Another newbie who is dumb and hasn't booked Tet yet. I've been so busy with settling in, that I haven't done any planning. I understand the city will be cool, but considering work ...
As described in the article, even the Vietnamese living abroad are hesitant to come home during the TET ...
Stupid question maybe but google and other sources produce about 6 different answers. I think i come into hannoi on the 1st/2nd of feb will i of missed it?many thankscoop
Hellooooooo I decided this year to go to our home in the countryside (Tien Giang Province) for TET holiday to see my wife's family.
Where would TET fireworks be at? My first time in Vietnam for TET. I want to see the firework and any other suggest family festivities. Thank you
Looking to spend Tet with my gf and her parents at my gfs house. Wondering about various traditions over the Tet holiday. Will be there from Jan 27th-2nd of Feb ...
It's going to be my first Tet-weekend, here in HCMC. I heard there's going to be a firework somewhere, Sunday night, but I have no idea 'where'. I went to see the ...
Hey guys, I'm one of the few not traveling for Tet and was wondering what some of the public celebrations are, where they are and when, I don't want to miss out. I hear there are ...
Me being the stereotypical ignorant English citizen I've completely forgotten about TET and haven't yet booked anything to do during the week. I was thinking of a quiet week on a ...
food is a major role in the Tet celebration. Tet is a time of excess, one does not enjoy Tet, one "eats" Tet.
Tết tây, tết ta (vietnamese tet camping event)
Having a desire for organizing more and more meaningful events towards expats and young Vietnamese people, today we’re back with “Tết Tây ...
Otherwise any other please suggested to visit during Tet? (Coming from Hanoi) Thanks in advance.
Hi - quick question on red envelopes at Tet. Is it traditional to give a red envelope with a small monetary gift to people who work in your apartment building?
Anyone care to share your plans for the upcoming Tet holiday period? I can't decide if I want to stay in Vung Tau or head to HCMC and experience Saigon as a ghost ...
I'm thinking of going the the Sunday before Tet and then getting back to HCM on New Year's Eve. Discuss
Hi all Just wonder when will be the TET Starting and ending for year of 2016 ? Any nice place to visit during this important festival ? Thank you in advance first.
My wife and I will be visiting HCMC Feb 6th to 10th and were wondering if folks could suggest a good street food tour or provide other suggestions during TET? This is our second ...
Hello I will be visiting Vietnam during Tet 2016 and was looking for advice on what to expect. will be in Da Nang first week of February then either Nha Trang or Can Tho depending on ...
Tet Holiday In Viet Nam Tet holiday is the biggest festival in Vietnam. TET, Vietnamese New Year, occurs somewhere in the last ten days of January ...
I have been invited to have dinner for TET at a Vietnamese household in Nha Trang. I understand this to be a very polite act and it is unusual for westerners to be invited to ...