Cynthia Hill
@Cynthia e
Canadian looking for information about Saudi Arabia
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Dammam
Speaks English and learning Arabic
Registration: 15 April 2010

Teeth whitening? by houfrz
Where in Dammam can I find a teeth whitening facility?

Al Tabeeb Dental and Facial Clinic in Aqribiah. I had Zoom whitening done there. It is a laser technique Read More

Anybody from Canada! by babu1972
Hi all, I am from Saskatchewan, Canada. Just wondering, if anyone from Canada moved to KSA and dealt with Canada Tax staff or at least from where I can be learned of the all about Canadian Tax dealings. Actually, I have got a job offer from Dammam ...

Hi I am from Toronto. Go on the Canadian Federal Government website and on there it tells you all you have to do when living abroad. You can also ask the agency (if you are using one) to speak with their accountant. Cheers. Read More

money transfer from KSA to Canada by grazyna
May somebody know what is the best way to transfer money from KSA to Canda?

I transfer money from saudi to Toronto via Western Union, they charge 60 riyals, and then the money goes through a USA bank, and then to any Canadian Bank. They then charge a 35 US dollar charge. U can also transfer through email banking through ... Read More

Restaurants in Khobar by RedGoblin
Food is a large part of the "entertainment/social life" here in the Kingdom. And thankfully there are some really good joints to grab a quick bite or have a relaxing good meal. I see that this forum has a lot of people from a lot of places around ...

Hi, the best Italian restaurant I have gone to twice is La Caravalho, the food is great. The pasta cooked perfectly, and the tomato sauce tastes like real Italian. Worth the money for sure. From 50 per head depending on what you order. Sorry, ... Read More

Re: How to apply Saudi Aramco for job by Dr Tehsin
Hi, I am Dr. Tehsin. I am working here in Riyadh Hospital. I want to work in Saudi Aramco Hospital. So anyone advise me that how to apply. Thanks

LOL Salman, Maybe you could apply as an animator (LOL just joking). I am fine and enjoying the nice weather, as you may recall, I came in the very hot months, and melted, LOL!!! Read More

Re: How to apply Saudi Aramco for job by Dr Tehsin
Hi, I am Dr. Tehsin. I am working here in Riyadh Hospital. I want to work in Saudi Aramco Hospital. So anyone advise me that how to apply. Thanks

oh, and I googled www.jobsataramco.com. I didnt put in the http. Read More

Re: How to apply Saudi Aramco for job by Dr Tehsin
Hi, I am Dr. Tehsin. I am working here in Riyadh Hospital. I want to work in Saudi Aramco Hospital. So anyone advise me that how to apply. Thanks

Hi Dr. Tehsin, Keep trying, because I just googled the address and it worked for me. I have the site added to my favourites, so I know it works, and I tried it right from google and it came up and I clicked and it opened the page. Once again, Good ... Read More

Re: How to apply Saudi Aramco for job by Dr Tehsin
Hi, I am Dr. Tehsin. I am working here in Riyadh Hospital. I want to work in Saudi Aramco Hospital. So anyone advise me that how to apply. Thanks

Hi Dr. Tehsin, Here is the official website for saudi aramco in Dammam. jobsataramco.com. You have to log in and register then you can apply for the positions posted. Good Luck! Read More

Job Opportunity in Dammam, KSA by blindspot_jr
Hi dear readers, Ahm I would like to ask your help, suggestions, comments with regards to my problem, actually i dont know if it is a problem...here it goes... I have this job proposition/opportunity/offer as a Loss Prevention Engineer in a ...

Hi, Convert your total monies by 3.75 US dollars, and that will tell you what your salary is compared to your country. That should help you decide. Good luck. Read More

Nursing salary by cmichelle
Hi All, I know this is a very private question. But I need some advise and guidance.I recently applied for a position as a RN with an agency to work in Saudi. The salary they quoted was less than what I make in the States. Im just wondering if I ...

Musicman, you are about right. An average salary for a nurse from the West is about $50-65K tops for an Rn. I am one and from Canada. I could make more in Canada just like someone in the USA. So, the only good thing I suppose is the "no tax". Read More

how much is a good income for 2? by danik2010
I'm planning to move to Amman at the beginning of 2011, my housband already works there... Just for the two of us, how much do we need monthly for a good living (I mean, not luxury, but decent life)? He is looking for an apartment to rent These ...

Does anyone know how much an experience Canadian nurse would make there, and how to obtain employment? Thanks Cynthia Read More

In a relationship, married or not... YOU SHOULD READ THIS by uvnpsaradhi
An amazing story narrated by a man ............. MARRIAGE When I got home that night as my wife served dinner, I held her hand and said, I've got something to tell you. She sat down and ate quietly. Again I observed the hurt in her eyes. ...

I found this an "eye opener". How many times do we rush around to our jobs, and don't pay attention to our spouse, and we lose the intimacy and specialty of a relationship. I think even more so with expatriates when some are here by themselves, ... Read More

nervous to move to Saudi Arabia by CSim123
Hello! I have been assigned to work in Saudi Arabia (by choice) and I am very nervous as to how female, westerners are treated. Are there opportunities to make friends and go out to dinner? What do you do for excercise, since women are expected to ...

I am in total agreement with Alliecat. Beware! Beware! Beware! No details given, no way! It is a culture shock for americans and canadians to begin with, and if she is with a Saudi family, this might be even more of a shock. And, Alkhobar/Dammam, ... Read More

Sayonara Saudi by MisterStretch
It's time to move on. The reasons for teaching in the Kingdom have changed dramatically in just a few years, salaries are going down, benefits are being slashed and Saudis are starting to believe that all English teachers are the same. (I never ...

Hi Stretch, Good Luck to you, and again thank you so much for helping me to get ready for this move to the kingdom. I hope you are safe and keep in touch. And your views of the Kingdom, so well founded. Anyway, Best of Luck in your new endeavours. Read More

Moving to Dammam by MariaYoung
I just received my formal job offer today, signed and returned. Looks like I am moving to Dammam to work as Hospital Administrator in the National Guard Hospital in the next month or so, no date confirmed yet. Nervous and excited all rolled into ...

Welcome to National Guard Health Affairs Program, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal Hospital. LOL. That is a "mouthful" to say and remember. It is a very friendly hospital, the people all are great. They welcomed me warmly. You will enjoy it here. ... Read More