


Active member

English citizen

Forum posts




About me


Lives in Exeter

Speaks English, Spanish, a little French

Registration: 25 March 2009


Voyager_2002 replied to a thread
4 months ago

Bank account opening by FrenchBen87

Hello everyone.Which banks do you suggest me to open an account when I will arrive in the UK for the first time?Ideally something for daily use, renting a place and getting my salary...(I am about to live around Leamington Spa)Kind regardsBen


@FrenchBen87 All the major banks are legally required to offer a "basic bank account", which would probably do what you need. Such an account does not allow you to borrow money, and is free.Some banks will offer a full bank account to someone in ... Read More

Voyager_2002 replied to a thread
4 months ago

Working with an evisa by tt20158

My husband moved to the UK from Brazil, we married and he is now on the 2.5 yr spouse visa. He has a new Evisa which shows a code to give to an employer but he needs a NI number for something else but im under the understanding his NI number is ...


@tt20158 It is perfectly legal and possible to work without an NI number, but the NI number is used to keep track of tax payments and so makes life very much easier for the employer as well as for the worker.There is a fairly convoluted process for ... Read More

Voyager_2002 replied to a thread
4 months ago

Retirees wishing to move to UK permanently by Zingirl

We plan to move to BirmIngham as full time residents as we are both retired. Aware that as US citizens we will need private healthcare and insurance. That along with the financial where withall to be self supported should allow for the ability to ...


@Zingirl I suggest that you read the official website.No, you would not require private medical insurance: the fee for a long-stay visa includes an "insurance surcharge" which gives the right to make use of the National Health Service in exactly the ... Read More

Voyager_2002 replied to a thread
4 months ago

Asking for Advice spouse visa by Gracesmae

Hello, i’m from the Philippines. My husband is applying for spouse visa in uk, he took Swift Immigration but I don’t feel at ease about this Swift. Has anyone here had an experience with them ? Any feedback would be very helpful for us . ...


@Gracesmae Why are you uneasy about them?As a general rule there is no need to use any kind of agency. Simply read the official website carefully and follow the instructions exactly. If anything is unclear, ask for help on a forum such as this. Read More

Voyager_2002 replied to a thread
7 months ago

Moving Back to the UK from the US by coloradoram

Hi,After living in the US for the last 20 years, we are intending to move back to the UK sometime in the new year. I say move back as it will be for me, but for my American born wife it will be the first time living outside of the US. I am a dual ...


@coloradoramYes, you could indeed use your relatives' address. They would need to confirm that they are offering you accommodation that is suitable for a couple, and would probably need to provide some kind of documentation about the space available ... Read More

Voyager_2002 replied to a thread
7 months ago

Getting married in uk by nalinicampbell

my sister is a Mauritian 72 year her boyfriend 72 is English living in uk, they would like to get married In April any advice what sort of documents needed, he is divorced she never married, they will marry in uk, many thanks


A key question is where they intend to live after marrying.If your sister does not want to stay in the UK she should apply for a marriage visit visa. The process is fairly straightforward, but she would have to leave before the expiry of the visa: ... Read More

Voyager_2002 replied to a thread
7 months ago

Moving Back to the UK from the US by coloradoram

Hi,After living in the US for the last 20 years, we are intending to move back to the UK sometime in the new year. I say move back as it will be for me, but for my American born wife it will be the first time living outside of the US. I am a dual ...


@coloradoramI can confirm that you need a UK address and a UK income (or a substantial capital sum in lieu) when you apply for a spousal visa (probably you can submit an application without satisfying these requirements, but your application would ... Read More

Voyager_2002 replied to a thread
last year

Fiance/Spouse visa for UK by thomasmgharrison

Hello AllI'm hoping people more in the know than me can give me some help/advice on a situation that's developing for me.I'm British, and live in the U.K. In the summer I met a girl online, we started dating in August, it's been going really great, ...


The fiancee visa is a short-term thing, for people who want to get married in the UK and then settle there. It would really not be much use to you.The spousal visa is for people who are married, and it is also available to people who are not married ... Read More

Voyager_2002 replied to a thread
last year

Getting UK visa when you are living in Milan by szsakarya

Hello, I am a student in Milan and it's my second year here. I have my permesso di soggiorno and I want to apply for the UK visa here, how do I do it? I'm in Milan for almost 11 months a year and there is no way I can go back to my own country and ...


You can apply in the country where you live, in this case Italy. Read More

Voyager_2002 replied to a thread
last year

UK Visa Advice Needed by JosephE1!

Hi Everyone,My wife and I are married. She is Moroccan, and I am a UK national of Moroccan descent. I am currently in the process of filling out my wife's spouse visa application so she can come to the UK. I have all the necessary documents to ...


I suggest you read the online guidance and follow it to the letter. The law merely requires the visa officer to ensure that you have a genuine relationship and have met each other before the wedding. The fact that you can provide these Whatsapp ... Read More

Voyager_2002 replied to a thread
last year

Working for a UK company (living in the UK) and German company remote by GuestPoster0901

Hello guys,i am German citizen and working for a German authority. Got accepted now for a job in the UK for a UK authority. Moving to the UK in October and working there 100% (full time). My current employer asked me if I will still working for them ...


Your UK employer will estimate the tax due each year and make appropriate deductions from your salary each month. Usually the estimate will be too high and so some tax will be refunded soon after the first April following your arrival.Since you will ... Read More

Voyager_2002 replied to a thread
last year

Getting a job by student dependant visa by Bahman60

I worked as graphic designer, art director and branding consultant in my country and got over 10 years experience am I'm good at it enough.I came to London about 2 month now with student dependant visa with full time work permission for one year and ...


Bahman, when companies ask if you need sponsorship you reply 'no'. Then they will interview you. Read More

Voyager_2002 replied to a thread
last year

On behalf of my American wife. by andy63

Hi All, my first post here, not sure if Im at the right place but here goes : Im English, American wife, living and working here in England, been here since 2010, All correct visa's etc. Question is we are both in our 60's and want to find out if ...


British citizenship costs something like £2,000 pounds, but does give access to means-tested benefits such as Pension Credit. Even at this stage it would be worth doing your sums and see if naturalisation is financially worthwhile.And I doubt ... Read More

Voyager_2002 replied to a thread
last year
Valentina Gori

Information about partner visa by Valentina Gori

Hi everyone, I've been engaged to an English guy for 1 year, I'm Italian and I'd like to apply for a visa partner, stay 6 months and get married soon after. I am applying on the official website of the English government, but I would like to know ...


Hi everyone, I've been engaged to an English guy for 1 year, I'm Italian and I'd like to apply for a visa partner, stay 6 months and get married soon after. I am applying on the official website of the English government, but I would like to know ... Read More

Voyager_2002 replied to a thread
last year
Valentina Gori

Information about partner visa by Valentina Gori

Hi everyone, I've been engaged to an English guy for 1 year, I'm Italian and I'd like to apply for a visa partner, stay 6 months and get married soon after. I am applying on the official website of the English government, but I would like to know ...


@YogineeHello @Yoginee Thank you for letting me know. I am just reading the forums and I would like to help. I am a lawyer by profession and I’m able to advice on these king of procedures. How do you suggest that I proceed? Because each ... Read More