COVID-19 and expatriation in Egypt

Hello everybody,

The COVID-19 crisis inevitably impacts Egypt, between closed airports or periods of containment in some cities or even the entire country .
We would like to hear from you during this unusual period, to find out what the consequences of this pandemic are on your expatriation or expatriation project in Egypt.

Does the current crisis call into question your long-term expatriation project?
If you are already settled in Egypt, do you plan to return to your home country?

How are you living through such an uncertain period, especially if you are far from your loved ones?

Have any of you ended your expatriation in Egypt unexpectedly?

Paradoxically, has this crisis brought you closer to some people?

What are your plans for the future?

Thank you very much for your feedback.

Hope you are doing well.


My husband and I left Egypt on February 28th to visit our children in Switzerland.
Our return flight was scheduled on March 20th but was canceled... All airports closed so
we are locked down in Switzerland and who knows how long it will last ? We have heard that some of our friends have been infected in Cairo, but they did recover...

    COVID 19 is not the end of life. It can be treated and people recover from it. You have to know what to use to clear it from your system.
  Once you have got it, you are protected from it for the time being.
  My daughter and I caught it here in the United Kingdom. We treated ourselves at home with my knowledge of naturopathy.
  We have all recovered. My daughter is back to work as a doctor, (GP) to be precise.
  People are dying. But it is curable if you know what to do.
  I hope the world will come together and give people the required treatment instead of using it as a political tool for discrimination and implementation of the agenda of the new world order. Tool for depopulation and the eugenic agenda. This is wrong.

Hello Arkal

I read your post about your recent experience with Covid and wonder whether I could speak with you for 15 minutes on a zoom call.

I am looking to speak to people living abroad during the epidemic for a case study to appear in an educational feature on 'Coping with Covid-19 Living Abroad'; especially those living away from friends/family and willing to speak about challenges and coping strategies, especially relating to mental health.

It can be completely anonymous.  I write about a range of topics to promote healthy behaviours and self-care.  I write regularly for the media, including Forbes, and for bespoke health reports and content.

Can you let me know?  Thanks so much.  Kind regards, Tina