Morroccan Marriage
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Hi there,
I just got married in Morroco. I live in California, US. I visited Morocco several times and did not meet any girl's family members. I did not even meet all her brothers. Not even after signing the Marriage Contract with Adoul.
We signed the marriage contract and just with her and her father. No one else. The first time, I was there and supposed to do a ceremony or something after marriage but in the end she changed her mind.
I left and she convinced me. When for New Year had a vacation and went back and we signed the paper.
Then, I realized it was wrong because even I visited them one night, she did not take me to her home, her father came out and took me. She went by herself, not with us.
What do you think? is that normal in Morocco? Please, anyone with a similar experience? I appreciate it.
Welcome and no that's not normal and its weird , she hide something or preparing for something so please be careful and if you want talk more about that , we will analyse the whole situation to get clear idea about what's going on or a plan to break her bad plans if there is .
Thank you so much for the response. It does not make sense. I even cannot sit with all of them at home. I only can sit with her father and one brother. They do not even want me to go near their house day time. I did some search. USCIS dos not approve that. I don't know what I do.
@Yassim M
No I met her father. But not Mother. before signing the Marriage, she was not even translating for me when speaking with father. I never had chance to meet one married brother, none of extended family.
That's not normal. She might be hiding something, like the fact that she got married, or maybe her family didn't approve of her marriage. It could be anything from a girl escaping her family's lack of understanding to marry the person she wants, to someone simply chasing a green card. 🤷🏻♀️
Thank you for the response. Her reasoning/excuse is that her family bad and jealous or Majic...etc. But I do not like it. Also, she does not participate in any planning. First time went there and took my family and spent a lot of money bought stuff, I thought after marriage there will be a small ceremony. She changed her mind right before signing it. I left. then she convinced me. I went back on vacation then signed the paper. Iam regretfully and from American legal point of view is suspicious.
I hope she isn't using you for financial benefits or just to bring her to the States. If you don’t feel good anymore, you can directly divorce before it gets worse.
Normally, Moroccan families are very kind and welcoming to the new family member. They love to meet that person and their family. If not, then there is a reason for it.
@SalehUS This is somewhat unclear. Could you specify what aspect the USCIS does not approve of or support?
@Andre Petion
Need to provide some proof, like wedding pictures. Pictures with family, talking ...etc. It sounds a fraud from a western point of view. I have an intuition that there is something wrong.
@SalehUS The situation you've described, particularly the last-minute change of heart followed by a decision to proceed under pressure, coupled with the lack of participation in planning, can indeed raise concerns from a personal and legal standpoint, particularly in the context of American law which values clear consent and mutual agreement in contractual and personal relationships. Feeling regret and suspicion under these circumstances is natural. It may be beneficial to seek legal advice to understand your position better and explore your options. Ensuring you're informed and supported is crucial as you navigate this situation.
Your efforts to make the first visit special, including bringing your family and investing financially and emotionally, demonstrate your commitment and the expectations you had for a celebratory acknowledgment of your marriage. It's disheartening to hear that the plans changed abruptly and without clear communication, leading to confusion and disappointment on your part.
Understanding that the situation is unfolding in Morocco introduces different legal and cultural considerations. Here’s a revised approach based on this context:
Seek Legal Advice: Given the complexities and your concerns about how this situation aligns with American legal standards, consulting with a family law attorney would be a prudent first step. An attorney can provide clarity on your legal standing, the implications of your actions so far, and potential next steps if you're considering ending the marriage or addressing any agreements made under pressure.
Open Communication: If possible, and where it feels appropriate, try to have an open and honest conversation with your spouse about your feelings, concerns, and doubts regarding the relationship and the circumstances surrounding your marriage. It's important to express why you feel regretful and your apprehensions about the future.
Counseling or Mediation: Sometimes, a neutral third party like a counselor or mediator can help facilitate a more productive conversation between you and your spouse. This might be particularly useful if you believe there's room to salvage the relationship or if you need to discuss the terms of a separation amicably.
Reflect on Your Needs and Wants: Take some time to clearly define what you want out of this situation. Whether it's an annulment, a divorce, or a reconciliation that addresses your concerns, knowing what you want is crucial to determining your next steps.
Support System: Lean on your support system during this time. Friends, family, or professional counselors can offer the emotional support and guidance you need as you navigate this challenging period.
Educate Yourself: Familiarize yourself with your rights and obligations under the law, especially regarding marriage, separation, and divorce. Understanding your legal position will empower you to make informed decisions.
Financial Considerations: Given the financial implications mentioned, it might be wise to also seek advice from a financial advisor, particularly regarding any shared assets or financial obligations resulting from the marriage.
They want to make sure that you’re a real couple and not just being paid by her to get a green card in the States. It’s normal. But in your case, it will look like fraud anyway because you have nothing, so she can't come there. Which is maybe a good thing.
On the other hand, I would really think about this. If it doesn’t make you happy, then get rid of her.
To get a better understanding of this and the possible scenarios. I'd need clarification on things.
Is she muslim?
If so muslim woman can't marry non muslim men....the adouls in the court system won't even let you without you converting to islam first in morocco. So did you do the entire marriage process or just only have a contract signed outside of courts. Cuz the real marriage process In morocco is lengthy and requires a lot of things done.
Also, if she is Muslim, almost most family's there will not approve of thier muslim daughters marrying non muslim men either. And marraige is a very public important thing thats celebrated.
so Either way something seems very off.
I met every single family member of my husband's family before marrying. it was the most important thing to him that they all knew me and met me before hand.
Most Moroccan family's are very very close and important to each other. Even more so with thier daughters and women.
So something is off either way. I'd pay attention to how much she pushes coming to America. If and how much money she asked for or needs from you.
I'd even try seeing how she acts if you were to suggest you wanting to move there and be with her Instead. And see how she acts.
Thank you so much. I have tried to speak with several people in Sweden, and UK who married to Moroccans and I do not see any marriage like this.
I cannot continue. I spent a lot of money and traveled there 4-5 times. Do you know what is the processing if I decide to not continue?
@SalehUS If you have personal doubts or believe there is something wrong with the situation, it's important to address these concerns. USCIS does consider personal statements and the context provided by both partners when evaluating the legitimacy of a marriage. If you’re pursuing immigration benefits and have doubts, it’s advisable to consult with an immigration attorney to discuss your specific situation and any potential impacts on your application.
If you are in the process of applying for an immigration benefit through marriage and have concerns about proving the legitimacy of your marriage to USCIS, or if you suspect that there may be issues with the authenticity of your relationship, getting legal advice is crucial. An immigration lawyer can guide you on how to compile a convincing case, address any deficiencies in your evidence, and navigate the complexities of USCIS procedures and requirements.
Mate I will tell you one thing that if she isnt open to represent you as her husband and hiding stuff from her family, friends or relatives then its a big red flat as marriage is something which is announced and in islam people should know whos your wife and husband. In my opinion there is something fishy. Unless she has legit reasons like family issues of accepting you as her husband or what not. So mate be more cautious as not everyone is dodgy or a scammer but that is certainly something to look at.
@Kayklepper638 Typically, that's not how it happens. When I first met my wife, I wasn't Muslim. I went through the Shahada process with an Adoul, and our wedding was a small affair, attended only by us and her extended family. We've been married for five years now.
Thank you so much.
We both are muslims.
Yes, the processing was long. First time did all the paperwork, my consulate, Rabat, Police report, Medical..etc. But I called it off because that time I bought gifts and brought suits as we agreed to marry and then do a small family ceremony. She changed that a few hours before signing the marriage. I di dnot like it.
Then left and it was a message. She did not give up and said she is loving me. I went back for vacation after 5 months around New year to Europe and decided to tour several cities in Morrocco (as I was honest told her because I had a bad experience with some people there including a police officer who interviewed me). But when visited North, I fell in love with Morrocco.
So, long story short, she convinced me and I signed it. after that one night visited their house but in secret. We waited in a dark place to have her father come out to take me inside.
I have to be honest, when comes to money, she is not asking for anything. Also, she is ok if I move to Morroco and this is what she says BUT I have a concern here. I have a very high professional job and high education. She knows about that.
Also, she said Mahr if less than $1000, I will have to add to it and if not they think it is not good.
Another thing when I gave the money at the time of sighing, she gave it to her father. Did not like it and did not like her excuse. She was saying I could not carry it because after that we went out.
Hope this clarifies more and have your opinion. I'm a good citizen and my intention to have a nice family.
I totally understand you; I would feel the same way.
As Andre mentioned already, you should speak to official authorities in your country if you feel that this woman isn’t honest with you, so that she can't get a visa. Then, you can divorce from the States here in Morocco. There are good lawyers here, and you have a reason. It might cost you a bit again, but it's better to pay a professional and get it done than to come here for more stress.
@Andre Petion
Thank you so much for your time.
I'm in law school and work in legal field. I will consult both Family and Immigration attorney and a professional religious person.
Brought family member to US then we were able to get Morroccan visa because my family cannot get Morrcan visa unless they have US visa. It was not easy for me.
