Increase your audience with a social bookmarking sites

Have you ever used, digg, blogmarks, stumbleupon, ecto? (and many others) They are another way to get trafic.

Social bookmarking sites allow websurfers to save, catalog, and share interesting pages they find online.

In order to increase your audience, you must write high quality articles, and hope your readers will bookmark it.

I personnally use, digg and stumbleupon :)

And do you know the sociable plugin ?

The Sociable plugin appends links for your readers to use those sites to the end of each of your blog's posts, increasing your potential audience.


The original version has been made for wordpress (link above) but it's available for almost every blog platform.

One last thing ... do you like the website? Don't forget to boorkmark it on your favourite bookmark site :top:

The most traffic, I get from reddit, shoutwire, and stumbleupon.

Digg is also good, but there are so many posts on that these days that it really takes more than 'pure luck' to get 'discovered'.

Apart from that of course fark and boing-boing are good, but both are moderated, so not all posts you enter are posted. But if you get through, it is 'success guaranteed'.


See also this post on expat-blog to show the role of social bookmarking...

By the way, I use several plug ins now, available at:

They let you "social bookmark" posts on several sites.

Maybe one day, there will be one plug-in that will allow you to bookmark one page to several bookmarking sites at the same time.:D


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