In need of a trained massage/physical therapist ASAP!

Hi all,

I am currently scanning the www looking for a trained physical therapist to help with some knotted-up muscles that I can't seem to mediate on my own.  I'm not having the any luck so far.  :(  Can anyone point me in the right direction or (even better) refer me based on experience?  Since I can't seem to find any independent practitioners I can only assume my best bet may be with the big name hotels but I hate walking in blind, especially since I'm not looking for a basic body massage but have a specific problem.

Any help would be appreciated!

Thanks in advance,

Hi Jennifer,

Just had exactly the same problem, left shoulder and really painful. I went to the doctor and he prescribed me ridiculously strong painkillers which I said outright no to.
I had the same problem before, when I lived in China, it was so easy go for a massage, have some acupuncture, some cupping which sorted it right out.
I went last week to a Chinese doctor here and got the same treatment as in China. She's brilliant. If you'd like to PM me I'll pass on the details