
Has Anyone Been Tested & The Cost?

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Enzyte Bob

Has anyone on this forum in the Philippines been tested. If so please give us some details.

I read somewhere or maybe on this Forum that the Philippines has conducted 39,000 tests for the virus and it's not free.

For some worldly stats:

USA 765,613 cases, 40,620 deaths
EUR 729,613 cases, 73,398 deaths

Now the figures minus New York & Spain

USA 518,398 cases, 22,322 deaths
EUR 529,403 cases, 52,602 deaths

See also

The health system in the PhilippinesAccidents and emergencies in the PhilippinesPregnancy in the PhilippinesPreventive care in the Philippineshelp: Medicare just got me. How to cancel?

Sometimes its best not to know! … ding_now_3:o


I see it this way, you're either going to catch it or you aren't and testing is a waste of time if you feel healthy, so there's no point wasting cash on it.
Add the reasonable chance you might mix with infected people, or people that have almost certainly come into contact with infected people when you do the test, and you're better off without it.
Then consider you might catch the virus on your way home and test positive a couple of days later, and it's a bit daft bothering.
That changes for people suspected of having contracted covid19 AND display symptoms worthy of medical attention.


EUR 729,613 cases (plus thousands that contracted the virus and never knew they had it) , 73,398 deaths (plus dead people that were never tested, but minus wrongly diagnosed cases and people that would have died of pre-existing conditions anyway)

Basically, the numbers are those tested (but could be wrong because of duff kits), and a guess as to how many have died of the virus, but that includes people with conditions that would probably have killed them if they've caught a bad cold.

Lies, damned lies, and statistics. … ks/up-next


You could be asymptomatic and has the virus which is very contagious. If you think of possibly transmitting it to your loved ones, testing is really needed if you need to self-quarantine yourself.



robal wrote:

You could be asymptomatic and has the virus which is very contagious. If you think of possibly transmitting it to your loved ones, testing is really needed if you need to self-quarantine yourself.


I gather it spread extremely quickly so, of you go out for any reason, or even meet anyone outside your household, a test must be conducted.
That also means everyone in the house must be tested if any family member goes out for any reason.
This terrible illness (that most people seem to catch without so much as a cough or minor sniffle) must be tested for, even if mass testing packs solid every surgery and hospital and negative tests are only valid until you meet someone, especially if that someone is in a high risk group (doctor or nurse conducting covid19 tests would be good examples of high risk people).
If you go out for a test, it's essential to go out for a test within a few days in order to check you didn't pick up the disease whilst being tested, or contract it in the very large crowd of people there to be tested.
The really silly alternative is social distancing, only going out when you need to, and avoiding unnecessary contact with people when you are out.


All people seem walking normally should have an X-ray just in case they have a broken leg they don't know about.


It´s only a gut instinct really if you think you contracted the virus while out eg: people coughing or sneezing around you. Some people show symptoms in 3-10 days ; others up to 27 days. So maybe you got it but asymptomatic and highly contagious. The majority transmit it that way. If I suspect I might have been exposed I would test after 14 days and another (if still asymptomatic ) after another 14 days...

That´s the only way for now until a medication has been tested, proved to be efficient and/or a vaccination has been produced.



Waste of time.
The incubation period seems to vary from 2 to 27 days, and (according to The WHO) some people are infectious during this time but remain asymptomatic.
Testing after 14 days could well be 12 days too late - OMG, you killed everyone! ... or maybe not.
Mass testing, as I somewhat sarcastically suggested before, will simply overload medical services, and all negative tests are pointless anyway as they are only valid at the time of testing, but not 5 minutes after the test.
Visiting a doctor or nurse conducting testing, or having them visit you, puts you in contact with a very high risk group so your chances of becoming infected are far higher if you have a test. .

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