Can we make it in Ecuador

Hi, Wondering if it is possible for a couple with just retirement income but no real assets make it work in ecuador on the beach. Any info at all would be appreciated.

I am also wondering the same question.  I am ready to, at least, semi retire, and can't do it here without living in poverty

Very short answer, yes on s.s. retirement if your frugal. More info: Cuenca is a beautiful city (the buildings),the raw exaust from busses and cars is another story,of course if your from L.A. you may not notice.Taxi will run you $1.50 to $2.00 short run within city center, across Cuenca a little more aprox. $4.00 be sure to agree on that before you get in (there is no meter in the taxi's) Busses cost .25 and give you a better view. The people here do not like negative public behavior (anger) and will scowl and or walk away, but come to think of it I have gotten anything from dirty looks to cussed out (and I know all the latino bad words)without saying a word. One bi-lingual taxi driver told me that most ecuadorians who speak only latino and no english are held to the lower pay jobs I'm still studying that one. Public restrooms do not furnish toilet paper, so carry some with you. The expat lounges and bars are a bit over priced and over rated, of course alcohol is not one of the cheaper items here, big margarita $9.00. Contrary to what I read before coming here, most of the women in Ecuador are absolutely beautiful. Rent being the biggest expense my suggestion is look at unfurnished housing in towns 50,000 or less population along the andean mountain chain. If you want to know the biggest bang for the buck on attorney fees for visas or any other questions, send me a private message. But beware, I have a problem with the truth, I open my mouth and it comes out.

Cold Chill,

Here in Ecuador people speak Spanish, not Latino. ;)


You should include numbers !

Hello, I'm currently living in Manta, a coastal city with a population of about 210,000. I've provided a personal list of our expenses that may be useful...

monthly rent- 110.00 (2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, tiled floors... our place was unfurnished as most are here.  It's not too expensive to furnish your house.  Just take your time and look around for good deals because they are out there- for example, one queen size bed/frame/sheets/pillows was 250.00).

electricity- 45.00 (This includes our hot water in the shower. Also, we use the AC throughout the night and fans during the day. Our appliances do stay plugged in while they're not being used...)

telephone- 7.00 (This is really the cost just to have the plan, we rarely if ever use our landline.  The more you use it, the more it costs. However, it's necessary if you want to have the internet connection through the same company.)

internet- 20.00 (unlimited, wireless)

groceries- (This depends on your eating habits, of course.  It should be noted that all imported food -Raisin Brain, for example or Jiffy Peanut Butter- has a 12% tariff!! Really, food is our biggest expense.  We do quite well, too- 275.00 a month but we're vegetarians, thankfully so, because meat is expensive.)

Thanks karamisisters for your useful post. Are there big differences in expenses where you live compare to Cuenca for example?

very nice information. a resident of guayqual told me live very nice on 900 a month