
EP pending 17 weeks and counting

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Hi everyone,

Thanks for this platform and all those who contribute. I have been following with interest for a while. This is my first time posting. I have resisted posting as following the advice to be patient. But truthfully, 17 weeks in I’m completely flummoxed and desperately seeking any information, insight etc. Truthfully considering pulling the plug on the move (thankfully hubby and I have lots of great options and been fortunate to live and work in lots of awesome locations). That said, we would love to live in beautiful Singapore and have lots to offer. I’m uk based, British passport holder. Masters educated, late 30’s with 15 years safeguarding and pastoral expertise. The role is for an international school (non-teaching, senior role) no jump in salary etc. My qualifications are all from uk red-brick university’s, absolutely no skeletons in my closest! Excellent work record. My application has been pending since the jump - no additional info required. The employer have been proactively expediting - I’m in regular contact with the school who are equally flummoxed by the delay. My only supposition is that perhaps mom are withholding approvals for certain industries. Does anyone have any anecdotal evidence of this? Further, I would be interested to know (again anecdotally) if it is likely a rejection would come at this point (my thinking is surely a rejection could have been figured prior to now?) any insight would be gratefully and gladly received.

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Marriage in SingaporeTravelling to SingaporeExpat deaths in SingaporeCustoms in SingaporeSpass Appeal

17 weeks is very unusual. Here is my 25 cents, have your employer/ the school authorities who submitted your application call MoM and request to speak with the case officer. They would ask why, mention that you have made several attempts and have been in the approval process with no decision for 17 weeks odd, would like to understand if there is any additional info required for an approval- this sure would work.


Thanks Shekhz for coming back to me. All of the above have been done. The school are in telephone communication every 2 days with mom, every conceivable channel has been exhausted (I’m one of those annoying people who ask every question from HR - always respectfully, I have maintained excellent relationships despite the frustration). HR are genuinely flummoxed as have been advised that absolutely no further information is required. The school was audited for fair recruitment process (nothing sinister - it appears this is something mom do to ensure they are maintaining  the integrities of priority to Singapore locals which I totally respect). This process was concluded some 5 weeks ago with all i’s and t’s dotted and crossed. Additionally they have been advised there is nothing outstanding for my application. As a grown up I take it on my shoulders. I have a wonderful career in the uk providing expertise to youngsters - indeed I recently made the BBC news for my service. My employers have been fantastic but I had resigned from my post (thankfully rescinded) managing the uncertainty is far reaching in its impact. It is no hardship to be here but my heart is with my new role in Singapore and it saddens me every day that I am nearing almost 2 months post the start of term due to these delays, there is a real and genuine need for my expertise in the school. Additionally I have 2 young children that I am managing the expectation of along with a mortgaged property to rent out (the list goes on). I totally get the need for due diligence by the mom. But some transparency would be so helpful. Not all applicants are desperately seeking a better life in Singapore. Some have achieved that awesome life elsewhere and are bringing that expertise with earnest and a desire to contribute for a greater good.


It seems you and the employer have already exhausted all possibilities to speed up the process. Then all you can do is wait - or cancel the whole venture.
But unlike you suspected, there is probably nothing sinister or hidden in MoM's behaviour. They either still have internal checks to be completed - or the officer is overworked (in which case constantly bothering him/her might even achieve the opposite).

IrishC wrote:

Not all applicants are desperately seeking a better life in Singapore. Some have achieved that awesome life elsewhere and are bringing that expertise with earnest and a desire to contribute for a greater good.

I find it great that MoM has found the right answer for this kind of inappropriate arrogance: Singapore is not waiting for people like you - if you want to come, you do it on their terms, not yours!


Usually when an audit is on, on fair hiring practices and the employer has been flagged- approvals are kept on hold. Implying new or even renewal applications are not reviewed.


Has your prospective employer written to MOM explaining why your hire is essential and the impact not hiring you is having on the organisation?  Mine is now at this stage.
We are also instructing an immigration lawyer on Monday - happy to share the details privately if you would find this useful

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