What city in Brasil is considered an "IT hub"?

Hello all.  My brother and his wife are thinking about moving to Australia.  I am trying to get them to move to Floripa, Brasil.  I live in Paraguay and want a summer house to go to.  I know it is all selfish on my part :-)
My entire family is in the telecommunications field with my bro being the most qualified; has gone to college and has many letters after his name.  can someone tell me what city in Brasil is considered an "IT hub"?  Would him not knowing Portuguese affect working in Brasil?  Are there telecom headhunters?
Thanks in advance.

Hi redwingpy,

I have created a new thread as from your message on the Brazil forum for better visibility.

Best of luck,

The IT capital of Brazil São Paulo. All of the major companies are here, HP, Dell, Cisco, Microsoft, TIVIT, Linx Telecom, Google Brazil just to mention a few. There are dozens of software companies here too.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog

Whoa, Sao Paulo is too big.  If you need to take a helicoptor to work because of traffic, there is a problem.

Strange.... I lived in São Paulo for many years and always managed to get to work on time without a helicopter.

:D  Yeah that was a bit tongue in cheek on my part.  I have heard though that the traffic there is unbelievable.  Have never been there myself. 

Are there companies that hire extranjeros that don't speak Portuguese?  How can someone like that be profitable for the company if they don't even speak the language?

Pretty difficult if you don't speak at least some Portuguese. There is a chance that if you speak English that will be of help in getting a job in IT here since most of the companies deal with US and UK headquarters.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog