Quiero vivir en cuenca

Hi everyone,

I plan on making the move before Christmas 2025

I'm 79 years old, single, and have begun the process.

I'm currently applying for the FBI and Texas Background check.

As you can tell by the title, I'm enrolled in a Spanish class, and learning.

The draw is the climate, people,and most of all the CoL      I won't be able

to survive here with prices going the way they are.

I joined here looking to perhaps make some friends, and chat

Thanks for being here!!!


It sounds like the world is getting worse.

I am from China and have been living in Cuenca for nearly two years

If you can successfully obtain a visa, it is recommended to choose Cuenca to live. There are a large number of North American retirees here.

But the climate in Cuenca is a little cooler in the morning and evening. If your Spanish can do some basic communication with the locals, you will have more options, such as warmer and more comfortable places, or quiet countryside. Life

Hola yeszlj,

  Thank you for your time and response.

Yes I do think it is getting worse, and long for, the times of my youth.

Which was when the world was a much nicer place.  What Happened?????

Yes,  cuenca is,  my city of choice. It's the conclusion I came to on my own,

having studied ecuador on "Youtube", for the last 2 months or so.

I chose it mainly for the climate. I don't mind the rain but I can no longer tolerate the 105 degree temperatures for weeks, if not months on end, here in the states. I also like that it is a walk-able city. I'm not a couch potato like most others my age. I'm the adventurous type. I revisited Europe in 2003, and did a 3 week walking tour, alone,

of Germany, France, Great Britain, and Belgium. I booked everything online myself,

No "tours du jour" I enjoyed being off the beaten path.

I have 2 weeks of espanol , and find it amazing that I can progress so quickly. I have 12 study hours total so far, having just begun. and although it's not recorded as study hours,  I go over and over the lessons daily. There's  a word of the day feature too,  to add to the progress.

I spent 2 years in Germany,  where I learned conversational German, and Picked up  that. along with the accent, quite quickly too!      "Queiro" ,

wants too,  to do he same with espanol as you can probably tell from my thread title

Well not to take up too much of your time, I'll close for now

Thanks again, for your quick reply.

Charles...en espanol "Carlos"`

Yes, Cuenca is a city suitable for walking, because the city is not big. It is only 5 kilometers from the south to the north of the city, and you can enjoy the city's scenery along the way. At the same time, there are many hiking routes in the mountains around the city. A little further, there is Cajas National Park, a place as beautiful as paradise.

In addition, I recommend you a Facebook group [link moderated], where you can meet more retired people who have settled in Cuenca.

Have a nice weekend

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Thanks for the link, however I won't use "facebook "  because of security, and tracking (even when not logged in) reasons. I am not a product.