I undestan the legal system at somepint because I'm in law school and work in that field. Actually if she is using me , I will loose a lot because I have a lot of wealth and good job. Cannot bring her. I will have to move to Morrocco. But what Kind of Marriage if I live there but don't see her family. not right
Bro just cancel on her instead of giving your head a headache. Live your life in peace and find someone in US as its nearly impossible to judge.
She dos not tell anyone. Not even a married brother. No friends and no one. Her excuse is protection and jealousy. I know in Islam you have to announce it. completely opposite.
It is some thing fishy yes. I don't like it.
I made a mistake. I should have lived in Morrocco for several months them find one that way.
I Just joined this for my case. I'm new here. I receive some private message and it seems they are BANNED. what that mean? I cannot send them messages.
You know already that something is totally wrong, so don’t be so crazy to move here and lose a lot there.
There are so many red flags already. Maybe she was married before or has someone else, and her father protects her? Who knows! But this is not a real marriage.
If I were you, I would hire a good lawyer here in Marrakech to take care of the divorce, and then you’re free.
Thank you so much. Yo are smart. Is it ok to message you in private? are you in Morrocco? can we send private messages?
dont know about that as only mods can confirm but my brother be cautious. Again I am not saying everyone is bad but what you just have stated puts me in doubt.
thanks. Yes, my instinct is good. I don't like it. But need know what is the issue.
Thank you so much. Did you receive it? not sure how this work? Please let me know
Hello everyone,
I would like to address an issue here. Professionals are not allowed to promote their services on the forum section of the website. If you are seeking advice/info from a professional/business, please contact the person in private.
Thank you in advance
@Andre Petion that's not considered a legal marriage. I'm part of a mixed marriage group with Moroccans morocco will not recognize any marriage as legal binding without being approved and going thru thier court proceedings to do so. So sure you may be religiously married but morocco absolutely doesn't recognize any mixed marriage as legal unless you go they their legal process fully and get approved. And it's stated very clearly legally they won't allow a non muslim male to civwlly marry a muslim woman without that male converting first. Moroccan legal marriage laws are very clear. Getting married religiously sure. You can probably find someone willing to bend or ignore things. But definitely not legally or with a cival marriage in Morroco it's not possible.
@SalehUS ok good. So as long as you for sure went about it legally and know that in Morocco's eyes you're married and it wasn't something done randomly without witnesses or legal documentation to prove she is genuinely married in good faitb.
but that may also be harder for you legally if she is doing anything weird or dishonest Via marriage.
But atleast you know that your actually did get married in Morocco's eyes.
It still bothers me tho very much that as muslims things were/are being done with in a hush hush manner and you feel as tho things are remaining held with discretion.
Marriage is A very public thing in islam. Not at all supposed to be done in secret or made to seem suspicious at all.
And it's a very special celebration that family's join together for And normally involved in.
Unless she has some very dangerous or inappropriate, or u accepting family issues that she is trying to avoid or hide, there shouldn't be any reason for her or her father to be making you hide or sneak for anything.
And it's your right as husband to lead your marriage how you wish...not her father's. She chose to follow your lead when she took you as husband. Yes she should still respect her father and family if it's not for reasons that could bring harm to her or your marriage.
But her 1st priority now is to her marriage. I would not only look into legal attorney In family law, but also I would also try speaking to a knowledgeable Imam for possible guidance and advice or support on some things as well brother. Maybe try speaking to her father if you think it could help understand things.
You Don't only need to protect your livelihood and assets, but also need to protect your deen as well.
Nothing in a marriage should ever be secret, selfish or one sided.
I pray Allah guides you both thru your troubles and that you are able to find some solutions to your circumstances 🙏
I wish I could offer more advice and understanding. I pray for you ease.
@Kayklepper638 That girl doesn't seem to be very religious, so she will probably not care if an Imam tries to talk to them to fix things. She looks more like one of those typical Marrakech gold diggers looking for a passport or money or something. So, in his case, to not make it worse, I would directly recommend hiring a lawyer.
She will play very well. She will deny all and she will pretend that she doesn't have idea.
who would believe if 27 years girl who graduated from college and does not know about Moroccan traditional ceremonies or weddings or even conservative family banquets for marriage?
My instinct told me that I was fooled and was scammed.
@ExpatServicesMarrakech yeah, it sadly does sounds like that is the case.
And yes, He definitely needs a lawyer either way. It's Just harsh to that know marriages are still being used for selfish worldly gain and entered into with no respect for the sacredness of it.
A very desperate world we must live in for people to easily use people and marriage like that. It's a shame. Hope He gets the help and clarity He needs. No genuine person deserves to be mislead or used like that at all. I will never understand the audacity.
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