Call forwarding from US to PT, via app?


I am looking to forward my US calls/texts (Verizon) to Portugal.  Unfortunately, my carrier won't allow that to happen.  (Right now I have 2 phones, one US-based and one Portugal-based)

I heard there was a platform where you could forward your US number to a digital platform, and they would serve as the intermediary where you can access those calls through their digital platform's app (that app would be downloaded on a Portugal-based phone, allowing you to access phone calls/texts) 

Does anyone know of a 3rd party platform that I might look into?


Google Voice works for me

I'm doing that, but I'm not sure it would work with all text messages.  If you look at your text history, some of them come in with regular 10 digit phone numbers, others have shorter ones.  The magicJack gimmick I'm using doesn't guarantee those shorter ones will work.  The main thing though, is that you have to transfer your number to them, and say goodbye to Verizon.  Then you could throw away one of your phones, but in the US, the Portugal phone would work only on WIFI.  It's good for someone who has essentially left the US, not so much for someone who spends much time there.

@D P Vincent To my knowledge there exists a hardware that can receive your US calls and forward them via the lowest cost carrier to a different phone number (e.g. yours in Portugal). My friend used this hardware when he called me from Germany with his mobile while I was in Australia. This was a long time ago, but should still work.