
Financial Help for Corona Virus

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Hi Expat Family, I am usual follower of your weekly news updates.. I am a self employed person with a small cleaning business in Hamburg and would like to know where and how can I apply for financial help due to the Corona Crisis for my business. Thank you in advance. Kind Regards Alberto Iriarte

See also

Opening a bank account in GermanyFinancial Ruin by DeVere Advisors and others..Bank loans in GermanyGerman Qualified Accountant / ExpertCashing a US stimulus check in Germany

Since when does have a weekly news update?
In any case, this is not the right forum to find information about financial assistance for Corona-induced difficulties. You better contact the relevat authorities for that- or, as a first step, google it!


Just some more hot air..Great help..👍🏻


Airiarte wrote:

Just some more hot air..Great help..👍🏻

Actually, it's pretty good advice; I don't think any of us are welfare advisers in real life; we'd be using Google.

Expat Team


Take a look at this site: … nternehmen

I am dealing with this subject myself but am in Baden-Württemberg and every German State has its own rules. Here in BW anyway, the rules on the application for “Soforthilfe” have been changing daily since until now it has been unbelievably complex. Its confused how they will actually figure out how much one really gets and what proof is needed. The whole idea is that it should give money to save businesses or self-employed people threatened by imminent bankruptcy due to the Corona virus shutdown. This program is organized through the local “Arbeitskammer”.

Another possible help is Arbeitlosengeld II which is a social assistance given through the Job Center department of the Agentur für Arbeit (Employment office). This doesn’t look so directly at the business situation as much as it looks at one’s personal existential needs like paying for rent, food, and utilities. One can get this even if they have work but don’t make enough to survive. Usually one who has say over 8000 Euros (was this amount some years ago but I don’t know the current limit) of financial assets does not qualify but there is supposed to be an exemption due to the Corona situation. What they aren’t going to cover are fixed business costs people might have.

And as far as I know one can only apply for either the “Soforthilfe” or the Arbeitlosengeld II but not both – but even this is not certain at this point. Which one is more appropriate depends on one’s individual circumstances and it nearly impossible to say at this time. I don’t know for myself. I sent in the main application for Arbeitlosengeld II last week and got a envelope with 9 further forms  consisting of about around 80 pages of requirements and questions that not only most Germans can’t understand but even someone from the Arbeitsamt said he didn’t understand! They ask about every little detail about your person, citizenship or residency status, accommodation, assets, debts, income, education, work history etc. About the only thing they don’t require is a colonoscopy but I wouldn’t be surprised if they added this to the list. One is supposed to hand in a mountain of documentation. I got German citizenship last year and didn’t have a quarter of the requirements and forms to fill out.

So easy and quick help is it not. One needs help from a lawyer or the Job Center officials themselves but the offices  are not open due to the shutdown and are flooded with applications. At least here one can eventually get someone on the phone for very basic questions. So don’t expect that anyone here on this site can explain or help. That is like a kid asking someone to explain the details of theoretical physics. Possibly the “Soforthilfe” will be less bureaucratic but I would not hold my breath.

To add, 5 minutes ago I had another call to someone at the employment office and he claimed that from Thursday there should be new forms and rules mandated that should be simpler and I won't have to fill out all of the ones they sent me. It is a question of waiting and seeing as the situation is in constant change. He also said the "Soforthilfe" for my sitaution would not help much as I am losing all of my income but don't have real high fixed business expenses which is what they really look at.


Hello everyone,

@Alberto : First of all, welcome to the forum since these are your first two posts :)

Indeed, there isn't a thing as weekly news updates as such. But it is true that recently due to the pandemic, some topics have been launched by the team to keep in touch with our members and how they are coping. Likewise, some active members have also been starting their own threads on the subject, out of their own volition.

Regarding your situation, if members have some insights to provide, they will surely do so, even if that means referring you to the concerned authorities :)

Good luck & stay safe,



Hey hopefully you found a way to cope but I also recommend  you this site right here! If you need help with translation either google tranlate it or just ask here! I am here to help you! … anzierung/

Basically it covers finances as a self employed person.


kolibriex wrote:

Hey hopefully you found a way to cope but I also recommend  you this site right here! If you need help with translation either google tranlate it or just ask here! I am here to help you! … anzierung/

Basically it covers finances as a self employed person.

This is probably meant well but is rather condescending. I speak fluent German and such advice is simply superficial generalizations that have nothing to do with the special situation happening because of the Corona crisis. And I have a degree in Finance. It is not a matter of not knowing how things are done economically, it is a unique situation and no such tips help dealing with bureaucracy.


Tom: Kolibriex probably meant this not for you, but the thread starter - who did never come back here, other than a condescending second post above ...


Beppi , I get a weekly email from of updates and “what’s up in Germany”. I can only assume the OP is talking about that newsletter.

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