Traductrice d'enseignement et de langues

Publiée il y a 6 mois
806 Visites
A propos

Ma vie et mes projets emplois besoins Au Maroc, ma vie et mes projets s'articulent probablement autour de la mise à profit de mes diverses expertises pour contribuer de manière significative à divers secteurs. • Projets d'ingénierie agricole • Rédaction et création de contenu en freelance • Traduction et enseignement des langues • Journalisme multimédia Au Maroc, mon travail pourrait incarner l'intersection de l'agriculture, de l'éducation et de la communication, me permettant d'avoir un impact significatif dans les contextes locaux et internationaux.

texte original

Teaching and language translator

My life and projects jobs needs

In Morocco, my life and projects likely revolve around leveraging my diverse expertise to contribute meaningfully to various sectors.

• Agricultural Engineering Projects

• Freelance Writing & Content Creation

• Language Translation & Teaching

• Multimedia Journalism

In Morocco, my work could embody the intersection of agriculture, education, and communication, enabling me to make a meaningful impact in both local and international contexts.


My occupation

• Agricultural Engineering Technology Professional:

With a strong foundation in Agricultural Engineering Technology, I have expertise in applying engineering principles to improve agricultural practices. I work likely involves optimizing equipment, systems, and technologies to enhance farming efficiency, reduce waste, and increase productivity. This may include working on irrigation systems, soil and water conservation, crop production, and sustainable farming techniques. I focus on innovation and sustainability contributes to improving agricultural processes and addressing challenges such as climate change, food security, and resource management.

• Freelance Content Writer, Language Translator, and Teacher:

As a freelance content writer, I create compelling, informative, and engaging written materials across diverse industries. I writing skills allow you to communicate complex ideas clearly, catering to various audiences. In my role as a language translator, i bridge language barriers by accurately translating documents, texts, and conversations between different languages, ensuring cultural and linguistic nuances are respected. Additionally, I work as a teacher focuses on imparting language skills to learners, helping them master a second language or improve their communication abilities. This versatile skill set enhances your ability to work across global markets.

• Accomplished Multimedia Journalist:

With many years of experience in multimedia journalism, i have honed my ability to report on important topics using a variety of media formats, including written articles, video, photography, and online content. I have likely covered stories that intersect with agriculture, business, and social issues, utilizing your background in engineering and your journalistic expertise to provide in-depth, impactful reports. Your ability to adapt to multiple platforms ensures that your work reaches diverse audiences effectively.


Higher National Diploma certificate

Compétences linguistiques

Français (Notions)

Espagnol (Notions)

Anglais (Courant)

Détails de l'offre d'emploi
Ce que je cherche
Contrat à durée indéterminée, Contrat à durée déterminée, Intérim, Stage, Freelance
Temps plein, Temps partiel
USD 2000