Furniture stores in Punta Cana or Sando Domingo

We are trying to figure out if it is better for us to ship our furniture from the states or buy it once we move to DR.

Are there places in Punta Cana or Santo Domingo to purchase furniture?

If so, can you please put those recommended stores in the business directory?

Thank you.

Many, many , many stores available

Santa Domingo has every budget and quality level you can imagine.

Let's use this thread to list stores!

In SD for quality:


Illumel outlet


JJR technology

In SD mid-level


Plaza Lama (appliances)

Lower level

Literally hundreds

Please add to the list I started. I will add throughout the day as they come to mind

If you can buy your outdoor furniture there in the U.S. or Canada do it the prices here are insanely  the over priced. If I had known I would have.

Thanks to everyone!

We are furnishing our house here and i had the same question! We live in san pedro so not a lot of good quality options our way

my sister in law said that Ashley Furniture in Santiago is a good option so we are going to make the drive to check it out.  otherwise she typicAlly has her stuff shipped here because the price vs quality debate. i am sure its going to be a mixture.

doing my design look book now to start plotting on what i think will work

Illumel has great quality and much closer to you.