Looking for someone who wants to adopt a cat

Because I'm moving out, I need to give my cat away. It's a little urgent. I'm looking for someone who'd take good care of her. She got all the vaccine shots needed. She's also infertile and trained. And I'm willing to give financial support for the needs of her. All she needs is a place to stay :)
If you're interested, please contact me on my email, or send me a message here.





Hello ArvaritA.

Can you please post an advert in the Pets section in the Istanbul classifieds? It might help.

Thank you,

Oh yes, that's actually what i did at first. Then i thought posting it here too might help :)
Thank you

Good luck with your search! I just adopted two lovely kittens off this site, but as I recall there was someone on here looking to adopt a cat.

I'd also recommend you check out couchsurfing and post there. And upload a photo of it. :)


Thank you!
So, where's that couchsurfing? Can you give me its link?

This is the link to the Istanbul group: couchsurfing.org/group.html?gid=957