Contacting over the Internet people and firms in the USA

Are there any problems on the Internet in Cuenca reaching relatives or businesses back here in the US?

Can I for instance easily send and receive e-mails to my sister in Texas?

Suppose I want quickly to buy or sell a stock through my US broker; can I pull up that site and input and send my order just like here--and will they get the info promptly?

I love how y'all already there are helping us newbies who are about to take the plunge to Eduador.....If, as it looks like, I come there to stay early next year, I'll pitch in, too.

When we were in Cuenca we saw absolutely no difference in the speed of delivery of emails to Minnesota. Everything seemed to be " real time ". Also, we found Magic Jack to be a great asset. We called home on a daily basis, with zero cost. Very cool.
Hope this helps.
Stay Well,

Thanks, Neil, for the e-mail info.

How about pulling up US business sites for ordering products to be sent to Ecuador?   Or something like buying stock?  Where I'd be interacting with a US site, but not via e-mail.....

From my experience, it's exactly the same as home. Guess that's why they call it the World Wide Web.< BSEG >
A good example of your query might be answered in this way. I read my local newspaper on line every day I was in Cuenca. I can see no reason that you would meet any barriers.
Stay Well,

That sounds logical, Neil -- thanks again


For calls, I haven't found anything better than Google voice that gives you a free US number and free calls to US and Canada - unbeatable. Excellent quality too.

I'm not familiar with Google Voice. I assume that system uses your computer as the "phone"?
Another free form of communication is a good thing. I'll look into it. Thanks for the heads up.
Stay Well,

Interesting. On Magic Jack, I can't call free to Ecuador from the States... but from Ecuador, I can call the States and Canada for free.
Hmmmmmm? Anyway, Magic Jack was a good option for me while in Ecuador.
Stay Well

You can use Google voice anywhere, but to sign up you'll need a US phone where Google calls for confirmation. After that it works anywhere, and you get to keep your free number.

TVCable's webpage for information on their internet service.

Thanks, Nards.....I was hoping to find this link, and thanks to you now have it copied twice and filed in my Ecuador and Cuenca folders.

I'll have to second the google voice comments. I've been here now for three weeks and have used it on less than 1mb internet to call home, my health insurance back there and some other numbers with absolutely no trouble or lag. Its fantastic.

as for internet, I was able to get my in-laws (with whom i'm staying the next 6 weeks) a 3.6 mb service with ETAPA for 33bucks including taxes... i'll post an update on the quality after a week or so.

based on a conversation I had with TVcable,  a six minimum contract is required. I may be slumming it in internet cafes for a while since I get the boot from my current place after 3 months.

I was at the Mall Del Rio yesterday, and across from the cinema on the second floor there is a small booth selling home internet service. If I understood her correctly, it relies on an antenna to connect rather than ADSL or Cable. She said there is just one plan and it is $27 a month with a 6 month minimum contract or they ding your for an installation fee of 90 bucks. I think you have to buy your own router for wifi.

I think it was this company although, I may be wrong.

Thanks - I'll add this to my folder.

to msantiago -

That would be a really good broadband deal here where I live in Oregon.  Will keep watching, as I suspect others on here will also, for your follow up quality report -- many thanks

OK, so here's the update.

Installation made cable guys back home look timely and efficient. I was told at the ETAPA offices it would include a wireless N router but actually came with a G modem/router.

We also wasted a day and half waiting for installs that where rescheduled without us knowing...

Ok, all that "avarage" service aside here's what i actually have.

We had replaced a wimax (wireless using an antenna as described above) service that was 30 bucks for 1 MEG.

Now we have a 3.6 Download that has tested 3 separate times on at its projected speeds.

The upload speed is somewhat lackluster, actually coming in well below 1mb at times. I was able to notice improved Skype calls with my wife back in MASS and netflix is loading much better.

so overall for the price i'll give it  solid 4 out of 5 stars.

That's a first class report msantiago.....I'll keep it filed for comparisons when the time comes.  Many thanks.

And if you are a Red Sox fan, my condolences!  I guess if one is escaping from the dreaded Yankees, Cuenca is a pretty good choice!

Unruffled aka Warren

thankfully, my attention span isn't quiet up to the pace of baseball. Although i do love the occasional trip to fenway for a competitive game.

I'm more of a Footbal and Hockey fan and for that i'm definitely in the right place. Can't wait for fall!

side note on my time here with ETAPA DSL. upload speed is miserably inconsistent. I put in a call to them and saw my speeds go from 60k upload to 400k with "nothing" done on their side... I'ms ure something was but i just points to the need for consistent vigilance as a consumer here.

Download speeds are still more than adequate, i was able to stream a netflix movie in HD with little trouble.