travelers may be asked to self-quarantine for 14 days, regardless of symptoms.
Transportation providers will be required to disinfect their vehicles, wear masks, put on gloves while handling luggage and provide their passengers with hand sanitizer. Rideshare passengers will be required to wear masks and prohibited from sitting in the front.
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