Hi All,
I am probably about to ask a question or two that have been asked hundreds of time before.
I am a British National, i have been approached by a company in the Netherlands to come and work in the Hague. 'Apparently' i meet the criteria for skilled migrant worker, i have had this verified by 2 umbrella companies so far.
Although i have consulted 2 companies, i am still struggling to understand the process of arriving into the Netherlands.
I will shortly have a contract offer, from a company outside of the Netherlands who have a end client (international organisation) in the Hague.
Using a umbrella company seems to be the way to go, as this will provide a Netherlands based entity. I am happy with solution.
I guess my main question is, can i start work on day one? Can i arrive into the Netherlands and begin working while waiting for the work permit to be approved? Can i apply for the work permit ahead of arrival? Then later apply for the residency aspect? The contract should last 12 months, although it could only last 6.
I have never lived nor worked in the Netherlands before.
If i have to wait for the permit before commencing work, does anyone have any concept on the timescales currently for the processing of the work permit?
Any advice, guidance or pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Hi and welcome to the Forum.
If you're a skilled migrant coming from overseas, your employer will apply for your work permit; for them to do this, they must be registered with the IND. You should speak to your new employer to make sure they are aware of their responsibilities.
You will need to register (residency) with the local Town Hall (Gemeente) where you live, Dutch law requires you to do this within 5 days of you arriving to work in the Netherlands. The actual interview may take weeks, but you need to make the initial contact to book your interview within 5 days. Once you have had your interview, you will be issued with your BSN number, this is very important because it allows you to open a bank account, pay your taxes, register with a doctor, get health insurance, register your car. You will also be issued a DigiD login, this system is used for all future communications with the Dutch government.
That said, and to answer your questions, you can start work without your formal BSN letter, particularly as Covid has played havoc with the Dutch Civil Service and many staff are working from home. When you have your interview, just ask the person from the Gemeente if they can write your BSN on a piece of paper, or just tell you the number so you can write it down.
My only comment is while you say you are happy with the solution, it is unusual. There are scammers out there and the offer of that dream job is sometimes very powerful. If anybody at any stage asks you for any money up front to pay for permits/visas, then they are almost certainly scammers and my advice would be to walk away.
I wish you the best of luck; if you have any further specific questions, then please come back to us.
Hope this helps.
Expat Team