Trying to find an old friend !

Hello everyone . Hope someone can help !!!
I am trying to locate an old work collegue who I have lost touch with . His name is Alan Lindsay
I believe he lives in Joao Pessoa and is married to a brazillian woman called erica .
He is from Scotland and is a former Maths teacher . I used to share a house in the uk with him and also taught at the same school .
He is in his 60 s and loves tennis and enjoys keeping fit .
Has anyone bumped into him in Joao Pessoa or know of his whereabouts .
I would really like to get back in touch with him !!!

David Priestman wrote:

Hello everyone . Hope someone can help !!!
I am trying to locate an old work collegue who I have lost touch with . His name is Alan Lindsay
I believe he lives in Joao Pessoa and is married to a brazillian woman called erica .
He is from Scotland and is a former Maths teacher . I used to share a house in the uk with him and also taught at the same school .
He is in his 60 s and loves tennis and enjoys keeping fit .
Has anyone bumped into him in Joao Pessoa or know of his whereabouts .
I would really like to get back in touch with him !!!

Hi there,
            try this link, it was from 3 years ago, but you might find someone thats live there and might know your friend
best of luck … ao-pessoa/

Thanks have tried but  drawn a blank . Seem to remember that his wife Erika had a good job and registered births marriages and deaths in joao Pessoa .

theres a lot of people on this site come and go, over the time, theres a lot of people on this site never return e-mails, just try and send requests to everyone in the town you might find someone that will talk
Best of luck
spanishpeter thats not Spanish  but English and from Essex and now in Goiania Brazil

Hi Dave. He is still in Jaoa Pessoa . I am no longer in touch with him but am meeting up with a friend next week who is still very close to Alan and still in touch with him.

Thanks so much for taking the time to reply !!
Can you pass on to him my e mail address which is d*** and ask Alan to contact me please ?

Moderated by Bhavna 6 years ago
Reason : Contact details should not be posted on the forum but rather exchanged through the private messaging system. Thank you
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Just to confirm e mail is d***

Moderated by Bhavna 6 years ago
Reason : Contact details should not be posted on the forum but rather exchanged through the private messaging system. Thank you
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

Will do Dave.
I see you have moved from Torrevieja to Bulgaria. I actually tried to trace you in Spain a few years ago ( 3 years after Alan and I had delivered your shed etc ) but the place had expanded so much in such a short time that nothing was recognisable to me
What part of Bulgaria do you have your property. Lots of Brits moving from Turkey to Veliko Tarnovo area .


Hi Again .
Dont know where the idea that I am in Bulgaria comes from ?
I sold the villa about 5 years ago ( lost 40,000 euros ) but had become a mill stone around my neck . Tried living there but didnt work out so had to bite the bullet and sell !!! I lost touch with Alan when I had my i pad stolen from the boot of my car and had to reregister  everything and change my e mail address etc for safety reasons .
Dont know it hes trying to contact me but the old e mail address is no longer in operation . I retired from teaching in 2013 . Enjoying travelling and spending my teaching pension !!! Hope Alan gets the new e mail address and gets in touch it would be great to find out what he has been up to !!

This is a repeat message . I am trying to make contact with an old friend who i have lost touch with . We used to share a house and work together as teachers ( he taught maths )  in Hull in the UK . His name is Alan Lindsay . He is Scotish ( from cowdenbeath ) and moved to joea passo some years ago . He is in this late 60s and married a brazillian lady called Erica . He loves playing tennis and enjoys keeping fit .
I would like to contact him to let him know i am flying to Rio on the 3rd March 2020 and maybe arrange to meet up ? DOES ANYONE KNOW OF HIS WHEREABOUTS PLEASE ?!

Hello everyone,

Just to inform you that i have added the above post to this thread. David is once again looking for his friend, so if you have any clue about where or how he can contact him...feel free to share.

However, keep in mind that any personal detail like contact details and address should be shared through the private messaging system (click on the member's photo/username > send a message).

Thanks in advance,

Maybe the Cartórios in JP can help if she worked with all births and marriages are filed.
They may only speak Portuguese via phone … +tabeliaes