Life and schooling in Annecy


Hope you appreciate your life in Annecy !

I was wondering if you would have any recommendations for our family. We are currently living near Seattle since 2019 and will move to Annecy in June 2024. Our youngest son will be 12 and will go the middle school in grade 7th (cinquieme), He is now going to an American school since grade 1and is totally bilingual.

Do you have any suggestions for schools in Annecy? The bilingual school, a public middle school, or a private one?

Thanks in advance for your help.


Hello Laurence,

Welcome on board !

Please note that I have created a new thread from your post on the Haute Savoie forum so that active members can reach out to you and provide some infos.

Feel free to check the town's website :



Hope you appreciate your life in Annecy !

I was wondering if you would have any recommendations for our family. We are currently living near Seattle since 2019 and will move to Annecy in June 2024. Our youngest son will be 12 and will go the middle school in grade 7th (cinquieme), He is now going to an American school since grade 1and is totally bilingual.

Do you have any suggestions for schools in Annecy? The bilingual school, a public middle school, or a private one?

Thanks in advance for your help.


Annecy is a lovely town and life there is very pleasant. Since Annecy is a high income area. I would think that public schools are very good.

As to private schools, they are not necessarily better. Regarding fees, you have schools signing an agreement with the State (hence lower or even very low fees because receiving public money), teachers are paid by the State and have same qualifications as demanded of public school teachers and receive same salaries and benefits) and others (obviously much more expensive (no financial help from State) and which can be good or bad).

If your boy is bilingual, he will adjust quickly to French schools.

If you are not in France, check their portals (to see what they offer) , join a page for instance on FB for people living in Annecy, check with PTAs...

Good luck! :)