I am chinese but i have problem with noisy chinese neighbor.

I had noisy chinese neighbor for twice that i have to move the apartment. I just want to know if i am unlucky or this kind of situation that more people met in china. Even chinese person like me i could not stand this kind of noise. It is just can not stand it.
Unfortunately, it is an ever recurring problem. The construction noise, the dragging of furniture, the screaming on the phone, etc. I kinda got used to it already. I guess there are plenty of good things to make up for this small nuisance.

@lifestoryteller you can move to my apartment, I'm very quiet

Hi @lifestoryteller.
As a foreigner I recommend you to look for a Soho apartment that is rent out as an office and also for accommodation. I love mind in Panyu, Guangzhou, despite having to travel round trip on DD to the city.
@Guest98776 I think it really depends on where you are in China and the type of communities you are living in, I've living in Shanghai for over 10 years and had moved 3 times so far.    I've experienced noisy neighbors once in a while but every time it was resolved quickly after I issued a complaint to the apartment managers.   
Overall, noisy neighbor isn't a big issues for me but neighbors who renovates (which happens a lot) drives me nuts some times.

you have the right to request the neighbor to stop.

@Guest98776 The are laws in place to combat noise pollution. Call 110, they should know who you can contact.