Can i stay outside of Singapore and still keep my EP?


I have been working in SG for the past 10 years on EP. However, due to personal reasons, I have moved to Canada.

Currently, I have a valid work permit in Canada and also have an EP in Singapore. Though I still hold an EP in Singapore, work for my Singapore employer, and pay taxes in Singapore, I live most of the time in Canada.

What I am not sure about is:

  • If I hold an EP in Singapore, can I also hold a work permit in another country?
  • While still retaining my EP status in Singapore, can I live outside of SG and visit SG occasionally?

  • Work permits (and other visa types) of separate countries are completely separate and have no infuence on each other. You can hold as many as you like (or can get).
  • But an EP in Singapore is only needed if you work there (and have a place to stay). It should be cancelled when the employment in the country ends.
  • In most situations, you must pay income tax where you live and work - in your case Canada. In Singapore, you are only tax-liable on income for work performed here. You should sort this out soon, otherwise double-taxation is possible!