Meeting female expats in Riyadh

Hi everyone, I'm Nazira and I am a British expat who has recently moved to Riyadh. It would be great to meet some fellow female expats - please do comment if you'd be happy to meet! :)

Hi there naira! I'm amy..I'm a British expat living in Riyadh also. Always happy to meet new people?!
Hi, i'm in living in Riyadh
Lets meet up

Hi Amy. I'm also a British expat. Would love to meet up. I will be away much of August. How about September?

@juliealexander hi Julie! Same here I am away all of August also but in September would be cool! Let me no if u want to exchange numbers 🥰


Just realised my number is incomplete
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Hi ladies,

Hope you are all doing great!

Im also British, moved to Riyadh in July and would love to meet up when you are back in town, if possible??

Have a great rest of day..

Hi there I'm also British expat, struggling to find new friends here. I'm trying to learn Arabic slowing been here about a month now
Wbu where about you based?

@juliealexander sorry for late reply Julie I dont no why but I'm not notified when I get husband is just waiting on job contract and I'm sure u no in Saudi they can be rather slow 😒 😁if u want to send me ur number via personal messaging that would be awesome xxxx

@dimah18 if u want to share number on personal message please do as I dont get notified if I get messages on here. My names Amy. Obviously if ur not comfortable sharing telephone number I also understand xxxx

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