Favorite hobbies that you picked up being an Expat?

Hello all. I'm curious if there are any new hobbies that you discovered while being an Expat in the place you now call home. They can be hobbies that you had before and learned something new about or new hobbies you picked up entirely!


The plan is to start smoke fish, ikan asap. I used to live in a appartment but here in Bali I start doing it.

    @fgbrody1The plan is to start smoke fish, ikan asap. I used to live in a appartment but here in Bali I start doing it.        -@Ruud van Jepjep

Smoking is a big thing in Indonesia, so I see no reason not to allow fish to do it 1f923.svg

My main hobbies are working like a whipped dog, messing around researching on the internet (more work), and back to Amateur radio.

A very time-consuming (and expensive) "hobby" I picked up while being an expat is having a family.

I'm glad I did!

I've been trying to get more involved in gardening and home DIY projects :)

Picked up more books 👍🏽

I started a rooftop veggie garden and learned to SCUBA Dive. Very fun!

Fishing from the rocks in Mauritius

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