Hi there. Welcome to Panama. I live in Praderas de San Lorenzo. About 30-40 minutes drive from the center of Panama city. My neighborhood is mostly families. I live in between panamanians. And so far its great. Everybody has a dog here, and most of the people have an unspoken understanding to keep it a kid-safe environment. If you are coming to Panama, i suggest travelling first. I have a dog, so i accepted a rental house in acceptable distance from the airport, to start my reconnaissance of the country from here. My greatest tip is find a billangual local on social media or Couchsurfing or so. But since you are here, reaching out, u can loan mine. She speaks and understands English, and guides tourists. This sunday, she'll take me and others to the lake, in treetrunk kanoes to the locals who still live in the jungle, to waterfalls that would make every shampoomarketeer dream. She calls me a newborn Panamanian baby. She right.
The second most important tip is your visa. Most people dont know it, but tourist visas prohibit applying for work visas. Also. Panamanian companies must have a certain amount of Panamese employees, before being allowed to hire foreigners. But you can always work remotely, as skilled professional, or start a company. Besides that. Bring the basics in medicine. Something useful as Ibuprofen for example, is quite expensive here.
The last thing you need is an openminded spirit. When i arrived, i regularly thought i landed in the stone age. Warm water is unusual. I bought myself a waterheater. Mosquitos are tiny, silent and effective. I bought a fan, so they cant fly to my skin anymore. Cuz to them, im a sleeping buffet.. I sleep in the wind. Its nice and cool too. You will also have to get used to the heat. At the coast, and in the city, its unbearable for me. But inland, in the hills, its much more liveable. But even here, i rarely leave the shade between 10am and 4pm. The first days, walking ten minutes to the store, drew my clothes on my skin in a nice red color🤪. Its better after a month or so. Just dont forget the sunproducts. If u take care of the skin, she willl apapt. Oh. I almost forget the most important thing. Learn spanish. Not many locals had a chance to learn something else, so there wont be much of understandable communications. Even in the cities. Get the app Deeple to translate photos of written things, "voice translator" for the spoken situations, and just plain old google for your own writing.
And if you have more questions, or want to loan my guiding and guardian angel, just reach out.